Trump Admits Collusion

Dems will lose at least two this November.......better set your sights on 2020......

You sure about there? What will they lose? Because it seems the GOP is likely to lose Texas, Nevada, Arizona, Tennessee. That's +4 for Team Blue. Even if they lose Missouri (which isn't likely) and Florida (Scott is a longshot), they're still netting out -2. Heitkamp has no serious challenger in North Dakota, and maybe they have a shot at knocking off Donnelly in IN, but the rest of the Democrats who might be vulnerable in the Senate are definitely in strong positions given midterms tend to be bad news for the party in power.
In a tweet this morning, Trump admitted that the infamous Trump Tower meeting with Russian agents WAS about getting information damaging to his political opponent from a foreign power.

He had written a statement saying the meeting was about adoption policies so we now know that was a lie.

He claims that this collusion meeting was legal. It was not.

He claims he did not know about the meeting in advance. Considering the lies he has already told about this meeting...there is no reason to believe that claim.

At the very least he just threw his son and son in law under the bus

Incredibly stupid.

Uh Comrade, ALL political campaigns seek to find dirt on the opposition. You know, the way Hillary did when she hired Fusion GPS and COLLUDED with Russia to get dirt on Donald Trump?

Or better yet, how Diane Feinstein COLLUDED with Communist China for 40 years to gain access to American markets in exchange for nearly a billion dollars in bribes.

Actually, DiFi is a fucking spy, a traitor who sold out the nation for personal wealth.
Incredibly stupid.

Uh Comrade, ALL political campaigns seek to find dirt on the opposition. You know, the way Hillary did when she hired Fusion GPS and COLLUDED with Russia to get dirt on Donald Trump?

Or better yet, how Diane Feinstein COLLUDED with Communist China for 40 years to gain access to American markets in exchange for nearly a billion dollars in bribes.

Actually, DiFi is a fucking spy, a traitor who sold out the nation for personal wealth.

Uh Comrade, ALL political campaigns seek to find dirt on the opposition.

Doing so with the aid of a foreign government is illegal
Uh Comrade, ALL political campaigns seek to find dirt on the opposition.

Doing so with the aid of a foreign government is illegal

So Hillary broke the law by paying a law firm to pay Steele to get dirt from the Russian government on Trump? Is that what you are saying?

I don’t think you guys even understand what happened.

Rachel Maddox told you guys that Russia stole the election from Hillary and you dutifully fall in line
So Hillary broke the law by paying a law firm to pay Steele to get dirt from the Russian government on Trump? Is that what you are saying?

I don’t think you guys even understand what happened.

Rachel Maddox told you guys that Russia stole the election from Hillary and you dutifully fall in line
Dude...if it can be shown that Clinton conspired with the Russian government (to lose the election? Putin has STATED that he favored Trump) then she should be prosecuted.
That has no bearing on what Trump did.
Hold on now. Trump n Co said collusion isn't a crime so why all the hate towards Hillary and accusing her of the same thing if it's not a crime?
Dude...if it can be shown that Clinton conspired with the Russian government (to lose the election? Putin has STATED that he favored Trump) then she should be prosecuted.
That has no bearing on what Trump did.

She conspired with Russia to try to WIN her election. What I present is DOCUMENTED fact

1) Hillary Clinton enlisted the services of Perkins Coie
2) Perkins Coie enlisted the services of Fusion GPS
3) Fusion GPS enlisted the services of Christopher Steele

According to the Steele Dossier which according to leftists is the bible of Trump Collusion. These were his sources for said dossier

1) A senior Russian Foreign Ministry figure
2) A former top Russian intelligence officer
3) Several knowledgeable FSB sources
4) A trusted compatriot (there are references to at least 5 of these)
5) A former top level Russian intelligence officer who is still active inside the Kremlin
6) A senior Russian financial official
7) A close associate of Trump
8) Source E (redacted)
9) A female staffer at the Ritz Carlton hotel
10) An ethnic Russian operative connected to the Ritz Carlton hotel
11) A senior Kremlin official
12) A Russian IT specialist with direct knowledge of FSB operations
13) A senior Russian government figure
14) An ethnic Russian who is a close associate of Trump
15) A separate source with direct knowledge of Trump’s investment in Russia
16) A Russian source close to Rosneft President
17) An official close to Presidential Administration Head Sergei Ivanov
18) A Kremlin official close to Sergei IVANOV
19) A trusted associate of a Russian émigré
20) Two well-placed and established Kremlin sources
21) A source close to premier Dmitriy Medvedev
22) A close colleague (of Steele)
23) A Kremlin official involved in US relations
24) A Kremlin insider
25) A Kremlin advisor
26) A well-placed Russian figure
27) An American political figure associated with TRUMP
28) A senior member of the Russian Presidential Administration (PA)
29) A senior Russian MFA official
30) Top level Russian official
31) Two knowledgeable St Petersburg sources
32) A senior Russian leadership figure
33) A Russian Foreign Ministry official
34) Igor Sechin’s close associate

Oh and if you doubt my facts. Here from the Washington Post

Marc E. Elias, a lawyer representing the Clinton campaign and the DNC, retained Fusion GPS, a Washington firm, to conduct the research.

After that, Fusion GPS hired dossier author Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence officer with ties to the FBI and the U.S. intelligence community, according to those people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

Elias and his law firm, Perkins Coie, retained the company in April 2016 on behalf of the Clinton campaign and the DNC. Before that agreement, Fusion GPS's research into Trump was funded by an unknown Republican client during the GOP primary.

The Clinton campaign and the DNC, through the law firm, continued to fund Fusion GPS's research through the end of October 2016, days before Election Day.

Now this is where you try to hide behind the "The GOP started it" as if that absolves Hillary Clinton of paying for this through October 2016. Which ironically enough is when Carter Page's FISA warrant was approved. Coincidence?

Now, isn't it odd that the Hillary Clinton campaign would pay $15 million and not want to know what they were getting? You think they didn't know? Really?

What we have here is DOCUMENTED proof of the Hillary Clinton campaign colluding with Russians to impact an American election. That she did it through other sources doesn't matter.

It is like saying, because you hired a lawyer who then hired the search firm who then hired the hit man you aren't guilty of murder.

I will now humbly accept your concession
If Clinton did something illegal she should be prosecuted.

That doesn't get Trump off the hook.

Poor execution of the PeeWee Herman Defense...but if it's all you have in the face of Trump's own admissions...I guess you have to run with it
If Clinton did something illegal she should be prosecuted.

That doesn't get Trump off the hook.

Poor execution of the PeeWee Herman Defense...but if it's all you have in the face of Trump's own admissions...I guess you have to run with it

Oh the "if/should" argument our friend Domer loves so much.

Can you refute ANYTHING I posted here? I am not claiming that Hillary committed a crime. What I am saying is that IF you think that Trump committed a crime of colluding with Russia then based on the same facts you should think Hillary did. Her campaign ADMITTED to paying Coie, who paid Fusion GPS who paid Steele who USED RUSSIANS to gather information on Trump. Now lefties have said that what Hillary did is just "normal opposition research" but somehow Trump did something illegal with the Trump Tower meeting. Both cannot be true. Which is true Leshy? Come on. No "if/should" bullshit to try to weasel out. Man up. Grow a set of balls

She conspired with Russia to try to WIN her election. What I present is DOCUMENTED fact

1) Hillary Clinton enlisted the services of Perkins Coie
2) Perkins Coie enlisted the services of Fusion GPS
3) Fusion GPS enlisted the services of Christopher Steele

According to the Steele Dossier which according to leftists is the bible of Trump Collusion. These were his sources for said dossier

1) A senior Russian Foreign Ministry figure
2) A former top Russian intelligence officer
3) Several knowledgeable FSB sources
4) A trusted compatriot (there are references to at least 5 of these)
5) A former top level Russian intelligence officer who is still active inside the Kremlin
6) A senior Russian financial official
7) A close associate of Trump
8) Source E (redacted)
9) A female staffer at the Ritz Carlton hotel
10) An ethnic Russian operative connected to the Ritz Carlton hotel
11) A senior Kremlin official
12) A Russian IT specialist with direct knowledge of FSB operations
13) A senior Russian government figure
14) An ethnic Russian who is a close associate of Trump
15) A separate source with direct knowledge of Trump’s investment in Russia
16) A Russian source close to Rosneft President
17) An official close to Presidential Administration Head Sergei Ivanov
18) A Kremlin official close to Sergei IVANOV
19) A trusted associate of a Russian émigré
20) Two well-placed and established Kremlin sources
21) A source close to premier Dmitriy Medvedev
22) A close colleague (of Steele)
23) A Kremlin official involved in US relations
24) A Kremlin insider
25) A Kremlin advisor
26) A well-placed Russian figure
27) An American political figure associated with TRUMP
28) A senior member of the Russian Presidential Administration (PA)
29) A senior Russian MFA official
30) Top level Russian official
31) Two knowledgeable St Petersburg sources
32) A senior Russian leadership figure
33) A Russian Foreign Ministry official
34) Igor Sechin’s close associate

Oh and if you doubt my facts. Here from the Washington Post

Marc E. Elias, a lawyer representing the Clinton campaign and the DNC, retained Fusion GPS, a Washington firm, to conduct the research.

After that, Fusion GPS hired dossier author Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence officer with ties to the FBI and the U.S. intelligence community, according to those people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

Elias and his law firm, Perkins Coie, retained the company in April 2016 on behalf of the Clinton campaign and the DNC. Before that agreement, Fusion GPS's research into Trump was funded by an unknown Republican client during the GOP primary.

The Clinton campaign and the DNC, through the law firm, continued to fund Fusion GPS's research through the end of October 2016, days before Election Day.

Now this is where you try to hide behind the "The GOP started it" as if that absolves Hillary Clinton of paying for this through October 2016. Which ironically enough is when Carter Page's FISA warrant was approved. Coincidence?

Now, isn't it odd that the Hillary Clinton campaign would pay $15 million and not want to know what they were getting? You think they didn't know? Really?

What we have here is DOCUMENTED proof of the Hillary Clinton campaign colluding with Russians to impact an American election. That she did it through other sources doesn't matter.

It is like saying, because you hired a lawyer who then hired the search firm who then hired the hit man you aren't guilty of murder.

I will now humbly accept your concession