Trump Admits Collusion

sad to be a liberal in the US of A these days.

"What will you be running on in the Mid terms"?
Trump is bad
"I see, and moving forward can we hear some of your policy issues for the American People"?
Trump is bad
"I see, would you like to add anything else"?
Trump is bad

"oooooK, Peter, back to you"
TD's inability to comprehend is well documented. Junior's Emails leave little doubt as to to who was seeking who.

:lolup:Same moronic eruption, SAME damn day. :rofl2: You haven't been right yet; I would think you would grow weary of looking like an idiot. :rofl2:
This must be reiterated every time the Trump Alt Right lies and denies.

“It looks like the [US] agencies were asleep,” the source added. “They [the European agencies] were saying: ‘There are contacts going on between people close to Mr Trump and people we believe are Russian intelligence agents. You should be wary of this.’

“The message was: ‘Watch out. There’s something not right here.’”

Socialist State TV ... the official source for anonymous "official" sources.

We are witnessing full panic mode.

Wrong; we are witnessing the full and complete meltdown of the lying left and their laughably stupid predictions that continue to prove completely wrong. But because you are all idiots and morons, you will continue to double down on your moronic predictions and narratives thus ensuring there is no doubt about your whacked out lunacy.

MAGA Baby!!
At last check Daffy colluded with Putin on live TV. Putin would lie and Daffy would back him up.
BTW the world watched this happen.

:lolup:Same moronic eruption, SAME damned day. :rofl2: You haven't been right yet; I would think you would grow weary of looking like an idiot. :rofl2:
Well, wouldn’t the FBI want Junior to find out what the Russians had to say lol?

What good what it do them just knowing the Russians approached Junior? Then again, they were probably going out of their way to NOT find dirt on Hillary at the time. But that’s another issue.

Clearly, had Junior approached the FBI prior to the meeting, they would have given it the green light so they could get the information. The mere prospect of a meeting would be a Nothing Burger to them. You goof balls are also assuming Junior *wouldn’t* have gone to the FBI had it involved Hillary doing something illegal and or involving national security.

And you know what they say about assuming.

So now your spin is that Junior met with the Russian operatives because he was working as an agent for the FBI?
Your stench of desperation is getting overpowering, Darthy.
How do either of those facts change the nature of the statute in question?

Does the statute exclude NATO countries? Does that mean a candidate can collude with a NATO ally to steal an election? Is that what you are saying?

And even if Steele was initially hired by republicans how does that absolve Hillary?

Still nobody has explained how Hillary's campaign isn't in violation of this act. It would seem that by going through a law firm they were trying to skirt the law doesn't it?

What am I saying. Of course you don't think it does.

Trump's team went directly to Russian government operatives and constantly lied about all the meetings for months..
Let that sink in for a minute.
So now your spin is that Junior met with the Russian operatives because he was working as an agent for the FBI?
Your stench of desperation is getting overpowering, Darthy.

Darth doesn’t need to spin anything because nothing happened lol.

You goof balls have been gnawing at the same bone for over a year now. And it’s the same result, every time.
I know. Right?

Is it everything you hoped it would be? Are all of your life's ambitions now fulfilled?

When do you think they should inaugurate Hillary and put Nancy as Speaker of the House? Next week? Do you think Mueller can act that quickly to save the country Brother Leon?

Nancy will be speaker soon enough and Hillary is now a retired grandmother.
Again the irony of your sarcasm is palpable.
The Trump Alt Right can deny what the meaning of "is" is, and the federal and state DAs just chuckle as they sharpen their knives.

When the Dems end up with a 2/3 majority in both Senate and House and have the WH in 2020, they will set on a purge to civilly and criminally punish the Alt Right for corrupting the institutions, the laws, and their own press in an effort to destroy American civil liberties and freedoms.