Trump Admits Collusion

Without a quid pro quo there is no *criminal* conspiracy.

The sting could have been done by the, now fired lying-McCabe or the, now demoted and disgraced Strzok, to bolster the ‘insurance policy’.

Why doesn’t someone at WashPo look into it?

Gosh, I ask stupid questions sometimes.
That's because you're too fucking stupid to know that 'collusion' is a layman's term, conspiracy is the legal term.

Let me guess . you don't think conspiracy is a crime either. :0)
conspiracy to commit a crime is criminal.......what is a conspiracy to collude if collusion is not a crime?......
sure you were, anatta. you do not have much of a clue at all as to what is going on, based on your statements.

mueller is driving Trump and his agents into corners from which the can't escape. nor his supporters and agents.
Meeting with a foreign .. especially a hostile government .. to collect information on an American opponent is a crime.

uh, actually it isn't.....meeting with some one, foreign or not, who says they have information that Hilliary violated the law is a community service, not a crime.......
there was no collaborating with Russians by the Trump campaign to "influence elections"
There was an offer of op research. it was accepted with no strings attached -no promises of collaboration

Pretty much everything you have claimed about Trump has been proven wrong over the last 18 months, so I am under no obligation to accept your premise and your assertions. It seems like you have stooped to resorting to full blown spin mode, which is something the genuinely honest person endeavors to refrain from.

Your Orange Pig lied - and lied relentlessly - about the scope and intent of this meeting with the Russians. He dictated a formal memo lying about the meeting.

Genuinely innocent people generally do not resort to repeatedly lying their asses off.
A presidential candidate, let alone any responsible and patriotic American citizen , does not need a law to tell them to refrain from collaborating with a foreign adversary to influence our elections.

What Trump boot-lickers are telling us is that the only way they can contain themselves from colluding with foreign adversaries to undermine our elections is if they are threatened with prison sentences.

actually, what we have told you over and over, is that nothing happened, you have no evidence anything happened and you are blowing smoke out of your ass.......someday you will finally admit we are right.......
And you know this how? If there was no conspiracy, why then did Donnie and Drumpf both lie about it?
lying about meeting ( if they did,it have little interest 1 way or the other) is not a conspiracy.
People lie all the time. That doesn't mean they conspire. Conspire is a legal term.

And the supposed collusion is between da Russians and Trumps - not Trump and Trump Jr.
Without a quid pro quo there is no *criminal* conspiracy.

Wrong. Besides we don't know if there were offers of quid pro quo, do we? Example: Guy meets underage kid on Internet, talks him up, makes arrangements to meet him at a hotel. Guy goes to hotel, enters room, sees kid sitting on bed -- with a Dateline camera crew and a cop in the bathroom. Guy gets busted.

The sting could have been done by the, now fired lying-McCabe or the, now demoted and disgraced Strzok, to bolster the ‘insurance policy’.
Why doesn’t someone at WashPo look into it?

Probably because laughable nothing burger? Say, why don't the esteemed journalists at Breitbart, Infowars, or Fox look into this?

You're sounding shrill and desperate here, Darth.
jimmymccready A true blue American never would work with the Russians to interfere in American elections.Why? You are talking like a Russo-Trump propagandaist. The Trump campaigners worked with Russian operatives. The intel agencies, the DOJ, the FBI, and the Senate intel cmte all believe that to one extent or another. poor sod.....
Again, the 700# gorilla question in the room is:

Why would someone try and trick Junior into meeting Russians using oppo research as bait?

Investigative journalists, where are you?
Good question..maybe it was a set up?
Eben if it was there was - no sting, no mark - no nothing because they walked out
an intelligent person would realize that nobody did.........

Oh, somebody certainly did, and Mueller, the DOJ, the FBI, the intel agencies, etc., are all on it, and (suprise) it does not look like the Russians were working with the Dems but rather with the Trumpers and their associates.

Mueller will begin releasing reports in time for several October Surprises.
Here's where your legal theories fall into a crack. 1) whether or not something comes of it, a conspiracy to commit a crime is still a crime. 2) Obviously if it was a sting, and Jr. went and plotted, he would have been arrested by now for conspiring.

If you and your buddy plot to rob a bank, and meet with someone you believe is on the inside and who will let you in after hours.... but don't go through with it, it's still a crime. Whether the "insider" is real, or an undercover cop, doesn't matter. If the insider was a cop, you'd be busted.... so there goes your Jr. and the set-up bullshit.

You guys really *are* grasping at straws now.
way out in left field without a clue.

Where is the conspiracy? what was the mutual goal, contracted by a corrupt action/plot between the conspirators??
Oh, somebody certainly did, and Mueller, the DOJ, the FBI, the intel agencies, etc., are all on it, and (suprise) it does not look like the Russians were working with the Dems but rather with the Trumpers and their associates.

Mueller will begin releasing reports in time for several October Surprises.

lol, you sound like BucKKKle.....we've been waiting for your surprises since you got your November surprise.....
only conspiring to commit a crime is illegal.......conspiring to collude would not be, since collusion is a any event, it never happened.....

Conspiracy in this context, needs a quid pro quo in order to be a crime.

One can easily argue the liberal media is ‘conspiring’ against Trump, but it’s not a crime.

Just an abomination.