Trump Admits Collusion

and you voted for Hillary? :rofl2:

embarrassed is not really a strong enough word

she lost, you need to move on

and even more of an incoming wakeup call is the ridiculousness of this "blue wave" fantasy.
look at the seats up for grabs. Liberal hysteria is just going to get more bad news as time rolls along.
for your own sake, you guys need to move on

Will you move on when Trump resigns?
Trump's team went directly to Russian government operatives and constantly lied about all the meetings for months..
Let that sink in for a minute.

So you are saying the law allows you to go through a third party? It is only illegal if you go directly?

Sounds like a big loop hole don’t ya think?

We know how much you guys hate loopholes
Nothing in the Steele dossier has been shown to be untrue, TD. Nothing.

You keep erupting with this lunacy; NOTHING, let me repeat that, NOTHING in the Steele dossier is factual. It is a complete fabrication bought and paid for by the Hillary campaign and sold to the FISA court in an effort by the Obama Administration and FBI to spy on an opposing campaign.

This is the stuff one would expect from Cuba or Venezuela. ALL Americans should be demanding Obama and his cronies to be walked out in handcuffs for pulling this corrupt stupidity.

Lastly, you have NEVER been right. You have been making the same MORONIC predictions since November 2016. Usually, someone with a shred of intelligence would stop making an ass of themselves. But not you. You are determined to make a complete and total ass of yourself and it seems to be endless.

Nancy will be speaker soon enough and Hillary is now a retired grandmother.
Again the irony of your sarcasm is palpable.

:lolup:Another moronic prediction that will NEVER come true. You seem to be quite full of them shit-for-brains. :rofl2: I'm going to start making a list of these for later. :rofl2:

MAGA Baby!!
The Trump Alt Right can deny what the meaning of "is" is, and the federal and state DAs just chuckle as they sharpen their knives.

When the Dems end up with a 2/3 majority in both Senate and House and have the WH in 2020, they will set on a purge to civilly and criminally punish the Alt Right for corrupting the institutions, the laws, and their own press in an effort to destroy American civil liberties and freedoms.

:lolup:Another moronic prediction from the loony left. :rofl2: I am saving these for the future. :rofl2:

MAGA Baby!!
The facts and Trump's admissions speak for themselves TD.
You are still denying things that Trump himself has admitted to.

Apparently you are immune from FACTS and instead, continue to make an ass of yourself with moronic predictions that NEVER come true...because you are a willful idiot. :rofl2:

MAGA Baby!!
So you are saying the law allows you to go through a third party? It is only illegal if you go directly?

Sounds like a big loop hole don’t ya think?

We know how much you guys hate loopholes

The Trump team didn't even know that what they did was illegal. They still don't get it.
They soon will.
The midterm elections maybe?

Why would Mueller wait until the midterm elections snowflake? If Trump has committed a crime, why wait? Dunce.

:lolup: Willful idiot is now admitting or suggesting that Mueller is colluding with the DNC to hand Democrats a victory they cannot win honestly. :rofl2:

He will give his report when he is ready. It drives you crazy, doesn't it.

Are you getting ready to eat some major crow after his report is completed? I think your appetite to eat crow is insatiable, otherwise, you would just STFU while you look stupid. :rofl2:
Liberal logic

Hillary gets dirt on Trump and it is oppo research

Trump tries to get dirt on Hillary and it is TREASON