Trump Admits Collusion

Trumplestilskins are trying to win by definition. However, there is no difference between conspiracy and collusion.

Trump has spurted out a string of lies in this Donald Jr. conspiracy. If collusion is not a crime, it does not matter because conspiracy is. Trumps have changed the story over and over. I thought nobody would be stupid enough not to see what was going on. It is obvious, some of you are capable of terrific self delusion.
Here is the legal definition for your edification.,
you do realize there is no evidence of conspiracy either, right?....
She’s an operative of the Russian government that’s been lobbying to get rid of the Maginsky Act that deals with adoptions. She partnered with Fusion in that regard. There’s nothing new about any of this. This is not a ‘breaking story’. Congress interviewed everyone, last year, and they concluded there’s no evidence the meeting had anything to do with dirt on Hillary.

It’s just another media contrived Russian hysteria that will end up going nowhere. And you birds got sucked into it.


It’s difficult to dumb this whole thing down so that you morons can comprehend what occurred.

The criminal act was not the content of the meeting. The fact that they solicited something of value from Russian agents is the issue.

Illiterate dumbfucks..
So tell us how meeting Russians is illegal

The fucking fake feckless cunt media reported that Trump jr. admitted he was hoping to get dirt on the Russians over a year ago. What the fuck, they can't even remember what they've already reported on?
She’s an operative of the Russian government that’s been lobbying to get rid of the Maginsky Act that deals with adoptions. She partnered with Fusion in that regard. There’s nothing new about any of this. This is not a ‘breaking story’. Congress interviewed everyone, last year, and they concluded there’s no evidence the meeting had anything to do with dirt on Hillary.

It’s just another media contrived Russian hysteria that will end up going nowhere. And you birds got sucked into it.


No one could ever think of cfan in sapiosexual terms- but she sure can put the spin on her precious collection of rocks.
It’s difficult to dumb this whole thing down so that you morons can comprehend what occurred.

The criminal act was not the content of the meeting. The fact that they solicited something of value from Russian agents is the issue.

Illiterate dumbfucks..

Foreword thinking apparently isn’t your strong suit lol.

For one thing, that would be a novel application of the statute. More importantly, Mullet would open a can of worms since Junior would hardly be the only one who ‘solicted’ something of value from the Russians to affect our politics. The Russian Dossier was solicited from the Russians via an intermediary or at least two of them.

Even though an experienced player like Crooked Hillary was smart enough to insulate herself legally, there’s this concept known as ‘violating the spirit of the law’ which her and the DNC would be clearly guilty of, assuming Mullet is desperate enough to invoke that statute against Junior.

Set your TDS aside for a moment and consider the political implications of that: Hillary would not only have *actually obtained* something of value from the Russians, as opposed to Junior who was merely tempted with it—Hillary would skate because of a legal technicality.

Now imagine how people with any sense of fairness might perceive that. They will likely conclude it was a Witch Hunt after all.
Foreword thinking apparently isn’t your strong suit lol.

For one thing, that would be a novel application of the statute. More importantly, Mullet would open a can of worms since Junior would hardly be the only one who ‘solicted’ something of value from the Russians to affect our politics. The Russian Dossier was solicited from the Russians via an intermediary or at least two of them.

Even though an experienced player like Crooked Hillary was smart enough to insulate herself legally, there’s this concept known as ‘violating the spirit of the law’ which her and the DNC would be clearly guilty of, assuming Mullet is desperate enough to invoke that statute against Junior.

Set your TDS aside for a moment and consider the political implications of that: Hillary would not only have *actually obtained* something of value from the Russians, as opposed to Junior who was merely tempted with it—Hillary would skate because of a legal technicality.

Now imagine how people with any sense of fairness might perceive that. They will likely conclude it was a Witch Hunt after all.

Yep. I’m unable to dumb it down enough for you.
It’s difficult to dumb this whole thing down so that you morons can comprehend what occurred.

The criminal act was not the content of the meeting. The fact that they solicited something of value from Russian agents is the issue.

Illiterate dumbfucks..

Thank you
Trumplestilskins are trying to win by definition. However, there is no difference between conspiracy and collusion.

Trump has spurted out a string of lies in this Donald Jr. conspiracy. If collusion is not a crime, it does not matter because conspiracy is. Trumps have changed the story over and over. I thought nobody would be stupid enough not to see what was going on. It is obvious, some of you are capable of terrific self delusion.
Here is the legal definition for your edification.,

me too, but you continue to amaze me
It’s difficult to dumb this whole thing down so that you morons can comprehend what occurred.

The criminal act was not the content of the meeting. The fact that they solicited something of value from Russian agents is the issue.

Illiterate dumbfucks..

Er, and lied and lied and lied about it afterwards, as well. I hope at least some of those lies were under oath.
It’s difficult to dumb this whole thing down so that you morons can comprehend what occurred.

The criminal act was not the content of the meeting. The fact that they solicited something of value from Russian agents is the issue.

Illiterate dumbfucks..

But Hillary actually not only paying for AND OBTAINING information from a foreign agent, but then USING that information, most of it false to go to a federal judge and obtain a FISA warrant to spy on a political opponent is not an issue?

and we're the "illiterate dumbfucks"

crazy loon world you live in there, do you think that would actually make sense to anyone besides you?
But Hillary actually not only paying for AND OBTAINING information from a foreign agent, but then USING that information, most of it false to go to a federal judge and obtain a FISA warrant to spy on a political opponent is not an issue?

and we're the "illiterate dumbfucks"

crazy loon world you live in there, do you think that would actually make sense to anyone besides you?

That you dumbfucks can’t see the difference between Clinton and the DNC situation and Junior meeting personally with Russian agents is further evidence of your willful ignorance.
Since Trump admitted his son met with russians to potentially get dirt on hrc (lol, as if there wasn't enough already) Mueller can end the 'investigation' and we can proceed with impeachment.
She’s an operative of the Russian government that’s been lobbying to get rid of the Maginsky Act that deals with adoptions. She partnered with Fusion in that regard. There’s nothing new about any of this. This is not a ‘breaking story’. Congress interviewed everyone, last year, and they concluded there’s no evidence the meeting had anything to do with dirt on Hillary.

It’s just another media contrived Russian hysteria that will end up going nowhere. And you birds got sucked into it.


Well, I didn't say it was a breaking story, just that the trump spin on it doesn't add up. The Russians promised dirt on Hillary and Junior got nothing. Veselnitskaya never said she talked about adoption with Junior, and later Junior admitted the adoption story was false. So what was the real reason for the approach, besides the possibility that Putin and his billionaire friend wanted a link to trump.

Waiting for Mueller to tell us.
No one could ever think of cfan in sapiosexual terms- but she sure can put the spin on her precious collection of rocks.
