Trump Admits Collusion

Watching the Russo-Trump lackeys and running dogs on the other side of the shadow mirror trying and failing to accuse their opponents of what they, the shadow mirrors, are trying to pull off, is quite amusing.
Chinese use the term "running dogs" ( as in capitalist running dog lackeys ) not the Russians

Now you are showing your knowledge, little Anatta, of America's enemies, Chinese and Russian.

How interesting.
hey there jiminy cricket
I was studying geo-politics long before you were born by the looks of your limited abilities..
Knowledge is a good thing -ask our INTEl agencies
there was no collaborating with Russians by the Trump campaign to "influence elections"
There was an offer of op research. it was accepted with no strings attached -no promises of collaboration

And you know this how? If there was no conspiracy, why then did Donnie and Drumpf both lie about it?
Again, the 700# gorilla question in the room is:

Why would someone try and trick Junior into meeting Russians using oppo research as bait?

Investigative journalists, where are you?
Again, the 700# gorilla question in the room is:

Why would someone try and trick Junior into meeting Russians using oppo research as bait?

Investigative journalists, where are you?

Remember in 2011 when Trump accused Obama of wanting to start a war with Iran? If you don't, there's video. Impressed?
And you know they got campaign dirt how lol?


Again, the 700# gorilla question in the room is:

Why would someone try and trick Junior into meeting Russians using oppo research as bait?

Investigative journalists, where are you?

So now your excuse is that this was a sting, a set-up?

So now your excuse is that this was a sting, a set-up?


The meeting turned out to be a waste of time.

It’s not a crime to have your time wasted last time I checked. Maybe it should be, but it’s not.

The media’s lack of curiosity about a possible sting is noted.
The meeting turned out to be a waste of time.
It’s not a crime to have your time wasted last time I checked. Maybe it should be, but it’s not.
The media’s lack of curiosity about a possible sting is noted.

Here's where your legal theories fall into a crack. 1) whether or not something comes of it, a conspiracy to commit a crime is still a crime. 2) Obviously if it was a sting, and Jr. went and plotted, he would have been arrested by now for conspiring.

If you and your buddy plot to rob a bank, and meet with someone you believe is on the inside and who will let you in after hours.... but don't go through with it, it's still a crime. Whether the "insider" is real, or an undercover cop, doesn't matter. If the insider was a cop, you'd be busted.... so there goes your Jr. and the set-up bullshit.

You guys really *are* grasping at straws now.
Here's where your legal theories fall into a crack. 1) whether or not something comes of it, a conspiracy to commit a crime is still a crime. 2) Obviously if it was a sting, and Jr. went and plotted, he would have been arrested by now for conspiring.

If you and your buddy plot to rob a bank, and meet with someone you believe is on the inside and who will let you in after hours.... but don't go through with it, it's still a crime. Whether the "insider" is real, or an undercover cop, doesn't matter. If the insider was a cop, you'd be busted.... so there goes your Jr. and the set-up bullshit.

You guys really *are* grasping at straws now.

Without a quid pro quo there is no *criminal* conspiracy.

The sting could have been done by the, now fired lying-McCabe or the, now demoted and disgraced Strzok, to bolster the ‘insurance policy’.

Why doesn’t someone at WashPo look into it?
Straws are all the Trumptards have left.

Mueller has caught Trump red handed at the very thing he was asked to find.
Mueller rocks!
Trump is finished.
Here's where your legal theories fall into a crack. 1) whether or not something comes of it, a conspiracy to commit a crime is still a crime. 2) Obviously if it was a sting, and Jr. went and plotted, he would have been arrested by now for conspiring.

If you and your buddy plot to rob a bank, and meet with someone you believe is on the inside and who will let you in after hours.... but don't go through with it, it's still a crime. Whether the "insider" is real, or an undercover cop, doesn't matter. If the insider was a cop, you'd be busted.... so there goes your Jr. and the set-up bullshit.

You guys really *are* grasping at straws now.

Well done, counselor.
There is NOTING illegal about getting Op research from da Russians.

Oh yea there is

really?......and the Democrats that bought it and gave it to the IC to use against Trump were not doing something illegal, but the Republicans who didn't get anything from the Russians, were?.......
The meeting turned out to be a waste of time.

It’s not a crime to have your time wasted last time I checked. Maybe it should be, but it’s not.

The media’s lack of curiosity about a possible sting is noted.

Think it through, a little further than you apparently did. I'll wait.