Trump Admits Collusion

taking a meeting is now a violation of Solicitation, acceptance, or receipt of contributions and donations from foreign nationals. except it's not , the following is CLEARLY about funding!
1 CFR 110.20 - Prohibition on contributions, donations, expenditures, independent expenditures, and disbursements by foreign nationals

You do not have to accept to have committed conspiracy.
The meeting itself was a clear conspiracy to violate 11 USC 110.20(b) and 11 USC 110.20(g)

Explain the difference between this meeting and Hillary Clinton's efforts to pay a FOREIGN NATIONAL for dirt on Trump?

It would seem to me that anything that you would want to accuse Trump of under this act would also apply to the DNC and Hillary Clinton would it not?

I am sure you can explain the difference. Because Christopher Steele was a FOREIGN NATIONAL.

Ready? Set. Go!!!!!
Tump is hanging his Jr. out to dry, he admitted his son is guilty of illegal collusion, and in the same Tweet denies he himself was a part of it.


So now you are back to this is a crime again?

It is hard to keep up with you. I know you think this is it, but aren't you starting to feel like this

Explain the difference between this meeting and Hillary Clinton's efforts to pay a FOREIGN NATIONAL for dirt on Trump?

It would seem to me that anything that you would want to accuse Trump of under this act would also apply to the DNC and Hillary Clinton would it not?

I am sure you can explain the difference. Because Christopher Steele was a FOREIGN NATIONAL.

Ready? Set. Go!!!!!

If your allegations are true, Prosecute her, I am all for it.

The significant difference is that Republican primary opponants hired a Company to do opposition research on Trump, when he won, Hillary's campaign hired the same company who collected what they had and gave it to her, it was not a donation it was a contractual exchange.

Trump's son was contacted by an operative of the Russian Government with the intent to influence the election who offered dirt, Jr. said, hell yes... and accepted the meeting with the intent to collect that donation.
You do not have to accept to have committed conspiracy.

That is a lie; you have to have received something and given something to collude you willful idiot. There was no agreement, there IS no evidence of any illegality. You have no brain.


(1) a secret agreement, especially for fraudulent or treacherous purposes; conspiracy: Some of his employees were acting in collusion to rob him.

(2) Law. a secret understanding between two or more persons to gain something illegally, to defraud another of his or her rights, or to appear as adversaries though in agreement:
If your allegations are true, Prosecute her, I am all for it.

The significant difference is that Republican primary opponants hired a Company to do opposition research on Trump, when he won, Hillary's campaign hired the same company who collected what they had and gave it to her, it was not a donation it was a contractual exchange.

Trump's son was contacted by an operative of the Russian Government with the intent to influence the election who offered dirt, Jr. said, hell yes... and accepted the meeting with the intent to collect that donation.

So you are saying that it is legal for a campaign to give money to a FOREIGN NATIONAL in exchange for a material good to influence an election, yet someone can't give free information?

Also, did Donald Trump Jr. know she was an operative for the Russian Government? And if she was an operative why did the Obama administration approve her VISA?
That is a lie; you have to have received something and given something to collude you willful idiot. There was no agreement, there IS no evidence of any illegality. You have no brain.


(1) a secret agreement, especially for fraudulent or treacherous purposes; conspiracy: Some of his employees were acting in collusion to rob him.

(2) Law. a secret understanding between two or more persons to gain something illegally, to defraud another of his or her rights, or to appear as adversaries though in agreement:

Wrong, dumbfuck. The statute says “solicit”. The second he agreed to the meeting, he solicited.
If your allegations are true, Prosecute her, I am all for it.

The significant difference is that Republican primary opponants hired a Company to do opposition research on Trump, when he won, Hillary's campaign hired the same company who collected what they had and gave it to her, it was not a donation it was a contractual exchange.

Trump's son was contacted by an operative of the Russian Government with the intent to influence the election who offered dirt, Jr. said, hell yes... and accepted the meeting with the intent to collect that donation.

They received NOTHING and it could not be considered a donation no matter how you twist and contort. They weren't a Russian Government operative either; unless you have solid proof of that, which you never seem to have any.
If your allegations are true, Prosecute her, I am all for it.

The significant difference is that Republican primary opponants hired a Company to do opposition research on Trump, when he won, Hillary's campaign hired the same company who collected what they had and gave it to her, it was not a donation it was a contractual exchange.

Trump's son was contacted by an operative of the Russian Government with the intent to influence the election who offered dirt, Jr. said, hell yes... and accepted the meeting with the intent to collect that donation.


what a goof
So you are saying that it is legal for a campaign to give money to a FOREIGN NATIONAL in exchange for a material good to influence an election, yet someone can't give free information?

Also, did Donald Trump Jr. know she was an operative for the Russian Government? And if she was an operative why did the Obama administration approve her VISA?

No, I did not say that, and HRC's campaign did not give money to a "Foreign National", it was given to an American Company.
Wrong, dumbfuck. The statute says “solicit”. The second he agreed to the meeting, he solicited.

Wrong again you ignorant retard on steroids; they didn't "solicit" anything. The Russian national did the soliciting you willful dumbfuck. Grow a fucking brain.

I love how the brain dead left is now trying to suggest it was illegal donations. Obama's campaign was charged with millions in illegal donations and got a slap on the wrist. You morons are desperate idiots with the brain the size of a lemmings.
true dat,
and last I checked no one in the Trump camp has loaded a hundred million dollars on pallets and delivered it to Iran in the dead of night, for no good reason
Wrong again you ignorant retard on steroids; they didn't "solicit" anything. The Russian national did the soliciting you willful dumbfuck. Grow a fucking brain.

I love how the brain dead left is now trying to suggest it was illegal donations. Obama's campaign was charged with millions in illegal donations and got a slap on the wrist. You morons are desperate idiots with the brain the size of a lemmings.

The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence included Germany, Estonia and Poland ... Another source suggested the Dutch and the French spy agency, the General Directorate for External Security or DGSE, were contributors.

It is understood that GCHQ was at no point carrying out a targeted operation against Trump or his team or proactively seeking information.

The alleged conversations were picked up by chance as part of routine surveillance of Russian intelligence assets. Over several months, different agencies targeting the same people began to see a pattern of connections that were flagged to intelligence officials in the US.
. . . .

The Guardian has been told the FBI and the CIA were slow to appreciate the extensive nature of contacts between Trump’s team and Moscow ahead of the US election.

This was in part due to US law that prohibits US agencies from examining the private communications of American citizens without warrants. “They are trained not to do this,” the source stressed.

“It looks like the [US] agencies were asleep,” the source added. “They [the European agencies] were saying: ‘There are contacts going on between people close to Mr Trump and people we believe are Russian intelligence agents. You should be wary of this.’

“The message was: ‘Watch out. There’s something not right here.’”
The hysteria of the Trump alt right grows louder and shriller as Mueller continues to close in.

Also Trump cannot keep his mouth shut from self incrimination thus sealing his inevitable fate.
No, nothing to be embarrassed about, and no one has addressed my questions either

You should be.
Everything that Trump has lied about as never happening has been walked back. From the meetings and conspiracy with the Russians to give him an edge in the election to all the women he fucked and paid off, to all the lies he told in an attempt to obstruct justice. You stood by him and backed up his lies through it all. Now you have been revealed as the sucker you are for the liar and chief.
I am embarrassed for you.
It's fun to watch clowns post to people they know have them on ignore.

Nothing like the sweet, fetid stench of desperation for attention from trained monkeys who obediently do the little monkey-dances they've been taught.

Dance, monkey!! Dance!