Trump Admits Collusion

This must be reiterated every time the Trump Alt Right lies and denies.

“It looks like the [US] agencies were asleep,” the source added. “They [the European agencies] were saying: ‘There are contacts going on between people close to Mr Trump and people we believe are Russian intelligence agents. You should be wary of this.’

“The message was: ‘Watch out. There’s something not right here.’”
Wrong again you ignorant retard on steroids; they didn't "solicit" anything. The Russian national did the soliciting you willful dumbfuck. Grow a fucking brain.

I love how the brain dead left is now trying to suggest it was illegal donations. Obama's campaign was charged with millions in illegal donations and got a slap on the wrist. You morons are desperate idiots with the brain the size of a lemmings.

Read the trail of emails from Junior, dimwit.

Fucking illiterate.
No, I did not say that, and HRC's campaign did not give money to a "Foreign National", it was given to an American Company.

You are right Brother Jarod.

Hillary Clinton's campaign gave the money to a law firm which then hired Fusion GPS which then hired the Foreign National which then went to Russia to dig up dirt on Donald Trump. It really is brilliant how our candidate was able to skirt campaign finance laws and not directly have her finger prints on it isn't it?

When do you think we will be having her inauguration party? Do you anticipate Mueller frog marching Don Jr out in hand cuffs this week? I expect so. This is finally it. We have waited for this for so long. Is this all you expected it to be? Is this better than the birth of your first born? The election of Obama?
Explain the difference between this meeting and Hillary Clinton's efforts to pay a FOREIGN NATIONAL for dirt on Trump?

It would seem to me that anything that you would want to accuse Trump of under this act would also apply to the DNC and Hillary Clinton would it not?

I am sure you can explain the difference. Because Christopher Steele was a FOREIGN NATIONAL.

Ready? Set. Go!!!!!

Just to let you know Great Briton is a NATO nation and Steele was initially hired by the GOP.
You are right Brother Jarod.

Hillary Clinton's campaign gave the money to a law firm which then hired Fusion GPS which then hired the Foreign National which then went to Russia to dig up dirt on Donald Trump. It really is brilliant how our candidate was able to skirt campaign finance laws and not directly have her finger prints on it isn't it?

When do you think we will be having her inauguration party? Do you anticipate Mueller frog marching Don Jr out in hand cuffs this week? I expect so. This is finally it. We have waited for this for so long. Is this all you expected it to be? Is this better than the birth of your first born? The election of Obama?

There is great irony in your sarchasm.
Trump is really finished.
The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence included Germany, Estonia and Poland ... Another source suggested the Dutch and the French spy agency, the General Directorate for External Security or DGSE, were contributors.

It is understood that GCHQ was at no point carrying out a targeted operation against Trump or his team or proactively seeking information.

The alleged conversations were picked up by chance as part of routine surveillance of Russian intelligence assets. Over several months, different agencies targeting the same people began to see a pattern of connections that were flagged to intelligence officials in the US.
. . . .

The Guardian has been told the FBI and the CIA were slow to appreciate the extensive nature of contacts between Trump’s team and Moscow ahead of the US election.

This was in part due to US law that prohibits US agencies from examining the private communications of American citizens without warrants. “They are trained not to do this,” the source stressed.

“It looks like the [US] agencies were asleep,” the source added. “They [the European agencies] were saying: ‘There are contacts going on between people close to Mr Trump and people we believe are Russian intelligence agents. You should be wary of this.’

“The message was: ‘Watch out. There’s something not right here.’”

:lolup:Early morning MORON eruption. :rofl2:

You should be.
Everything that Trump has lied about as never happening has been walked back. From the meetings and conspiracy with the Russians to give him an edge in the election to all the women he fucked and paid off, to all the lies he told in an attempt to obstruct justice. You stood by him and backed up his lies through it all. Now you have been revealed as the sucker you are for the liar and chief.
I am embarrassed for you.

and you voted for Hillary? :rofl2:

embarrassed is not really a strong enough word

she lost, you need to move on

and even more of an incoming wakeup call is the ridiculousness of this "blue wave" fantasy.
look at the seats up for grabs. Liberal hysteria is just going to get more bad news as time rolls along.
for your own sake, you guys need to move on
The hysteria of the Trump alt right grows louder and shriller as Mueller continues to close in.

Also Trump cannot keep his mouth shut from self incrimination thus sealing his inevitable fate.

It seems he is incapable of keeping his foot from his mouth. Trump is his own worst enemy.
The hysteria of the Trump alt right grows louder and shriller as Mueller continues to close in.

Also Trump cannot keep his mouth shut from self incrimination thus sealing his inevitable fate.

The hysteria is coming from your liberal retard, dumbass. If you had brains you could comprehend the OBVIOUS.

MAGA Baby!!
There is great irony in your sarchasm.
Trump is really finished.

I know. Right?

Is it everything you hoped it would be? Are all of your life's ambitions now fulfilled?

When do you think they should inaugurate Hillary and put Nancy as Speaker of the House? Next week? Do you think Mueller can act that quickly to save the country Brother Leon?
You should be.
Everything that Trump has lied about as never happening has been walked back. From the meetings and conspiracy with the Russians to give him an edge in the election to all the women he fucked and paid off, to all the lies he told in an attempt to obstruct justice. You stood by him and backed up his lies through it all. Now you have been revealed as the sucker you are for the liar and chief.
I am embarrassed for you.

:lolup:Same moronic eruption, different day. :rofl2: You haven't been right yet; I would think you would grow weary of looking like an idiot. :rofl2:

This must be reiterated every time the Trump Alt Right lies and denies.

“It looks like the [US] agencies were asleep,” the source added. “They [the European agencies] were saying: ‘There are contacts going on between people close to Mr Trump and people we believe are Russian intelligence agents. You should be wary of this.’

“The message was: ‘Watch out. There’s something not right here.’”

:lolup:Same moronic eruption, same damn day. :rofl2:

Just to let you know Great Briton is a NATO nation and Steele was initially hired by the GOP.

How do either of those facts change the nature of the statute in question?

Does the statute exclude NATO countries? Does that mean a candidate can collude with a NATO ally to steal an election? Is that what you are saying?

And even if Steele was initially hired by republicans how does that absolve Hillary?

Still nobody has explained how Hillary's campaign isn't in violation of this act. It would seem that by going through a law firm they were trying to skirt the law doesn't it?

What am I saying. Of course you don't think it does.
Read the trail of emails from Junior, dimwit.

Fucking illiterate.

Perhaps you should read them you willful idiot. You and the cabal of leftist retards on this board haven't been right once. Now do yourself a favor and STFU, seriously.

MAGA Baby!!
You are right Brother Jarod.

Hillary Clinton's campaign gave the money to a law firm which then hired Fusion GPS which then hired the Foreign National which then went to Russia to dig up dirt on Donald Trump. It really is brilliant how our candidate was able to skirt campaign finance laws and not directly have her finger prints on it isn't it?

When do you think we will be having her inauguration party? Do you anticipate Mueller frog marching Don Jr out in hand cuffs this week? I expect so. This is finally it. We have waited for this for so long. Is this all you expected it to be? Is this better than the birth of your first born? The election of Obama?

:lolup:Priceless and spot on. :rofl2:
Jesus fucking Christ you're a simpleton.

Well, wouldn’t the FBI want Junior to find out what the Russians had to say lol?

What good what it do them just knowing the Russians approached Junior? Then again, they were probably going out of their way to NOT find dirt on Hillary at the time. But that’s another issue.

Clearly, had Junior approached the FBI prior to the meeting, they would have given it the green light so they could get the information. The mere prospect of a meeting would be a Nothing Burger to them. You goof balls are also assuming Junior *wouldn’t* have gone to the FBI had it involved Hillary doing something illegal and or involving national security.

And you know what they say about assuming.