Trump Admits Collusion

But what do rightwing posters have to say about the fact their Orange Hero lied for 18 months about his campaign's collusion with the Russians, only belatedly admitting it this week?
Remember how they all lied there were no meetings at first, them there were meetings, but nothing was discussed. The stories keep changing as more comes to light.
Remember how they all lied there were no meetings at first, them there were meetings, but nothing was discussed. The stories keep cha great not as more comes to light.

Astonishing, eh?

For people who were so upset about some dude lying about a blowjob with a consenting female, I am surprised their core "moral values" were so easily tossed aside.
Astonishing, eh?

For people who were so upset about some dude lying about a blowjob with a consenting female, I am surprised their core "moral values" were so easily tossed aside.

As compared to others "Oral values"????......
11 CFR 110.2 and 11CFR 300.2

What’s wrong, cuntwhistle? Can’t read?

I already did. It is you who still cannot answer this: "Lol, let's see the actual wording of the statutes. I guarantee you're full of shit." He is still waiting. What is taking your sorry ass so long?
so now we're back to "Trump lied"..that is a far cry from collusion (criminal conspiracy for a corrupt motive)..
I already did. It is you who still cannot answer this: "Lol, let's see the actual wording of the statutes. I guarantee you're full of shit." He is still waiting. What is taking your sorry ass so long?

There’s the ACTUAL WORDING, taintstain. Right there in front of you.

11 CFR 110.2 and 11CFR 300.2

Illiterate dumbfuck
His request is still over your "little" head so it seems Gomer. Find some kid to explain it to you.

He asked for the criminal code and I gave it, cumstain. Here it is again, illiterate fucktard.

11 CFR 110.2 and 11CFR 300.2
He asked for the criminal code and I gave it, cumstain. Here it is again, illiterate fucktard.

11 CFR 110.2 and 11CFR 300.2

"Lol, let's see the actual wording of the statutes. I guarantee you're full of shit." I can see that simple statement is to difficult for you to comprehend "little" man.
"Lol, let's see the actual wording of the statutes. I guarantee you're full of shit." I can see that simple statement is to difficult for you to comprehend "little" man.

Here’s the actual wording of the statutes, cumbreath.

11 CFR 110.2 and 11CFR 300.2
Here’s the actual wording of the statutes, cumbreath.

11 CFR 110.2 and 11CFR 300.2

Like I said, either way over your head or, as expected, you are just going to flap your limp wrists about, whining, because he has you stone cold caught. You are in your usual curl up in the fetal position mode "little" man.
Like I said, either way over your head or, as expected, you are just going to flap your limp wrists about, whining, because he has you stone cold caught. You are in your usual curl up in the fetal position mode "little" man.

Here are the statutes, asswipe. How many times do they need to be cited, cuntwhistle?

11 CFR 110.2 and 11CFR 300.2