Trump Admits Collusion

But Hillary doing it doesn't bother you,
or that she deleted supeoaned emails, or conducted national security business on a server in her basement, or that the DNC cheated during the debates by feeding Hillary the questions beforehand, or that Obama smuggled money to the Iranians in the dead of night, or that the Clinton foundation received millions of dollars from.. from... wait for it....RUSSIA

But... But... But... Hillary!
fair enough, not going to happen though, you see the rallies.
How short a memory you must have to see all the Trump negativity that took place during the election, and he still won.
Why would you think all of this fake news would work this time.

Because someone does a stupid thing at one time...does not mean that person will do the same stupid thing every time.

I am hoping the people who made the (what I consider) stupid mistake of voting for this abominable person, will not make that same mistake.

Could you tell me what you think Russia did that affected the election?

Jury is still out for me on that question. My blind guess would be...very little.

The fact that they attempted to influence it the way they did...bothers me.

I am not sure present day technology can prevent other nations from trying to do what they tried to do. We should be giving the problem our full attention...and we seem not to be doing that.

The fact that we are not also bothers me.
Whether Trump and or his people colluded with the Russians has absolutely nothing to do with anyone else
Has it occurred to anyone to see if there is a link between Fusion GPS and this Aras fellow who is linked to Putin?

Fusion GPS is the one common denominator in all this Russian business. Fusion is linked to the Dossier and also the Russian lawyer who attended the meeting. That’s an odd coincidence—if it is one.

There's nothing about Fusion in the email chain. Nor is there anything about the Magnitsky Act. It's all about a meet-up to supposedly get dirt on Hillary.
Trump's criminal dealing is no way excused by Clinton crime dealings.

Is that clear?

They cant understand that.

Trump even tweets,,,, Collusion is not a crime... Why is Hillary not being investigated for Collusion.

:lolup:Two low information twits in a circle jerk. :rofl2:

In a tweet this morning, Trump admitted that the infamous Trump Tower meeting with Russian agents WAS about getting information damaging to his political opponent from a foreign power.

He had written a statement saying the meeting was about adoption policies so we now know that was a lie.

He claims that this collusion meeting was legal. It was not.

He claims he did not know about the meeting in advance. Considering the lies he has already told about this meeting...there is no reason to believe that claim.

At the very least he just threw his son and son in law under the bus

' reason to BEIEVE..." Yep that's justified evidence for collusion. :laugh:

Believe: follow a credo, HAVE FAITH.

Faith: "Now faith is the substance of things HOPED FOR.....the evidence of things not seen."

The lefts position: Belief is blind when it comes to Biblical Faith....but when a Belief is presented by a leftist....its something to be considered FACTUAL.

Hypocrisy: Insincerity by virtue of PRETENSION in having qualities that you actually do not possess.
Conclusion: A lying dog by any other name is still a LYING DOG
Omg lol.

Two parties that had their wires crossed met: one was led to believe it was for oppo dirt and the other wanted to talk about Russian adoption.

Result: meeting quickly adjourned with nothing at all accomplished. At. All. No collusion and no Russian adoption. Period. End of Story.

The most plausible explanation for it: The Russian lawyer knew Junior wouldn’t take a meeting to talk about Russian adoption in the midst of a busy campaign, so he was deceived into thinking he was going to get dirt on Hillary.

If that’s all Mullet has, you might as well stick a fork in it.

Doesn't make sense, Darth. If the Russians wanted to talk about adoption why pretend it's about oppo research? If they wanted to talk about adoption why didn't they reach out to all the candidates, since no one was nominated at the time?

Nothing in the email chain mentions adoption. The only one talking about adoptions is the trump side, using it as an excuse for the meeting. I can't find any quotes by Veselnitskaya saying the meeting was about adoption. In fact, she's an operative for the Russian government.

Well, wouldn’t the FBI want Junior to find out what the Russians had to say lol?

What good what it do them just knowing the Russians approached Junior? Then again, they were probably going out of their way to NOT find dirt on Hillary at the time. But that’s another issue.

Clearly, had Junior approached the FBI prior to the meeting, they would have given it the green light so they could get the information. The mere prospect of a meeting would be a Nothing Burger to them. You goof balls are also assuming Junior *wouldn’t* have gone to the FBI had it involved Hillary doing something illegal and or involving national security.

And you know what they say about assuming.

Why do you suppose Junior didn't approach the FBI?

And as far as Hillary, it's entirely within the justice dept.'s ability to investigate more than one person at a time. So why haven't they gone after her yet?
Why do you suppose Junior didn't approach the FBI?
And as far as Hillary, it's entirely within the justice dept.'s ability to investigate more than one person at a time. So why haven't they gone after her yet?

Lights incense, dims lights, begins to channel a Trumpanzee..... Because burble derp Deep State goollit derp mutter snork.

Is it clear now?
The Trump apologists are claiming some nonsense about not being offered good enough oppo research on Hillary as if that matters.

The fact remains that they wanted "the good stuff" and were in a criminal conspiracy with (what they knew was) the Russian government to get it.
The Trump apologists are claiming some nonsense about not being offered good enough oppo research on Hillary as if that matters.
The fact remains that they wanted "the good stuff" and were in a criminal conspiracy with (what they knew was) the Russian government to get it.

Exactly. If you plot with your friends to hold up the 7-11 and only get away with a carton of smokes and $13, it's still a crime.
Trumplestilskins are trying to win by definition. However, there is no difference between conspiracy and collusion.

Trump has spurted out a string of lies in this Donald Jr. conspiracy. If collusion is not a crime, it does not matter because conspiracy is. Trumps have changed the story over and over. I thought nobody would be stupid enough not to see what was going on. It is obvious, some of you are capable of terrific self delusion.
Here is the legal definition for your edification.,
Doesn't make sense, Darth. If the Russians wanted to talk about adoption why pretend it's about oppo research? If they wanted to talk about adoption why didn't they reach out to all the candidates, since no one was nominated at the time?

Nothing in the email chain mentions adoption. The only one talking about adoptions is the trump side, using it as an excuse for the meeting. I can't find any quotes by Veselnitskaya saying the meeting was about adoption. In fact, she's an operative for the Russian government.


She’s an operative of the Russian government that’s been lobbying to get rid of the Maginsky Act that deals with adoptions. She partnered with Fusion in that regard. There’s nothing new about any of this. This is not a ‘breaking story’. Congress interviewed everyone, last year, and they concluded there’s no evidence the meeting had anything to do with dirt on Hillary.

It’s just another media contrived Russian hysteria that will end up going nowhere. And you birds got sucked into it.
