Today at the grocery store


Nope. It is not the case that most grocery stores in those areas have armed security guards. Besides, you are just being your typical moron self, trying to make excuses for forcing law-abiding citizens to be defenseless, and you are doing a shitty job. Why don't you offer up an argument to support your position?

Oh, that's right, your position is indefensible, and you're too stupid to be able to express any sort of coherent argument in the first place.

You're a dishonest moron, i.e. the worst kind.

So, why do you find the idea of law-abiding citizens being able to defend themselves so totally unacceptable? Moron.


Speaking about morons, this post is as moronic has is gets.
The right's worship and fascination with guns is just weird. Their purpose is simply to kill people. How can that be regarded as a good thing? Having said that, if I thought I needed a gun I'd get one. I just don't.

Not as weird as the Left's belief that if everyone were disarmed, violence would somehow cease.

Nope. It is not the case that most grocery stores in those areas have armed security guards. Besides, you are just being your typical moron self, trying to make excuses for forcing law-abiding citizens to be defenseless, and you are doing a shitty job. Why don't you offer up an argument to support your position?

Oh, that's right, your position is indefensible, and you're too stupid to be able to express any sort of coherent argument in the first place.

You're a dishonest moron, i.e. the worst kind.

So, why do you find the idea of law-abiding citizens being able to defend themselves so totally unacceptable? Moron.



But not around me.

Thanks in advance!

So, I think you nailed a big part of the hidden rationale of the right's gun culture.
Geeko Sportivo's anecdote is pure urban TDS fiction, and of course, you have no way of knowing since you don't have any critical reasoning skills.

So, getting back to your rationale for why law-abiding citizens should be rendered defenseless before violent crime, fictitious anecdotes don't count for anything. Do you have any sort of argument for why any rational adult should agree with your position that law-abiding citizens should be disarmed for easy control by a tyrannical government through intimidation and fear-mongering?

Oh, and remember that leftists are the ones who HATE women, children, the unborn, Jews, LBGTQIAMIPPISMASTRPHFCMA+ and living humans in general. Democrats are the party of slavery and still want to see "blacks" in chains. Democrats are the party of poverty and won't stop until every American (except DNC leadership) is penniless. Remember, they're not happy until you're not happy.

Sick shit.

Nobody said that. It would drop precipitously though. You do not know what is wrong with using absolutes in discussions?

It didn't in England. What happened was stabbings and other knife related attacks replaced it. Then the UK all but banned knives, and... Take away all the weapons and people will still beat others to death with a rock.

You deal with the problems with people to stop violence, not simply take away the tools.

I'll take that as an admission that you can't rebut anything that I posted. That's quite a compliment. Thank you. Imagine how meaningful it would have been if it had come from someone who wasn't "special needs."


You're not making points needing to be "reubutted" you're just gaslighting and stirring up shit. It's what trolls do.​
Geeko Sportivo's anecdote is pure urban TDS fiction, and of course, you have no way of knowing since you don't have any critical reasoning skills.

So, getting back to your rationale for why law-abiding citizens should be rendered defenseless before violent crime, fictitious anecdotes don't count for anything. Do you have any sort of argument for why any rational adult should agree with your position that law-abiding citizens should be disarmed for easy control by a tyrannical government through intimidation and fear-mongering?

Oh, and remember that leftists are the ones who HATE women, children, the unborn, Jews, LBGTQIAMIPPISMASTRPHFCMA+ and living humans in general. Democrats are the party of slavery and still want to see "blacks" in chains. Democrats are the party of poverty and won't stop until every American (except DNC leadership) is penniless. Remember, they're not happy until you're not happy.

Sick shit.


Your bizarre use of gifs and images confirm you're a total nutjob. Your "sick shit" comment is quite ironic.

You wallow in anger and insanity.
For me, it would depend on how they were dressed and if they had visible tats I could read. They're in all red or blue, problem. Tats read gangster, problem. Otherwise, maybe a problem, maybe not a problem. All they have is a holstered pistol visible, and not the above, not a problem.

Example. A few years ago I was at a tropical fish store with some of the grandkids. They were picking out some new adds to an aquarium we had at the time. A black guy was in the store, one of several. He alone made me nervous. He was in loose clothes, all red or nearly so. All I could think was "Blood." That he was a gangster and wearing his colors. That's a danger sign. No gun visible, nothing like that, just his attire.

Same would go for bikers in the store wearing colors. What do their colors read, and what do their visible tats say.

So you're admitting to racism. It's okay because I also don't like blacks and this is an issue we can agree on.
It works in Australia, England, New Zealand, Canada and everywhere else guns aren't worshipped by the whacky right.

It hasn't worked that way anywhere.

Homicide is on the rise in Australia. Should we be concerned?

Fact Check: Did Australia Solve Mass Shootings by 'Surrendering' Its Guns?

Police-reported crime is on the rise again, with violent crime at its highest since 2007

Violent crime keeps rising; murder rate highest in 30 years: StatCan

New Zealand:
After Covid, crime swells in New Zealand’s empty city centres

Gangs of New Zealand: explosion of violence prompts fears police have lost control

It isn't the tool that's the problem, it's the people.
It hasn't worked that way anywhere.

Homicide is on the rise in Australia. Should we be concerned?

Fact Check: Did Australia Solve Mass Shootings by 'Surrendering' Its Guns?

Police-reported crime is on the rise again, with violent crime at its highest since 2007

Violent crime keeps rising; murder rate highest in 30 years: StatCan

New Zealand:
After Covid, crime swells in New Zealand’s empty city centres

Gangs of New Zealand: explosion of violence prompts fears police have lost control

It isn't the tool that's the problem, it's the people.

Yes, there are criminals everywhere. Per capita, there are not as many shootings, stabbings, etc. in the countries who have done away with guns as there are in the U.S. It is the guns that is the problem.

From one of the articles you posted: "By international standards, New Zealand’s cities tend to be relatively safe, and headlines in recent months".

So even your article claims NZ is safer. Thanks.
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You're not making points needing to be "reubutted"
I made a lengthy post full of points. The only explanation for your having missed the entire content of my post is that you are another undereducated leftist who can't read. So, I guess we're done.

By the way, EVADING all points and simply responding with an ad hominem is what stupid trolls do that crave attention, you fucking mindless, uneducated, attention-craving troll.

Why did your foster parents fish you out of the dumpster if they weren't going to give you any sort of education? Did they only want you to wash dishes or something?

I made a lengthy post full of points. The only explanation for your having missed the entire content of my post is that you are another undereducated leftist who can't read. So, I guess we're done.

By the way, EVADING all points and simply responding with an ad hominem is what stupid trolls do that crave attention, you fucking mindless, uneducated, attention-craving troll.

Why did your foster parents fish you out of the dumpster if they weren't going to give you any sort of education? Did they only want you to wash dishes or something?


troll says "what"?

It is the guns that is the problem.
Nope, the problem is the leftists creating defenselessness zones and preventing law-abiding citizens from being able to defend themselves. All mass shootings occur in defenselessness zones established by leftists. Of course, immediately after any mass shooting in one of their established defenselessness zones, leftists rush to blame the NRA and law-abiding citizens who want to be able to defend themselves. Leftists are shitty that way.

In contrast, no cop bars are ever robbed at gunpoint. Schools that have armed deputies on campus have no instances of school shootings, i.e. the children are safe, not shot the hell up because they were herded into a defenselessness zone established by leftists as is the case in every school shooting.

Moral of the story: Leftists are the problem. They are sick. They take pleasure in knowing that law-abiding citizens are being shot and killed because they (the leftists) forced them into defenselessness before violent crime.

When leftists are faced with this reality, i.e. that they are the problem, that they are the cancer of our society, they become dismissive and rush to blame the NRA. I don't know if I have mentioned it recently but leftists are shitty that way.


Your bizarre use of gifs and images confirm you're a total nutjob.
GIFs confirm I'm a nutjob? OK. What about JPGs and PNGs?

A nutjob is an undereducated loser (e.g. you) who thinks he's a psychiatric professional, and who thinks the use of graphics/images is somehow "bizarre." You are definitely an idiot.

Your "sick shit" comment is quite ironic.
It hits close to home?

You wallow in anger and insanity.
That would make me a leftist, and that's not me. No, I wallow in bacon-wrapped, honey-bourbon BBQ-glazed chicken wings! I can wallow in those all day.

If you're lucky, you can call up to your mother from the basement and get her to bring you down a few more chocolate chip cookies.

Yes, there are criminals everywhere. Per capita, there are not as many shootings, stabbings, etc. in the countries who have done away with guns as there are in the U.S. It is the guns that is the problem.

From one of the articles you posted: "By international standards, New Zealand’s cities tend to be relatively safe, and headlines in recent months".

So even your article claims NZ is safer. Thanks.

Wrong! Each nation has a culture and with that people behave somewhat differently. You can't compare one nation to another in terms of crime really, but rather only to itself. For example, in the US, if suddenly tomorrow every Black in the country disappeared somewhere between a third and half of all US crime would vanish with them. That's a cold, hard, fact.

That chart proves it. While the raw percentage is shown, you have to account for the fact that Blacks make up about 12% of the population.

Here, they account for that partially.

Blacks are 12.5% of the population and commit about a third of all crimes, or roughly triple the amount in proportion to their presence in society.