Today at the grocery store

I guess that would depend on where you are... I don't think I'd feel particularly safe in a grocery store in South Chicago, most of Baltimore, or say, San Francisco or Oakland today. The shoplifters alone would be enough to make me uneasy...

Not a whole lot of that going on in Arizona. People shoot back.
Legal in some states but incredibly stupid

I don't know where this one was taken, but that is not a legal carry in Arizona. A pistol MUST be in a holster or carrying case. You pocket or waistband doesn't count.

Again, not an Arizona picture by the caption on it. In Arizona that is considered open carry. Most of the holster is exposed, and that's sufficient.

As for businesses saying "No" to open carry, they can in Arizona, so long as they have a secure means to check your weapon at the door. They can't tell you to go put it in your car or the like, they must provide a secure storage spot to hold your weapon until you leave the store.

It is legal to carry without a holster in Arizona. Just not in a car. The holster, carry case, etc. requirement is for when the gun is in a car.
Frankly, it's rather stupid to not use a proper holster at all times (even when carrying concealed), but currently there is no requirement to do so unless you are in a car.
It is legal to carry without a holster in Arizona. Just not in a car. The holster, carry case, etc. requirement is for when the gun is in a car.
Frankly, it's rather stupid to not use a proper holster at all times (even when carrying concealed), but currently there is no requirement to do so unless you are in a car.

For open carry, it better be in a holster. If not, see how fast the cops pull you over for it. Even in a car, the gun can be out of a holster if it is locked in the glovebox or trunk of the vehicle.
She is making as many pro-right, pro-Trump threads as possible. They do not have to make sense. She gets paid for number, not quantity.
I think it's a guy, but 'she' claimed to have been raped.

Probably in a grocery store.
Republicans in Congress love to promote open carry in bars, restaurants, etc. You know where they outlaw possession of firearms 100%? Congress. Hypocrisy much?
I get a good chuckle on the rare occasions that I see a Right Wing loon open carrying in a store.

They don't realize that they are jeopardizing their own safety. If I wanted their gun, I would have it in 30 seconds. Whether or not I opted to put them out of their paranoid delusional misery would depend on my mood at the time.

I would probably opt for not doing prison time just to prove a point.

I would probably give them their gun back, and tell them that the next time I won't be so patient.
lets just say, for a second, that this actually to counter this bullshit, I received a huge thank you and a ribeye steak from my local kroger manager because I had a gun on me. I was walking from the parking lot to the door when the manager was walking two individuals out who were trying to shoplift from the store, arguing and threatening the manager. When they got about 20 yards from the front entrance, those two turned around and started advancing on the manager, so I yelled at them to turn around and keep walking. They looked at me like they were getting ready to include me in their attack until they saw that I had an openly carried handgun............they turned back around and left the property. That manager said hello to me every time he saw me in his store from then on.

I can top both your stories.....I went to the grocery store....I bought hamburger because it was on sale and milk because my wife wanted it...I paid with my debit card and drove home.....