Trump Admits Collusion

In a tweet this morning, Trump admitted that the infamous Trump Tower meeting with Russian agents WAS about getting information damaging to his political opponent from a foreign power.

He had written a statement saying the meeting was about adoption policies so we now know that was a lie.

He claims that this collusion meeting was legal. It was not.

He claims he did not know about the meeting in advance. Considering the lies he has already told about this meeting...there is no reason to believe that claim.

At the very least he just threw his son and son in law under the bus

lol......poor simple minded lib'rul......

respected by those among us with the weakest minds.....
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As compared to others "Oral values"????......


PG-13 warning.....

Well, personally I can actually understand the motivation for oral sex. I cannot understand the motivation for betraying your country by colluding with the Kremlin to undermine our democracy.
OMG it's like they cannot understand basic English.. :palm:

the meeting was sold to Trump Jr as getting Opposition research -it turned out to be about the Maginsky act instead.
There is NOTING illegal about getting Op research from da Russians.
Hillary did the same thing when she paid for Fusion GP to get the Steele dossier ( from Russians).


'Collusion' would be a conspiracy between Trump campaign for a quid pro quo.
Like: "Well give you this Op research if you promise to end Ukraine sanctions on Russia"

which never happened

Meeting had no quid pro quo, no promises, no exchanges...nada.. zip. :rolleyes:

There is NOTING illegal about getting Op research from da Russians.

Oh yea there is
In a tweet this morning, Trump admitted that the infamous Trump Tower meeting with Russian agents WAS about getting information damaging to his political opponent from a foreign power.

He had written a statement saying the meeting was about adoption policies so we now know that was a lie.

He claims that this collusion meeting was legal. It was not.

He claims he did not know about the meeting in advance. Considering the lies he has already told about this meeting...there is no reason to believe that claim.

At the very least he just threw his son and son in law under the bus

Throws Boy Blunder Under Da-Bus :laugh:
Can you imagine your own father screwing you like that?

I'd friggin screw him in return and Donnie could do that
I would be absolutely broken hearted, but my father was a man of integrity. We would never have been in any such position in the first place.
When I read that tweet...I almost shit.

Trump is one of the dumbest fuck-heads ever to be in public life.

After all the denying...he just comes out and admits what the meeting was about

Literally, the stupidest president this nation has ever had.
So we've gone from "no collusion" to "collusion is not a crime".

Yes it is. The conspiracy involved in that collusion is a crime. The campaign finance laws broken constitute crimes. Possibly even espionage act charges would constitute crimes

Amazing, isn't it?

I would be absolutely broken hearted, but my father was a man of integrity. We would never have been in any such position in the first place.

Mine as well. If they weren't such animal-murdering, sniveling weasel-faced spoiled brats, we could also feel sorry for the Spawn of Trump.
I don’t even like groaning and it’s all I can do to keep from pulling the trigger lol.

They will literally bite on anything.
One is entitle to TDS, one is entitled to hope Trump fails his presidency. It's disgusting and anti_american
but there it is. One is not entitled to their own version of the facts
Messing with foreign operatives to meddle with our elections violates American federal law.
cite. there was no corrupted conspiracy, no exchanges of even information
(unlike the Steele dossier), no collusion for any purpose - including offering Op research for a quid pro quo