Trump Admits Collusion

I think the move was inevitable.

They realize Mueller has the goods on them...and they think they are "getting out front" with this shit.

Between the stupidity of Donald Trump and the "advice" he is getting from Giulliani...this may end up in a murder conviction.

Good point,
but how can anyone with a shred of self-respect and integrity go from yelling "No collusion!" one day, to yelling "Collusion is legal!" the next day? As far as I can tell, almost all rightwing posters here are making that gargantuan flip flop.
Good point,
but how can anyone with a shred of self-respect and integrity go from yelling "No collusion!" one day, to yelling "Collusion is legal!" the next day? As far as I can tell, almost all rightwing posters here are making that gargantuan flip flop.

Oh...not that hard at all.

All you have to do is to be totally clueless and classless...and be willing to be a puppet with the Dear Leader pulling your strings.

That is what they are doing.
Collusion that becomes conspiracy is a crime. :cool:

It seems like we shouldn't even need a law. It should be self-evident to Presidential candidates and patriotic Americans that you do not collude with the Kremlin to sway an American election, that you do not go on national television and beg Russian state intelligence services to hack into an American political party's computers.

Any decent, patriotic American would never do that, and would not need a law to tell them not to do that.

Apparently, what Republicans are saying is that they cannot stop themselves from colluding with foreign adversaries to undermine American democracy, unless there is a law and threat of prison to stop them from doing it.
The goal posts are literally being moved in real time, folks.

For 18 months, Trump boot-lickers have been hollering "No collusion!".

Is anyone but me absolutely flabbergasted at how rapidly they abandoned that talking point, to hollering that colluding with the Kremlin is perfectly legal?


That whole story about adoptions was just crazy on its face. For one thing trump wasn't even elected yet but they expect us to believe this bizarre tangent was the source of a secret meeting. The Russians could have set up an "adoption meeting" with Hillary and Bernie too, but we know that didn't happen.
I think the move was inevitable.

They realize Mueller has the goods on them...and they think they are "getting out front" with this shit.

Between the stupidity of Donald Trump and the "advice" he is getting from Giulliani...this may end up in a murder conviction.

Conspiracy with a foreign power to perpetrate election fraud is the specific violation.
Collusion is merely a means to that end.
Discussion is not a crime either, but if you were discussing how to perpetrate insurance fraud with someone and they commit that crime you are a conspirator. Especially if you benefit from it.
If someone conspired to have their spouse killed and colluded with a hit man, then put up a defense at trial that collusion is not a crime, the judge would laugh at them and the court would proceed to convict them of conspiracy to murder.

There is no such thing as a charge of "collusion".
Straw man arguments hold no water in court.
Trump and company know the jig is up and they are desperately grasping at all straws.
Trumpers and Alt Right:

The anti-Trump resistance is relentless, ever engaged, always moving forward.

The pro-Trumpers cannot escape the public degradation for all of you and the punishment for the criminals among you: it is inevitable.
It seems like we shouldn't even need a law. It should be self-evident to Presidential candidates and patriotic Americans that you do not collude with the Kremlin to sway an American election, that you do not go on national television and beg Russian state intelligence services to hack into an American political party's computers.

Any decent, patriotic American would never do that, and would not need a law to tell them not to do that.

Apparently, what Republicans are saying is that they cannot stop themselves from colluding with foreign adversaries to undermine American democracy, unless there is a law and threat of prison to stop them from doing it.

The Repugnants and the conservative ideology to which they subscribe, have always had an "end justifies the means" philosophy.

Anything to win.

That whole story about adoptions was just crazy on its face. For one thing trump wasn't even elected yet but they expect us to believe this bizarre tangent was the source of a secret meeting. The Russians could have set up an "adoption meeting" with Hillary and Bernie too, but we know that didn't happen.

Good point.

The adoption story never passed the smell test.

And we now know, Trump dictated a memo lying his ass off about the whole thing.

And in my experience, people who have done nothing wrong are generally not relentlessly telling lies. Trump seemingly has been lying his ass off from day one on this Russia deal
Jesus, yet another ignorant peasant. Fuck off, we have filled our quota already.
OMG it's like they cannot understand basic English.. :palm:

the meeting was sold to Trump Jr as getting Opposition research -it turned out to be about the Maginsky act instead.
There is NOTING illegal about getting Op research from da Russians.
Hillary did the same thing when she paid for Fusion GP to get the Steele dossier ( from Russians).


'Collusion' would be a conspiracy between Trump campaign for a quid pro quo.
Like: "Well give you this Op research if you promise to end Ukraine sanctions on Russia"

which never happened

Meeting had no quid pro quo, no promises, no exchanges...nada.. zip. :rolleyes:
"Fake News reporting, a complete fabrication, that I am concerned about the meeting my wonderful son, Donald, had in Trump Tower," the president tweeted. "This was a meeting to get information on an opponent, totally legal and done all the time in politics – and it went nowhere. I did not know about it!" ( Trump Tweet)

the tweet is the same thing that's been said. they had a meeting to "get information on an opponent, totally legal and done all the time in politics – and it went nowhere. I did not know about it!"
So tell us how meeting Russians is illegal

Your shitting. That's what you came up with? It was a meeting, 2 actually, with Russians to obtain information on Hillary. That must be what you meant. If it were innocent, the Trumplestilskinms would not have spent 2 years lying about it. Now to escape for himself, Daffy is hanging Jr out to dry. Of course he can pardon him.

Don't remember the adoption story ,do you? It was true, Putin adopted Trump that day.