Trump Advocates for State-Level Decision Making on Abortion Rights

at least for the ten or twenty days before someone is willing to adopt them, maybe......

I've always been amazed by people who adopt children.

It's so difficult to put up with one's own biological rugrats
that taking on somebody else's seems incredible to me.

In any case, I can't imagine any intelligent broad being willing to endure a ninth month pregnancy
and then the misery of childbirth
for the sake of what will be somebody else's problem.
I've always been amazed by people who adopt children.

It's so difficult to put up with one's own biological rugrats
that taking on somebody else's seems incredible to me.

In any case, I can't imagine any intelligent broad being willing to endure a ninth month pregnancy
and then the misery of childbirth
for the sake of what will be somebody else's problem.

You've adopted dogs in the past haven't you? And you haven't given birth... And I only say that because you mentioned you hadn't had a miscarriage either.. There are many wonderful stories of human adoption as well... Birth mother and adoptive parents... Who doesn't love a happily ever after?
Every economic indicator says we are doing just fine and are expected to continue to do so. The right and Trump continue to say we are headed for ruin yet they stop right there, they have no evidence whatsoever of this ruin. When pressed for this evidence they change the subject or paste a juvenile picture.

They say we are HEADED for ruin, while also saying now constantly that things are only doing so good now because they believe Trump will be back in, in November.

So they ADMIT things are doing well now, even as they also tell Magats to not 'FEEL' good about it, and the magats then do not FEEL good about it.

Magats when polled and interviewed over whelming admit THEY are doing better while also saying 'but i just have this feeling the country is on the decline', which is just them digesting the same type of propaganda from Magat media that has changed them into viewing the rioter/Insurrectionists as hostages. Trump repeats it... they then change their belie, like good cultists.

Then like Damocles said to us, 'it is our FEELINGS and not the actual data that matters', and they expect the rest of us who are not Magat cultists, to buy in to that.
You've adopted dogs in the past haven't you? And you haven't given birth... And I only say that because you mentioned you hadn't had a miscarriage either.. There are many wonderful stories of human adoption as well... Birth mother and adoptive parents... Who doesn't love a happily ever after?

I never contradicted ANY of that, TOP.
I, in fact, know that it's true.

What I said is that I can't personally understand it.
For the most part, children give me a rash.
I can't understand how I got so lucky with my own.

Ours were the Gestapo's idea.
She'd tell me honestly that she was off contraception,
and that I had the option of just leaving her alone if I so wished.

Then, doing what nobody in my personal experience has ever done better than she,
she made it impossible to leave her alone.

I'm giving you a lot of personal stuff here,
but that's the way things go down in my life.
Show me evidence that all Americans are living comfortably financial worries...

What a stupid question and reply.

You want a socialist utopia where unless every homeless druggie is doing well...with no financial worries, then the economy is not doing well. :laugh:

In the strongest economies some people will still run up debt. Some go bankrupt. Some make bad choices and abuse drugs and alcohol.

The bar of 'EVERY American living comfortable' you are demanding as proof the economy is doing well, is just stupid.
She easily could have died with sepsis and the rights refusal to allow doctors to call the shots will result in far more needless deaths than we will ever have from electable abortions in the third trimester. What about those lives.

What about those lives?

Because the Magats believe in miracles and not Dr's and science.

and if the mother dies that is 'god's will... and not for us mere mortals to question'.

But at least they will send 'thoughts and prayers' to the family.

That is really how Magat Fundamentalists think. They believe when a decision to abort is made, even in tragic situation you deny God the chance to do a miracle for that family and that is wrong.

They would force all of society to rely on miracles over science.
Because the Magats believe in miracles and not Dr's and science.

and if the mother dies that is 'god's will... and not for us mere mortals to question'.

But at least they will send 'thoughts and prayers' to the family.

That is really how Magat Fundamentalists think. They believe when a decision to abort is made, even in tragic situation you deny God the chance to do a miracle for that family and that is wrong.

They would force all of society to rely on miracles over science.

Which is precisely the reason that there is no upside to keeping them around.
The means of excision should be the primary national discussion right now.
Thank god she was able to get an abortion! You forgot about that little ditty while you were trying to change the subject to immigration.:laugh:

Remember when that whole travesty was going down? The only reason it was in the media is because the treating physician reported it to authorities, as she was mandated by law to do. Rather than being outraged that the child had to leave the state of Ohio to receive care, or that she was raped to begin with, Toxic and other forced-birthers were outraged at the DOCTOR, They screeched for her arrest and/or to have her license revoked. They didn't start blaming the rapist until it was revealed that he was allegedly an undocumented migrant.

That's the kind of self-anointed "moral" people we're dealing with here.
Infants are always adopted quickly...

Untrue. WHITE healthy infants, yes. Infants born with addiction, born with congenital issues, born to non-white moms, in particular to mothers with drug addiction/substance abuse -- not so much. Ever care for an addicted newborn? It's horrendous and heart-breaking and a FT and extremely stressful job. I have, as a nurse. These children will almost all have lifetime cognitive and physical problems requiring medical care. Why do you think so many white ppl look for adoptive kids in other countries?

Thankfully the people of your state are wiser than you, and have protected the rights of women to choose when to become a mother.
What a stupid question and reply.

You want a socialist utopia where unless every homeless druggie is doing well...with no financial worries, then the economy is not doing well. :laugh:

In the strongest economies some people will still run up debt. Some go bankrupt. Some make bad choices and abuse drugs and alcohol.

The bar of 'EVERY American living comfortable' you are demanding as proof the economy is doing well, is just stupid.

Heh, good points about socialism. Do you think our fascist friends here would like Biden to implement price controls? Nationalize the oil companies and sell gas for $2/gallon?

When you live in a lower-income, run-down neighborhood and are struggling to pay bills and buy food on a bus driver's pension, you think that everyone else is in a similar situation. When Fox and OAN tell you that you're not alone, you believe it because it's your reality.
Heh, good points about socialism. Do you think our fascist friends here would like Biden to implement price controls? Nationalize the oil companies and sell gas for $2/gallon?

When you live in a lower-income, run-down neighborhood and are struggling to pay bills and buy food on a bus driver's pension, you think that everyone else is in a similar situation. When Fox and OAN tell you that you're not alone, you believe it because it's your reality.

TOP is at least consistent in this area because in a prior discussion she said 'even if the economy is doing well some people are still running up massive credit card and other debt and thus not doing well', as a way to criticize Biden.

She seems to thin that big government has to go into people personal lives to that extent where they are given a veto over every spending decision. Big gov't needs to say 'sorry we are cancelling that Amazon order as your debt limits are getting too high'.

The Magats facade about being a party of Personal Responsibility, is dead. They want to hold gov't responsible for every personal choice a person makes, thus meaning gov't must step in and take control at that level.
I never contradicted ANY of that, TOP.
I, in fact, know that it's true.

What I said is that I can't personally understand it.
For the most part, children give me a rash.
I can't understand how I got so lucky with my own.

Ours were the Gestapo's idea.
She'd tell me honestly that she was off contraception,
and that I had the option of just leaving her alone if I so wished.

Then, doing what nobody in my personal experience has ever done better than she,
she made it impossible to leave her alone.

I'm giving you a lot of personal stuff here,
but that's the way things go down in my life.
There's nothing wrong with sharing amazing life stories... By doing so, you're admitting you understand much more than you might believe you do... That's a special quality by the way...
In a recent video, Donald Trump articulated his stance on abortion, emphasizing that the matter should be decided by individual states rather than at the federal level. This announcement, shared on his Truth Social platform, ended months of speculation regarding his position. Trump conveyed that the decision on abortion rights should rest with state legislatures or through direct voter input, asserting that their resolutions should stand as the prevailing laws within each state.

Without specifying a timeframe, Trump outlined his perspective against the backdrop of varied state regulations following the Supreme Court's overturning of Roe v. Wade. He acknowledged that states might adopt different restrictions based on the collective will of their citizens.

Amidst the ongoing debate on abortion rights, Trump's comments come as both political parties eye the 2024 presidential election, with abortion access remaining a pivotal issue. President Joe Biden has been vocal about the impact of the Supreme Court's decision on women's health, supporting individuals like Amanda Zurawski of Texas and Kaitlyn Joshua of Louisiana. These women, facing dire medical situations under restrictive abortion laws, have decided to campaign for Biden, highlighting the personal stakes involved.

Furthermore, as misinformation campaigns targeting Latino voters ramp up, efforts like those by La Campesina, a Spanish-language radio network, aim to provide accurate information on voting and election processes. This outreach underscores the importance of informed voting on critical issues, including abortion rights.

Trump, while positioning himself as a pro-life advocate, has critiqued his party's rigid stance on abortion, suggesting that inflexibility on exceptions for rape, incest, and maternal health has cost Republicans elections. His recent remarks reflect an attempt to navigate the deeply polarized opinions on abortion, proposing a consensus around a potential 15-week national ban, a position that aligns with some segments within the pro-life movement.

As the political landscape evolves, the issue of abortion rights continues to stir significant debate, with the Supreme Court's decision reshaping the battleground. This ongoing discourse highlights the complex interplay between personal beliefs, political strategy, and the legal framework governing abortion in the United States.

Contributions to this report were made by Michelle L. Price of The Associated Press.

Trump is right on this issue.
Quelle surprise. He dances down the middle as always.

When left up to the people, as happened recently in Ohio, the people choose reproductive freedom over repression -- even in red states.


He is desperate to get on the other side of this issue.

Wrong again. He is clarifying his position which the loons on the left in the media and Joes Democratic Party of Lying Jackasses keep lying about.

I am glad to see he agrees with Biden on this part of the issue.

Wrong again. Biden supports his party's loony abortion for anyone at any time policy, Trumps is moderate and has an expiration date.

I don't think you can post without lying, being dishonest, bloviating strawmen and looking woefully uninformed.