Trump Admits Collusion

Why would Mueller wait until the midterm elections snowflake? If Trump has committed a crime, why wait? Dunce.

:lolup: Willful idiot is now admitting or suggesting that Mueller is colluding with the DNC to hand Democrats a victory they cannot win honestly. :rofl2:

Are you getting ready to eat some major crow after his report is completed? I think your appetite to eat crow is insatiable, otherwise, you would just STFU while you look stupid. :rofl2:

It is finally sinking in.
TD is worried.
You are right Brother Jarod.

Hillary Clinton's campaign gave the money to a law firm which then hired Fusion GPS which then hired the Foreign National which then went to Russia to dig up dirt on Donald Trump. It really is brilliant how our candidate was able to skirt campaign finance laws and not directly have her finger prints on it isn't it?

When do you think we will be having her inauguration party? Do you anticipate Mueller frog marching Don Jr out in hand cuffs this week? I expect so. This is finally it. We have waited for this for so long. Is this all you expected it to be? Is this better than the birth of your first born? The election of Obama?

Hillary will never be president, I hope Rump is not impeached, just exposed and weakened. Then in 2020 we can elect a respectable president.
Sean Spicer denied anything other than adoption was discussed. A LIE.

Jay Sekulow said “the president was not involved in the drafting of that statement.” A LIE.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders insisted Trump “certainly didn’t dictate” the statement. A LIE.
It is finally sinking in.
TD is worried.

There you go again making up BULLSHIT. I am far from worried snowflake. I am the one challenging all you snowflakes to a bet that I am right and YOU are wrong and you pathetic pussies refuse to take me up on it.

Try to grow a brain Mkay? :rolf2:
Hillary will never be president, I hope Rump is not impeached, just exposed and weakened. Then in 2020 we can elect a respectable president.

:lolup:Moron thinks a weakened Presidency is a good thing for America. Pathetic and stupid. Quite the combination. :rofl2:
Sean Spicer denied anything other than adoption was discussed. A LIE.

Jay Sekulow said “the president was not involved in the drafting of that statement.” A LIE.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders insisted Trump “certainly didn’t dictate” the statement. A LIE.

Nothing illegal dumbass.
Sean Spicer denied anything other than adoption was discussed. A LIE.

Jay Sekulow said “the president was not involved in the drafting of that statement.” A LIE.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders insisted Trump “certainly didn’t dictate” the statement. A LIE.

I have to tell you Frank, that is is worst looking ROFL image I've ever seen anyone use.. lol or ROFL is usually sufficient, but you drag out this dweeb wth a yellow sweater and I guess those are penny loafers?

It looks like a refugee from the 1950's

When one cares to send the very usually does.

When one doesn' usually doesn't.
When one cares to send the very usually does.

When one doesn' usually doesn't.

I wonder if there are any Trump supporters with enough self-respect to acknowledge how difficult it must be to go from where the fools where they are now?

Tell us Frank, how do you go from being a mere fool to a moron? I can't imagine anyone with more experience in these things.

Why is it so important to him that we think he did not know about it?

Can't wait for the Trump tweet that says, "Okay, I knew about it. But knowing something like that is not illegal."

Fucking gang that couldn't shoot straight.