Trump Admits Collusion

Right lol?

If there’s any meat to Meeting Gate it’s in the question of why Junior was led to believe he was going to get dirt on Hillary from Russians.

Was someone trying to bait Junior into offering a quid pro quo? Whoever set the meeting up would be familiar with the law: they would know that without Junior offering something in exchange for dirt on Hillary, no crime would be committed.

Instead of kicking the same dead horse over and over again, why don’t our investigative journalists try and nail down Rob Goldstone on *why* he told Junior the meeting was about dirt on Hillary?

I already know the answer.

Because Emin Agalarov told him to say that. It wouldn't look good if these emails below were from Emin or Aras Agalarov. Emin's father Aras is the link between trump and Putin. Ask yourself why a Russian oligarch/developer would care about our election to this extent. "The Agalarovs are wealthy developers who have received several contracts for state-funded construction projects, a sign of their closeness to the Putin government. Shortly after the pageant, Putin awarded the elder Agalarov the “Order of Honor of the Russian Federation,” a prestigious designation."

From: Rob Goldstone
Sent: Monday, June 06, 2016 12:40 PM
To: Donald Trump J Trump
Subject: Re: Russia - Clinton - private and confidential

Hi Don

Let me know when you are free to talk with Emin by phone about this Hillary info - you had mentioned early this week so wanted to try to schedule a time and day Best to you and family Rob Goldstone

On Jun 6, 2016, at 15:03, Donald Trump Jr. wrote:

Rob could we speak now?


From: Rob Goldstone
Sent: Monday, June 06, 2016 3:37 PM
To: Donald Trump Jr.
Subject: Re: Russia - Clinton - private and confidential

Let me track him down in Moscow

What number he could call?

On Jun 6, 2016, at 15:38, Donald Trump Jr. wrote:

My cell [REDACTED] thanks


On Jun 6, 2016, at 3:43 PM, Rob Goldstone wrote:

Ok he's on stage in Moscow but should be off within 2 Minutes so I am sure can call Rob

On Jun 6, 2016, at 16:38, Donald Trump Jr. wrote:

Rob thanks for the help.


On Jun 7, 2016, at 4:20 PM, Rob Goldstone wrote:


Hope all is well

Emin asked that I schedule a meeting with you and The Russian government attorney who is flying over from Moscow for this Thursday.

I believe you are aware of the meeting - and so wondered if 3pm or later on Thursday works for you?

I assume it would be at your office.


Rob Goldstone

On Jun 7, 2016, at 5:16 PM, Donald Trump Jr. wrote:

How about 3 at our offices? Thanks rob appreciate you helping set it up.


Nobody is saying that there is a crime specifically called "collusion". The constant harping by the Trumptard right that there isn't such acrime is just more of the same old deflection we've all come to expect out of you people.

Collusion is just a word that is being used to describe a set of other actions which together or separately, DO constitute criminal activity.

You all know that. We all know that.

Time to drop the charade, Trumptards.

Okay, put it all together for us. Which set of other actions which together or separately, DO constitute criminal activity? And please explain the difference between whatever you think Trump did, and what we KNOW HRC did vis a vis PAYING for a "dossier" that came from a russian source, which BTW, is the ONLY russian thing actually used in this whole cluster flop(FISA warrant for Carter Page). Also, didn't I hear that Torquemada Mueller has moved on to obstruction of justice? Why do you guys continue to beat this dead horse?
You do not need to defend Trump's lies. Especially to anonymous people on an obscure message board whom you will never meet.

Allow me to say are in dire need of some Solzhenitsyn
Russian angst. Who am I to disagree with Solzhenitsyn?

I find Buddhism to be much more informational; after all the 8 Fold path is the true way to enlightenment.
I like the guidance from the Buddha in my sig line below.
" Trust the person who seeks truth and mistrust the person who claims he has found it " - Buddha.
Okay, put it all together for us. Which set of other actions which together or separately, DO constitute criminal activity? And please explain the difference between whatever you think Trump did, and what we KNOW HRC did vis a vis PAYING for a "dossier" that came from a russian source, which BTW, is the ONLY russian thing actually used in this whole cluster flop(FISA warrant for Carter Page). Also, didn't I hear that Torquemada Mueller has moved on to obstruction of justice? Why do you guys continue to beat this dead horse?

You must be so embarrassed.
Here's where your legal theories fall into a crack. 1) whether or not something comes of it, a conspiracy to commit a crime is still a crime. 2) Obviously if it was a sting, and Jr. went and plotted, he would have been arrested by now for conspiring.

If you and your buddy plot to rob a bank, and meet with someone you believe is on the inside and who will let you in after hours.... but don't go through with it, it's still a crime. Whether the "insider" is real, or an undercover cop, doesn't matter. If the insider was a cop, you'd be busted.... so there goes your Jr. and the set-up bullshit.

You guys really *are* grasping at straws now.

All they've got left are straws and grasps!

They started by defending, "There was no meeting."

Moved on to defending, "The meeting was not about getting dirt on Hillary."

They went to defending, "The meeting was about getting dirt on Hillary, but that is not illegal."

They almost certainly will, one day, be defending, "Yeah, he was found guilty, but any father would pardon his son if he could."

His defenders are as pathetic as Trump...and Trump is one of the most pathetic people who have ever lived.
Conspiracy in this context, needs a quid pro quo in order to be a crime.

One can easily argue the liberal media is ‘conspiring’ against Trump, but it’s not a crime.

Just an abomination.

You poor bastards!

It must be horrible to be a Trump supporter.

blah blah blah.

where have I been proven wrong?
I called the deep state - and now we see everything from a corrupted FBI, to collusion by Brennan with the 7th floor plotter to "stop Trump" -so much so they were running informants against Trump without any formal investigation.

I called GDP growth because of tax cuts and where have I been wrong about Trump?.

It's possible Trump lied about the meeting, but that is a far reach from any criminal/corrupt motive.
Politicians lie all the time. He probably was over-protective of his son..OMG Impeach him! :rolleyes:

Same as above!~
Right lol?

If there’s any meat to Meeting Gate it’s in the question of why Junior was led to believe he was going to get dirt on Hillary from Russians.

Was someone trying to bait Junior into offering a quid pro quo? Whoever set the meeting up would be familiar with the law: they would know that without Junior offering something in exchange for dirt on Hillary, no crime would be committed.

Instead of kicking the same dead horse over and over again, why don’t our investigative journalists try and nail down Rob Goldstone on *why* he told Junior the meeting was about dirt on Hillary?


...the meeting that never happened...

...and had no Russians...

...and was about adoption...

...but was not illegal even though about getting dirt on Hillary... now a conspiracy sting?

Jesus H. this actually how Hitler got control of Germany back in the 1930's?

I already know the answer.

You poor bastard, you barely know which way to turn today until after the latest Trump tweet!
What's so "horrible" about supporting some of the policies that got him elected president?

Have more self-respect than to get involved here, RB.

This is a fuck-fest for Trump supporters who are so desperate they are now making clown moves!
Perhaps you have not noticed...


C'mon, now. Pay attention. I know it is early, but you gotta pay attention.

Yeah, it is a bit early. The weekend didn't go as planned. Drove over an hour Sat. to attend a car show only to find out it was cancelled so I had to blow off one on Sun. to mow the grass.
I did go for a ride in the evening Sun. Had a little fun with an Audi on my way back from the ice cream place though. He thought he could run with a light weight big block, we ran side by side until we hit about 85 when I cracked the throttle and pissed in his cheerios :awesome:
Yeah, it is a bit early. The weekend didn't go as planned. Drove over an hour Sat. to attend a car show only to find out it was cancelled so I had to blow off one on Sun. to mow the grass.
I did go for a ride in the evening Sun. Had a little fun with an Audi on my way back from the ice cream place though. He thought he could run with a light weight big block, we ran side by side until we hit about 85 when I cracked the throttle and pissed in his cheerios :awesome:

I gotta stay a little slower.

I do 75+ on the parkway...but in town or on regular highways, I stick close to the speed limit.

At my age, if I am involved in an accident (none since one in my 20's) will be considered MY fault no matter what. Old guys are gonna get blamed even if they get rear ended!
I gotta stay a little slower.

I do 75+ on the parkway...but in town or on regular highways, I stick close to the speed limit.

At my age, if I am involved in an accident (none since one in my 20's) will be considered MY fault no matter what. Old guys are gonna get blamed even if they get rear ended!

I usually do too. I often get passed because someone just wants to get a better look at my car, but since I know the highway well, it's straight for miles and this guy thought he could "play with me."
He found out that 515 hp in a 2350 lb. car isn't something to play with :eek:
Same as above!~
I have to tell you Frank, that is is worst looking ROFL image I've ever seen anyone use.. lol or ROFL is usually sufficient, but you drag out this dweeb wth a yellow sweater and I guess those are penny loafers?

It looks like a refugee from the 1950's