Trump Admits Collusion

He was told in advance what it was SUPPOSED to be about. Russian help getting dirt on Hillary...which is illegal

Trump and his boot-licking sycophants should not even need a law to tell them how wrong this is.

A presidential candidate who is a responsible citizen and patriotic American tells the agents of a hostile foreign government to fuck off if they approach him to provide dirt on another American politician.
Junior didn't know there was nothing about Hillary until after he took the meeting. I'm saying why didn't he contact the FBI before?

because he had no evidence Hilliary had done anything.......he would have had to go to the meeting and been given something before he would have had something to take to the FBI.......this all seems pretty fundamental to me.......I'm not sure why you're having a problem......
:rolleyes: I haven't said much of anything about the Mueller investigation because we just don't know. And there are many others like me. So don't lump me in with others who are guessing.

I lump you in with all the fucking idiots because you're a fucking idiot......why are you surprised?......
because he had no evidence Hilliary had done anything.......he would have had to go to the meeting and been given something before he would have had something to take to the FBI.......this all seems pretty fundamental to me.......I'm not sure why you're having a problem......


This idiot thinks being contacted by Russian agents with an offer of dirt isn’t sufficient to contact the FBI.

Typical ignorant Trumptard.
Some fun facts about our favorite Russian lawyer

She met with Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS BEFORE and AFTER the Trump Tower Meeting


Or was it a setup like Papadopolous was set up by Halper?

I suspect the latter

Oh and she was given special permission to be here by Loretta Lynch

Why would the Obama administration allow our operatives from a hostile nation to roam free?
probably because there wasn't any evidence provided that Hilliary had broken any laws......should he have approached them and said, "I got nothing".......

That would have been a great conversation.

Don Jr: Get me the FBI

James Comey: FBI here

Don Jr: This is Don Jr. A Russian offered us dirt on Hillary but had nothing. Can you investigate?

James Comey: I will get right on it
I still don't know how you can trap someone into perjury if their hands are clean.

And if Mueller finds out these people who cooperated did something criminal, it's his obligation to have them pay a penalty, whatever it is.

Still, I don't think that you guys need to worry. trump will pardon them all in the end.

I think he is saying that if Trump agrees to an interview...he will have to move his lips when answering questions posed.

Everyone knows that when Trump is moving his lips...HE IS LYING.

It is "a trap" of sorts...for a lying jackass like Trump.
I keep saying, if there were a reason to investigate Hillary, Session would be all over it, I’m sure Trump has gotten on his case about it.

Nobody in history has been investigated more than Hillary Clinton.

These assholes just will not accept that the investigators cannot find anything substantial.

This idiot thinks being contacted by Russian agents with an offer of dirt isn’t sufficient to contact the FBI.

Typical ignorant Trumptard.

so the demmycrats paid $12m for the Steele dossier.........did they go to the FBI before or after they bought it.......
The meeting was about adoptions. If the Magnitsky Act can be repealed or circumvented, Russian adoptions to US parents can resume.

It was not about adoption. that was a cover story Trumps dreamed up to cover the real aim, getting dirt on Hillary. Unless the fact that Putin adopted Trump at that time counts.
because he had no evidence Hilliary had done anything.......he would have had to go to the meeting and been given something before he would have had something to take to the FBI.......this all seems pretty fundamental to me.......I'm not sure why you're having a problem......

Did you even read the first email in the chain, ignorant one? He was advised "the government" (Putin) supported trump and wanted to help with so-called evidence against Hillary. Just that first message should have put Junior on guard. I guess you don't think it's odd the Russian government would be contacting a candidate to help with his election. trumpanzees are like that.

"The Crown prosecutor of Russia met with his father Aras this morning and in their meeting offered to provide the Trump campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father.

This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump - helped along by Aras and Emin."
Yet if WashPo, the NYT, CNN, or the like posts a retraction on a single story -- they are never, ever to be trusted ever again. EVER.

Hard to believe what seemingly bright ppl like Darth will fall for, isn't it?

It's like all these diehards are under a spell. They're every bit as zealous as any cult member in history.
It was not about adoption. that was a cover story Trumps dreamed up to cover the real aim, getting dirt on Hillary. Unless the fact that Putin adopted Trump at that time counts.
Trump probably doesn’t know anything about the Manitsky Act. Russians not allowing adoptions because of it is probably the only thing he understood.
I cant wait until the indictments come out and the Don, Jr. Emails are made public.