Trump Admits Collusion

Quote Originally Posted by ThatOwlWoman View Post
Here's where your legal theories fall into a crack. 1) whether or not something comes of it, a conspiracy to commit a crime is still a crime.

sorry to burst your bubble, but if I and Legion conspire to throw you a surprise birthday party it is not a crime.......if collusion is not a crime, conspiring to collude still is not a have never been able to articulate an actual crime that any one conspired to do.......
Conspiracy in this context, needs a quid pro quo in order to be a crime.
in legal terms, it needs an intent to engage in an actual crime.....

One can easily argue the liberal media is ‘conspiring’ against Trump, but it’s not a crime.

Just an abomination.
an even better example would be purchasing false information from an outside source and presenting it as fact to a FISA judge to get a surveillance warrant.......that would actually be a conspiracy to commit a crime.......
Pretty much everything you have claimed about Trump has been proven wrong over the last 18 months, so I am under no obligation to accept your premise and your assertions. It seems like you have stooped to resorting to full blown spin mode, which is something the genuinely honest person endeavors to refrain from.

Your Orange Pig lied - and lied relentlessly - about the scope and intent of this meeting with the Russians. He dictated a formal memo lying about the meeting.

Genuinely innocent people generally do not resort to repeatedly lying their asses off.
blah blah blah.

where have I been proven wrong?
I called the deep state - and now we see everything from a corrupted FBI, to collusion by Brennan with the 7th floor plotter to "stop Trump" -so much so they were running informants against Trump without any formal investigation.

I called GDP growth because of tax cuts and where have I been wrong about Trump?.

It's possible Trump lied about the meeting, but that is a far reach from any criminal/corrupt motive.
Politicians lie all the time. He probably was over-protective of his son..OMG Impeach him! :rolleyes:
Conspiracy in this context, needs a quid pro quo in order to be a crime.

One can easily argue the liberal media is ‘conspiring’ against Trump, but it’s not a crime.

Just an abomination.
lol @ "abomination" I think Frank has a copyright on that!
you better pay royalties!
Where is the conspiracy? what was the mutual goal, contracted by a corrupt action/plot between the conspirators??

Russians -- i.e. Putin -- did not want Clinton elected for whatever reasons; we can discuss *that* elsewhere. Obviously TrumpCo has the same goal. Russian operative contacts Jr., claims to have valuable information, they set up a meet at Trump Towers. It's obvious from Trump's tweet this morning that he knew it was about "an opponent" -- and at that time (July), the opponent was Clinton. Meeting takes place. News of it leaks out. Jr. lies to investigators and says it was about "adoption." Sr. dictates Jr.'s "it was about adoption" statement given to the media. Jr. releases the email exchange. Both of them insist for almost two years that their version is right. Cohen's recorded conversations and statements, however, contradict both of them -- and state that Trump Sr. knew about the meeting beforehand, and that it was not about adoption. 5 August 2018, Trump issues a Tweet throwing Jr. under the Mueller bus by finally admitting that the meeting was about getting info on an opponent -- Clinton. At the very least, Jr. is going down for lying to investigators.

At this point in time none of us outside of Mueller's time, and probably Cohen, know whether or not any information was exchanged. The Trumps lie like rugs so we can't go by *that". Doesn't matter though -- a plan was hatched to commit an illegal act.
*That* = Trumpers lie to protect Trump, as he lies to protect himself.

Mueller has or will find out the indictable material on the American Cato of our times.
it's the same retarded-recycled crap driven by TDS from the same bunch over and over.

I guess if they say it 3x while clicking their ruby red slippers they think it's going to magically happen

Right lol?

If there’s any meat to Meeting Gate it’s in the question of why Junior was led to believe he was going to get dirt on Hillary from Russians.

Was someone trying to bait Junior into offering a quid pro quo? Whoever set the meeting up would be familiar with the law: they would know that without Junior offering something in exchange for dirt on Hillary, no crime would be committed.

Instead of kicking the same dead horse over and over again, why don’t our investigative journalists try and nail down Rob Goldstone on *why* he told Junior the meeting was about dirt on Hillary?

I already know the answer.
Russians -- i.e. Putin -- did not want Clinton elected for whatever reasons; we can discuss *that* elsewhere. Obviously TrumpCo has the same goal. Russian operative contacts Jr., claims to have valuable information, they set up a meet at Trump Towers. It's obvious from Trump's tweet this morning that he knew it was about "an opponent" -- and at that time (July), the opponent was Clinton. Meeting takes place. News of it leaks out. Jr. lies to investigators and says it was about "adoption." Sr. dictates Jr.'s "it was about adoption" statement given to the media. Jr. releases the email exchange. Both of them insist for almost two years that their version is right. Cohen's recorded conversations and statements, however, contradict both of them -- and state that Trump Sr. knew about the meeting beforehand, and that it was not about adoption. 5 August 2018, Trump issues a Tweet throwing Jr. under the Mueller bus by finally admitting that the meeting was about getting info on an opponent -- Clinton. At the very least, Jr. is going down for lying to investigators.

At this point in time none of us outside of Mueller's time, and probably Cohen, know whether or not any information was exchanged. The Trumps lie like rugs so we can't go by *that". Doesn't matter though -- a plan was hatched to commit an illegal act.
* whew* your explanation is longer then the Trump Tower meeting was!

First off throw out Cohen. He is under extreme duress, and is likely composing for the Southern New York AG..

What you had ( and break down the component parts, before you glue them together ) is a mutual agreed meeting
by Trump team and da Russians -right?

As far as I can see that is the only thing they agreed on -right? Just the meeting itself.

The rest of it is lieing by this or that by him or him for political reasons, not in any attempt to cover up the meeting took place or any conspiracy hatched there.
even if there were lies to cover up the act the meeting happened -again that has no legal meaning other then they didn't want to own the fact there was a meeting.

At the very least, Jr. is going down for lying to investigators.
There would be yet another process crime by Mueller
( which means the crime would not exist except for the investigation)

At this point in time none of us outside of Mueller's time, and probably Cohen, know whether or not any information was exchanged.
again Cohen for various reasons is as unreliable in testimony as Comey would be.
But if you want to hang onto this hope that they had a secret exchange in the meeting....
while nothing indicates they did in the very short time it existed...ok
Right lol?

If there’s any meat to Meeting Gate it’s in the question of why Junior was led to believe he was going to get dirt on Hillary from Russians.

Was someone trying to bait Junior into offering a quid pro quo? Whoever set the meeting up would be familiar with the law: they would know that without Junior offering something in exchange for dirt on Hillary, no crime would be committed.

Instead of kicking the same dead horse over and over again, why don’t our investigative journalists try and nail down Rob Goldstone on *why* he told Junior the meeting was about dirt on Hillary?

I already know the answer.
you have far more good curiosity about the circumstances then any of today "journalists" (partisan hacks) do.

It does raise a few issues that should be investigated -
but that would require fake news to cough up an investigative journalist! They do not exist in today's political MS press!

( maybe sarah carter could do it!) ROFL
actually, what we have told you over and over, is that nothing happened, you have no evidence anything happened and you are blowing smoke out of your ass.......someday you will finally admit we are right.......

Neither you nor anybody else knows if nothing happened because Mueller hasn't released his report yet.
Without a quid pro quo there is no *criminal* conspiracy.

The sting could have been done by the, now fired lying-McCabe or the, now demoted and disgraced Strzok, to bolster the ‘insurance policy’.

Why doesn’t someone at WashPo look into it?

Like your story, The Sting was a work of fiction.

Russians -- i.e. Putin -- did not want Clinton elected for whatever reasons; we can discuss *that* elsewhere. Obviously TrumpCo has the same goal. Russian operative contacts Jr., claims to have valuable information, they set up a meet at Trump Towers. It's obvious from Trump's tweet this morning that he knew it was about "an opponent" -- and at that time (July), the opponent was Clinton. Meeting takes place. News of it leaks out. Jr. lies to investigators and says it was about "adoption." Sr. dictates Jr.'s "it was about adoption" statement given to the media. Jr. releases the email exchange. Both of them insist for almost two years that their version is right. Cohen's recorded conversations and statements, however, contradict both of them -- and state that Trump Sr. knew about the meeting beforehand, and that it was not about adoption. 5 August 2018, Trump issues a Tweet throwing Jr. under the Mueller bus by finally admitting that the meeting was about getting info on an opponent -- Clinton. At the very least, Jr. is going down for lying to investigators.

At this point in time none of us outside of Mueller's time, and probably Cohen, know whether or not any information was exchanged. The Trumps lie like rugs so we can't go by *that". Doesn't matter though -- a plan was hatched to commit an illegal act.

The only reason Putin would favor Trump over Hillary is that Trump said some neat things about Putin before the election lol.

Which, if true, turned out to be a miscalculation on his part. Hillary had a business relationship, involving uranium, with the Russians. And since it involved Uranium it involved the Kremlin and not some garden variety oligarch. Bill Clinton scored a quarter million for just one speech in front of some Russians.

Since the election, Trump has sanctioned Russia, bombed Russian assets in Syria, killed Russian mercenaries, armed the Ukrainians and scolded Germany for getting their natural gas from Russia—while US taxpayers are funding NATO from the supposed Russian threat.

If Putin was pulling for Trump over Hillary he must rue the day he made that decision. Because he was off. Way off.
The only reason Putin would favor Trump over Hillary is that Trump said some neat things about Putin before the election lol.

Which, if true, turned out to be a miscalculation on his part. Hillary had a business relationship, involving uranium, with the Russians. And since it involved Uranium it involved the Kremlin and not some garden variety oligarch. Bill Clinton scored a quarter million for just one speech in front of some Russians.

Since the election, Trump has sanctioned Russia, bombed Russian assets in Syria, killed Russian mercenaries, armed the Ukrainians and scolded Germany for getting their natural gas from Russia—while US taxpayers are funding NATO from the supposed Russian threat.

If Putin was pulling for Trump over Hillary he must rue the day he made that decision. Because he was off. Way off.

The only reason?

Not because Putin has "Kompromat" allowing Putin to influence the President of the United States?
blah blah blah.

where have I been proven wrong?
I called the deep state - and now we see everything from a corrupted FBI, to collusion by Brennan with the 7th floor plotter to "stop Trump" -so much so they were running informants against Trump without any formal investigation.

I called GDP growth because of tax cuts and where have I been wrong about Trump?.

It's possible Trump lied about the meeting, but that is a far reach from any criminal/corrupt motive.
Politicians lie all the time. He probably was over-protective of his son..OMG Impeach him! :rolleyes:

You do not need to defend Trump's lies. Especially to anonymous people on an obscure message board whom you will never meet.

Allow me to say are in dire need of some Solzhenitsyn

“You can resolve to live your life with integrity. Let your credo be this: Let the lie come into the world, let it even triumph. But not through me.”
― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
lol.....sure hasn't prevented your crowd from pretending something happened.......I believe the default is innocent until proven guilty......

Normally it would be, but Daffy Dawn has admitted to almost everything he originally denied as the undeniable evidence becomes available to the public. From conspiring with the Russian government to gain an edge in the election, to the women he fucked and paid off.

It's called "rolling disclosure" .

Our old friend Dick Nixon made it famous.
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