Trump Admits Collusion

It was?

"this was the most embarrassing thing you've ever asked me to do. I've just sat in a meeting about adoption."

That’s Goldstone from the Senate transcript.

I read that. On pages 142-143, Goldstone refused to make a statement that the meeting was mostly about the Magnitsky Act.

Somebody's lying.
really?.....are we talking about the meeting with the Russian lawyer who promised evidence about Hilliary campaign contribution violations and then only talked about adoption laws?......

Junior didn't know there was nothing about Hillary until after he took the meeting. I'm saying why didn't he contact the FBI before?
lol....every fucking comment made by a lib'rul since November 2016 has been just supposition and now you're going to bitch?......

:rolleyes: I haven't said much of anything about the Mueller investigation because we just don't know. And there are many others like me. So don't lump me in with others who are guessing.
Tell me when he admits collusion AND: tax evasion, bribery, arrogance, foolishness, self overestimation, pathological lying, sloth, greed, gluttony, rage, impulse control issues
malignant narcissism, sociopathy, fraud, treason, profiteering, hypocrisy, licentiousness, serial adultery, heresy, mania, chauvinism,
homophobia, racism, intimidation, manipulation and having bad hair.
Sessions appointed Jonathan Huber to investigate Obama’s DOJ. Federal prosecutors like to hand out indictments don’t they?

That’s as good as investigating Hillary. Btw, Judical Watch got a freeze on Comey’s private emails, so maybe those will be leaking out in the coming weeks.

Should make for interesting reading before November.
Judicial Watch is a joke.
I read that. On pages 142-143, Goldstone refused to make a statement that the meeting was mostly about the Magnitsky Act.

Somebody's lying.

Not necessarily.

They could have discussed Russian adoption without mentioning the Maginsky Act, specifically. It’s also likely she never got around to it because at least some of the time was spent by Junior trying to figure out what the meeting was about. It was a short meeting by all counts.

In a word, it was cluster. Yet, some people think it was a big deal lol.
Judicial Watch is a joke.

I understand why you hate them lol.

But a court order is a court order. And they can’t slow walk a judge like they do Nunes.

And they can’t redact anything without implicating Comey with a crime—since only classified information needs redacted and this is Comey’s private account we’re talking about.

Like I said, it could be real interesting.
I understand why you hate them lol.

But a court order is a court order. And they can’t slow walk a judge like they do Nunes.

And they can’t redact anything without implicating Comey with a crime—since only classified information needs redacted and this is Comey’s private account we’re talking about.

Like I said, it could be real interesting.
I don’t hate them, why do you always assign me feelings I don’t have? They are just a joke, an extremely biased group, much of what they do never bears fruit.
Well, your ‘fact checkers’ are a joke, so there lol.
The vast majority of their lawsuits are dismissed, they do get lucky occasionally, let us know how their latest turns out. They have been after Clinton since 1994, that should tell you just what a joke they are.
Not necessarily.

They could have discussed Russian adoption without mentioning the Maginsky Act, specifically. It’s also likely she never got around to it because at least some of the time was spent by Junior trying to figure out what the meeting was about. It was a short meeting by all counts.

In a word, it was cluster. Yet, some people think it was a big deal lol.

Well this takes it right back to the beginning. Why talk about adoption with one candidate only? It seems they'd have better luck contacting a liberal for a social issue.

Anyhow, I'm not going to say anymore. I'll just wait for the report.
Not necessarily.

They could have discussed Russian adoption without mentioning the Maginsky Act, specifically. It’s also likely she never got around to it because at least some of the time was spent by Junior trying to figure out what the meeting was about. It was a short meeting by all counts.

In a word, it was cluster. Yet, some people think it was a big deal lol.

He was told in advance what it was SUPPOSED to be about. Russian help getting dirt on Hillary...which is illegal
In a tweet this morning, Trump admitted that the infamous Trump Tower meeting with Russian agents WAS about getting information damaging to his political opponent from a foreign power.

He had written a statement saying the meeting was about adoption policies so we now know that was a lie.

He claims that this collusion meeting was legal. It was not.

He claims he did not know about the meeting in advance. Considering the lies he has already told about this meeting...there is no reason to believe that claim.

At the very least he just threw his son and son in law under the bus

The meeting was about adoptions. If the Magnitsky Act can be repealed or circumvented, Russian adoptions to US parents can resume.