Trump Admits Collusion

Right lol.

"Fake News reporting, a complete fabrication, that I am concerned about the meeting my wonderful son, Donald, had in Trump Tower," the president tweeted. "This was a meeting to get information on an opponent, totally legal and done all the time in politics – and it went nowhere. I did not know about it!" ( Trump Tweet)

What Trump is ‘admitting to’ is the same crap we’ve known from the get-go: Junior *thought* he was going to get dirt on Hillary from the Russians. And he thought wrong—end of story.

There isn’t a single presidential campaign that would turn down oppo dirt from a foreign source. And everyone reading this knows it. Maybe it’s unethical but it’s not a crime.

Mullet knows he needs more than that. What Mullet needs is to conjure a process crime out of it, somehow. Probably one of the reasons he wants to interview Trump.

But you've been saying all year that there was no collusion.
And Hillary was caught colluding with a foreign agent to gather dirt on trump.

Difference being trump didn't use false information to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on a political opponent during an election.

Lock Her UP

trump admitted to a crime in public...enjoy
And Hillary was caught colluding with a foreign agent to gather dirt on trump.

Difference being trump didn't use false information to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on a political opponent during an election.

Lock Her UP

Fuck you.

If Hillary did something illegal fine. Charge her. Good luck.

That has nothing to do with what Trump just admitted
trump admitted to a crime in public...enjoy

we already have evidence that Hillary and Co. committed a "real" crime,
the crime in most sane peoples minds, and certainly in the minds of legal analysis is not the collusion, it's lying to a FISA court to spy on an American citizen,
case closed

Fuck you.

If Hillary did something illegal fine. Charge her. Good luck.

That has nothing to do with what Trump just admitted

In your mind ,no.
But you're a retard

the crime is the FISA court warrant, and even the charge you claim Trump is guilty of is the same thing Hillary and Co are documented, beyond a doubt doing.
again, you're a retard so I don't expect you to understand this, just accept it
In a tweet this morning, Trump admitted that the infamous Trump Tower meeting with Russian agents WAS about getting information damaging to his political opponent from a foreign power.

He had written a statement saying the meeting was about adoption policies so we now know that was a lie.

He claims that this collusion meeting was legal. It was not.

He claims he did not know about the meeting in advance. Considering the lies he has already told about this meeting...there is no reason to believe that claim.

At the very least he just threw his son and son in law under the bus
Of course...we all knew it from the start. I can't wait for the 2020 Dem. campaign ads, assuming trump isn't in a padded room by then.

We'll see the tweets denying the crimes...followed by his Klan rallies where he claims 'fake news!'....followed by the ultimate admissions of guilt.
Of course...we all knew it from the start. I can't wait for the 2020 Dem. campaign ads, assuming trump isn't in a padded room by then.

We'll see the tweets denying the crimes...followed by his Klan rallies where he claims 'fake news!'....followed by the ultimate admissions of guilt.

With great emphasis on klan rallies.

Civil War is on the horizon.
In your mind ,no.
But you're a retard

the crime is the FISA court warrant, and even the charge you claim Trump is guilty of is the same thing Hillary and Co are documented, beyond a doubt doing.
again, you're a retard so I don't expect you to understand this, just accept it

Again. Fuck yourself

A. The FISA warrant nonsense is a red herring and hey...has nothing whatsoever to do with Trump admitting collusion

B. IF Clinton did something illegal...that would in no way get Trump off the hook.

I know you understand this (or you should if you have a brain) and it's obvious that you just don't care
" didn't use false information to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on a political opponent during an election."

Factually false, too vague, lacks knowledge, lacks causation, lacks intent.

That's why they call him "Forgettingeverything"
Fact: The President has just admitted that collusion took place

Fact: Collusion violates numerous statutes

Fact: Trumpers just don't care

Omg lol.

Two parties that had their wires crossed met: one was led to believe it was for oppo dirt and the other wanted to talk about Russian adoption.

Result: meeting quickly adjourned with nothing at all accomplished. At. All. No collusion and no Russian adoption. Period. End of Story.

The most plausible explanation for it: The Russian lawyer knew Junior wouldn’t take a meeting to talk about Russian adoption in the midst of a busy campaign, so he was deceived into thinking he was going to get dirt on Hillary.

If that’s all Mullet has, you might as well stick a fork in it.
trump admitted to a crime in public...enjoy

the president tweeted. "This was a meeting to get information on an opponent, totally legal and done all the time in politics – and it went nowhere. I did not know about it!" ( Trump Tweet)

He meant to say ' Didn't collude '. These vicious attacks on American dyslexics must cease.
They knew they would be meeting with representatives of the Russian state. They knew they were being offered Russian state intelligence. They intended to use Russian intelligence offered by Russian agents against an American opponents.

They did not alert the FBI.

Apparently some people are too fucking stupid to see all that in context.


What, exactly, was Junior going to alert the FBI about lol?

FBI: ‘well, ok Junior. Why don’t you take the meeting, then get back with us.’

Good grief.
the president tweeted. "This was a meeting to get information on an opponent, totally legal and done all the time in politics – and it went nowhere. I did not know about it!" ( Trump Tweet)


Why is it so important to him that we think he did not know about it?
And I have sneaking suspicion some people on the Seventh Floor were quite aware the meeting was going to take place before Junior even knew about.

Kind of fits in with the ‘insurance policy’ package. We already know they ran informants against the Trump campaign. All Junior needed to do was offer a bribe for some dirt. Good think he didn’t.

Maybe the Resistance should stop kicking this dead horse before some very inconvenient facts start to arise out of it.
Darth Omar tries to skip the facts but can't that:

Fact: The President has just admitted that collusion took place

Fact: Collusion violates numerous statutes

Fact: Trumpers just don't care
we already have evidence that Hillary and Co. committed a "real" crime,
the crime in most sane peoples minds, and certainly in the minds of legal analysis is not the collusion, it's lying to a FISA court to spy on an American citizen,
case closed


Now you're just showing how bad it is to use opioids this early in the morning.
Last week they changed the narrative to say that Collusion is not a crime.... Yesterday the president admits there was collusion.

What do you think the grand plan is here, clearly they dont care about the truth, but only lying.