Trump Admits Collusion

Originally Posted by jimmymccready The Trump Alt Right can deny what the meaning of "is" is, and the federal and state DAs just chuckle as they sharpen their knives.

When the Dems end up with a 2/3 majority in both Senate and House and have the WH in 2020, they will set on a purge to civilly and criminally punish the Alt Right for corrupting the institutions, the laws, and their own press in an effort to destroy American civil liberties and freedoms.

:lolup:Another moronic prediction from the loony left. :rofl2: I am saving these for the future. :rofl2:

A simply feeble comeback by a brainless Trumper. :palm:
Can't wait for the Trump tweet that says, "Okay, I knew about it. But knowing something like that is not illegal."

Fucking gang that couldn't shoot straight.

Ok. I'll ask you, since the other 6 loons had no answer,

what do you think, or even hope might happen out of this "collusion" investigation.
In a tweet this morning, Trump admitted that the infamous Trump Tower meeting with Russian agents WAS about getting information damaging to his political opponent from a foreign power.

He had written a statement saying the meeting was about adoption policies so we now know that was a lie.

He claims that this collusion meeting was legal. It was not.

He claims he did not know about the meeting in advance. Considering the lies he has already told about this meeting...there is no reason to believe that claim.

At the very least he just threw his son and son in law under the bus

The Orange Turd will be out of the White House by Labor Day.

Hillary will never be president, I hope Rump is not impeached, just exposed and weakened. Then in 2020 we can elect a respectable president.

How funny that you think he committed all of these crimes yet you don’t think your side can survive impeaching him. Very telling

Me thinks you aren’t being very honest.
Sean Spicer denied anything other than adoption was discussed. A LIE.

Jay Sekulow said “the president was not involved in the drafting of that statement.” A LIE.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders insisted Trump “certainly didn’t dictate” the statement. A LIE.

It isn’t a crime to lie is it?
Trump lied repeatedly about the meetings. He was trying to cover up the real reasons. It was about trying to get oppo information on Hillary from a foreign government. Sorry kiddies, that is a crime and also against the emoluments clause. He was colluding. If you are more comfortable calling it conspiracy, have at it,. But there is no difference . Trump was colluding with a foreign government, one who is as bad an enemy as we have, to interfere in our presidential election. Are you idiots OK with that?

Are you satisfied wiith trying to define that away? He encouraged the Russians to hack hillary and to interfere in our elections and you unAmerican pricks are defending it. Jr lied to congress. A crime.
Ok. I'll ask you, since the other 6 loons had no answer,

what do you think, or even hope might happen out of this "collusion" investigation.

Personally I hope the morons who still support Donald Trump will see enough to finally stop with the support. And I would hope there is a fall-over factor...which would prompt people to vote for Democratic candidates...and get the control of the country out of the hands of totally incompetent people.

But that is just me.
Surely you must have a point, besides the one on top of your pinhead.

What is your ultimate goal with all of this collusion fairytale?
seriously, what do you think is going to happen, best case for you?

It be exposed and American laws become respected again instead of laughed at by the president. THat the President and his corruption is curtailed. That the people see they elected a criminal and were duped by the Russians into helping elect a person who does not have America's best interest at heart.
Can't wait for the Trump tweet that says, "Okay, I knew about it. But knowing something like that is not illegal."

Fucking gang that couldn't shoot straight.

Its coming, I give it three months, that would fit the schedule.
I did not say it was, I am asking why did they lie about it?

Why does any politician lie? Politics.

But, if they broke the law, I am sure that your boy Mueller will have them frog marched out of DC by the end of the week. It sounds like you presented a pretty open and shut case. What else does Mueller need?
Personally I hope the morons who still support Donald Trump will see enough to finally stop with the support. And I would hope there is a fall-over factor...which would prompt people to vote for Democratic candidates...and get the control of the country out of the hands of totally incompetent people.

But that is just me.

so, you know that's not going to happen , right?
please tell me you do.

scoreboard will still be 306 - 225

it's white noise and against national interests to keep beating this nothing burger in public view. It only emboldens the 306,
you have to be smarter than that
It be exposed and American laws become respected again instead of laughed at by the president. THat the President and his corruption is curtailed. That the people see they elected a criminal and were duped by the Russians into helping elect a person who does not have America's best interest at heart.

But Hillary doing it doesn't bother you,
or that she deleted supeoaned emails, or conducted national security business on a server in her basement, or that the DNC cheated during the debates by feeding Hillary the questions beforehand, or that Obama smuggled money to the Iranians in the dead of night, or that the Clinton foundation received millions of dollars from.. from... wait for it....RUSSIA
so, you know that's not going to happen , right?

I do NOT know it is not going to happen...and neither do you.

The only difference between us on this item is that I have the class and ethical wherewithal to acknowledge that.

please tell me you do.

See above.

scoreboard will still be 306 - 225

Interesting guess.

it's white noise and against national interests to keep beating this nothing burger in public view. It only emboldens the 306,
you have to be smarter than that

The people who see Donald Trump and his supporters for the disgusting infection they are...may surprise you, Getin.

As I said...that is what I am hoping for.
fair enough, not going to happen though, you see the rallies.
How short a memory you must have to see all the Trump negativity that took place during the election, and he still won.
Why would you think all of this fake news would work this time.

Could you tell me what you think Russia did that affected the election?