Trump Admits Collusion

you see the difference is, no one denies that Hilliary and the DNC did in fact obtain the Steele dossier in precisely the same method they claim Donnie attempted to obtain information but did not.......

One day I might ceased to be amazed at liberal’s double standards lol.

But I’m not there yet.
Thank God we now will have a special counsel to investigate Hillary /Russia collusion.

crazy how karma comes back around to GET YA isn't it

Nut bags are going have a hissy fit for two years
Whatever Clinton did or didn't do has nothing to do with what Trump has now admitted to doing...and what he previously lied about
This is the equivalent of shooting someone in the middle of Fifth Ave in broad daylight.

His supporters simply don't care
In a tweet this morning, Trump admitted that the infamous Trump Tower meeting with Russian agents WAS about getting information damaging to his political opponent from a foreign power.

He had written a statement saying the meeting was about adoption policies so we now know that was a lie.

He claims that this collusion meeting was legal. It was not.

He claims he did not know about the meeting in advance. Considering the lies he has already told about this meeting...there is no reason to believe that claim.

At the very least he just threw his son and son in law under the bus

In a tweet this morning, Trump admitted that the infamous Trump Tower meeting with Russian agents WAS about getting information damaging to his political opponent from a foreign power.

THAT is a crime
In a tweet this morning, Trump admitted that the infamous Trump Tower meeting with Russian agents WAS about getting information damaging to his political opponent from a foreign power.

THAT is a crime

It ought to be a crime to be president of the United States...

...and be as stupid as is Donald Trump!