Trump Admits Collusion


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In a tweet this morning, Trump admitted that the infamous Trump Tower meeting with Russian agents WAS about getting information damaging to his political opponent from a foreign power.

He had written a statement saying the meeting was about adoption policies so we now know that was a lie.

He claims that this collusion meeting was legal. It was not.

He claims he did not know about the meeting in advance. Considering the lies he has already told about this meeting...there is no reason to believe that claim.

At the very least he just threw his son and son in law under the bus
I don't see a statute stating collusion is a crime.

So we've gone from "no collusion" to "collusion is not a crime".

Yes it is. The conspiracy involved in that collusion is a crime. The campaign finance laws broken constitute crimes. Possibly even espionage act charges would constitute crimes
The goal posts are literally being moved in real time, folks.

For 18 months, Trump boot-lickers have been hollering "No collusion!".

Is anyone but me absolutely flabbergasted at how rapidly they abandoned that talking point, to hollering that colluding with the Kremlin is perfectly legal?

The goal posts are literally being moved in real time, folks.

For 18 months, Trump boot-lickers have been hollering "No collusion!".

Is anyone but me absolutely flabbergasted at how rapidly they abandoned that talking point, to hollering that colluding with the Kremlin is perfectly legal?


That was always the plan. Claim it didn't happen until that claim can no longer be supported and then move on to another unsupportable claim.

It has worked with Climate Denial for almost 15 years
That was always the plan. Claim it didn't happen until that claim can no longer be supported and then move on to another unsupportable claim.

It has worked with Climate Denial for almost 15 years

Jesus, yet another ignorant peasant. Fuck off, we have filled our quota already.
In a tweet this morning, Trump admitted that the infamous Trump Tower meeting with Russian agents WAS about getting information damaging to his political opponent from a foreign power.

He had written a statement saying the meeting was about adoption policies so we now know that was a lie.

He claims that this collusion meeting was legal. It was not.

He claims he did not know about the meeting in advance. Considering the lies he has already told about this meeting...there is no reason to believe that claim.

At the very least he just threw his son and son in law under the bus

That's not collusion, remember? That's opposition research. Remember "teh dossier"? That was bought and paid for by Hitlery. Is that collusion too? Furthermore, the tower meeting was a ruse by Hitlery connected people, no "dirt" was acquired.
That's not collusion, remember? That's opposition research. Remember "teh dossier"? That was bought and paid for by Hitlery. Is that collusion too? Furthermore, the tower meeting was a ruse by Hitlery connected people, no "dirt" was acquired.

Post your proof, from a reputable source that Hillary Clinton colluded with the Kremlin and Russian state intelligence services to produce the dossier. That measn, no opinion pieces, no InfoWars, no Sean Hannity, no Devin Nunes b.s..

Fact checkers I have seen have rated your claim false.

"There is no evidence that Clinton was involved in Steele’s reports or worked with Russian entities to feed information to Steele. "
But what do rightwing posters have to say about the fact their Orange Hero lied for 18 months about his campaign's collusion with the Russians, only belatedly admitting it this week?
I don't see a statute stating collusion is a crime.

Nobody is saying that there is a crime specifically called "collusion". The constant harping by the Trumptard right that there isn't such acrime is just more of the same old deflection we've all come to expect out of you people.

Collusion is just a word that is being used to describe a set of other actions which together or separately, DO constitute criminal activity.

You all know that. We all know that.

Time to drop the charade, Trumptards.
He is being impeached and removed from office and no amount of groans from Havana Poon, the foreign guy who cares way too much about our country while totally ignoring his own, can do a fucking thing about it!
Nobody is saying that there is a crime specifically called "collusion". The constant harping by the Trumptard right that there isn't such acrime is just more of the same old deflection we've all come to expect out of you people.

Collusion is just a word that is being used to describe a set of other actions which together or separately, DO constitute criminal activity.

You all know that. We all know that.

Time to drop the charade, Trumptards.

Trumptards drop charades as easily as Charlie Sheen drops a cocaine spoon.
In a tweet this morning, Trump admitted that the infamous Trump Tower meeting with Russian agents WAS about getting information damaging to his political opponent from a foreign power.

He had written a statement saying the meeting was about adoption policies so we now know that was a lie.

He claims that this collusion meeting was legal. It was not.

He claims he did not know about the meeting in advance. Considering the lies he has already told about this meeting...there is no reason to believe that claim.

At the very least he just threw his son and son in law under the bus

When I read that tweet...I almost shit.

Trump is one of the dumbest fuck-heads ever to be in public life.

After all the denying...he just comes out and admits what the meeting was about.
The goal posts are literally being moved in real time, folks.

For 18 months, Trump boot-lickers have been hollering "No collusion!".

Is anyone but me absolutely flabbergasted at how rapidly they abandoned that talking point, to hollering that colluding with the Kremlin is perfectly legal?


I think the move was inevitable.

They realize Mueller has the goods on them...and they think they are "getting out front" with this shit.

Between the stupidity of Donald Trump and the "advice" he is getting from Giulliani...this may end up in a murder conviction.