Trump Admits Collusion

Well, I didn't say it was a breaking story, just that the trump spin on it doesn't add up. The Russians promised dirt on Hillary and Junior got nothing. Veselnitskaya never said she talked about adoption with Junior, and later Junior admitted the adoption story was false. So what was the real reason for the approach, besides the possibility that Putin and his billionaire friend wanted a link to trump.

Waiting for Mueller to tell us.

In a written response, Veselnitskaya said no information specific to Clinton was provided in the meeting. She also lamented the “kind of apocalyptic Hollywood scenario what a private conversation between a lawyer and a businessman can be turned into.”

Boy, is she ever right lol. This might be the Mother of Nothing Burgers and that’s saying something.

The Russian lawyer testified in writing that no information about Clinton was provided in the 20 minute meeting. Would it matter if they discussed Russian vodka?
You do realize the investigation isn't over yet and your comment is just supposition.

Meh, wishful thinking.

Too much is known about it. Mullet’s best bet is to try and get Trump to agree to an interview about it and hope he can cross him up so he can get a perjury trap.

I’d tell Mullet to pound sand. He’s screwed everyone that’s cooperated with him.
Meh, wishful thinking.

Too much is known about it. Mullet’s best bet is to try and get Trump to agree to an interview about it and hope he can cross him up so he can get a perjury trap.

I’d tell Mullet to pound sand. He’s screwed everyone that’s cooperated with him.

I still don't know how you can trap someone into perjury if their hands are clean.

And if Mueller finds out these people who cooperated did something criminal, it's his obligation to have them pay a penalty, whatever it is.

Still, I don't think that you guys need to worry. trump will pardon them all in the end.
In a written response, Veselnitskaya said no information specific to Clinton was provided in the meeting. She also lamented the “kind of apocalyptic Hollywood scenario what a private conversation between a lawyer and a businessman can be turned into.”

Boy, is she ever right lol. This might be the Mother of Nothing Burgers and that’s saying something.

The Russian lawyer testified in writing that no information about Clinton was provided in the 20 minute meeting. Would it matter if they discussed Russian vodka?

And this is why I'm suspicious. What was the point of the meeting if either side supposedly got nothing?

Maybe they planted a bug.
I still don't know how you can trap someone into perjury if their hands are clean.

And if Mueller finds out these people who cooperated did something criminal, it's his obligation to have them pay a penalty, whatever it is.

Still, I don't think that you guys need to worry. trump will pardon them all in the end.

Flynn did nothing illegal except lie/misspeak in front of Strzok—and they destroyed him for it, because they are after Trump.

That’s why I say Mullet instead of Mueller. I trust these people about as far as I can throw them. If Trump agrees to an interview with Mullet he’s stupid.
And this is why I'm suspicious. What was the point of the meeting if either side supposedly got nothing?

Maybe they planted a bug.

Who the frick knows lol.

The most plausible explanation is Junior was tricked by Goldstone into listening to the Russian lawyer yap about the Maginsky Act. Everyone testified the meeting was short. No loose ends. End of story.

There’s at least a couple of ways to go with the conspiracy route. And one of them is ‘someone’ was trying to bait Junior into bribing the Russians for dirt.

Mullet would really have something then. Wouldn’t he.
In a written response, Veselnitskaya said no information specific to Clinton was provided in the meeting. She also lamented the “kind of apocalyptic Hollywood scenario what a private conversation between a lawyer and a businessman can be turned into.”

Boy, is she ever right lol. This might be the Mother of Nothing Burgers and that’s saying something.

The Russian lawyer testified in writing that no information about Clinton was provided in the 20 minute meeting. Would it matter if they discussed Russian vodka?

It doesn’t matter, idiot. The solicitation had already been made by Junior. The content of anything after that is meaningless.
But Hillary actually not only paying for AND OBTAINING information from a foreign agent, but then USING that information, most of it false to go to a federal judge and obtain a FISA warrant to spy on a political opponent is not an issue?

and we're the "illiterate dumbfucks"

crazy loon world you live in there, do you think that would actually make sense to anyone besides you?

It astounds me they aren’t embarrassed by their own double standard.

Talk about swallowing a camel then gagging on a gnat.
Who the frick knows lol.

The most plausible explanation is Junior was tricked by Goldstone into listening to the Russian lawyer yap about the Maginsky Act. Everyone testified the meeting was short. No loose ends. End of story.

There’s at least a couple of ways to go with the conspiracy route. And one of them is ‘someone’ was trying to bait Junior into bribing the Russians for dirt.

Mullet would really have something then. Wouldn’t he.

Except even Veselnitskaya never even brought up the Magnitsky Act. That bit was dreamed up by the trumps.
It astounds me they aren’t embarrassed by their own double standard.

Talk about swallowing a camel then gagging on a gnat.

Maybe you guys can explain why, as far as we know, there is no open investigation of Hillary if her "crimes" are so obvious.

Conspiracy theories need not apply.
Maybe you guys can explain why, as far as we know, there is no open investigation of Hillary, if her "crimes" are so obvious.

Conspiracy theories need not apply.
I keep saying, if there were a reason to investigate Hillary, Session would be all over it, I’m sure Trump has gotten on his case about it.
I keep saying, if there were a reason to investigate Hillary, Session would be all over it, I’m sure Trump has gotten on his case about it.

Sessions appointed Jonathan Huber to investigate Obama’s DOJ. Federal prosecutors like to hand out indictments don’t they?

That’s as good as investigating Hillary. Btw, Judical Watch got a freeze on Comey’s private emails, so maybe those will be leaking out in the coming weeks.

Should make for interesting reading before November.
I keep saying, if there were a reason to investigate Hillary, Session would be all over it, I’m sure Trump has gotten on his case about it.

Oh you know he has. What a distraction from the UnWall, the UnHealthcare, the UnPeaceWithNK, *and* the Mueller investigation that would be!