Trump Advocates for State-Level Decision Making on Abortion Rights

Quelle surprise. He dances down the middle as always.

When left up to the people, as happened recently in Ohio, the people choose reproductive freedom over repression -- even in red states.

When the Evangelicals and other extremists who make up his base rebel against this position he will go back to what he was saying yesterday, pushing for some form of National ban.

He is really trapped on this issue as his deplorable now realize they are losing State by State on this issue whenever people can force a vote and choice. So they now want a top down Federal ban that can allow them to ignore any popular vote, and just impose it nation wide.

I think Trump will be forced to switch back to talking about national bans, but he will try to play the game of saying 16 weeks, which the deplorables will not accept but he will try (and fail) to message them that while he is saying '16 weeks' to win the election, once the law is in place they can change it downward. But the deplorables are so hard core i do not think they would accept even that. They want a ban and they want it pushed in the fce of everyone else, and not down on the QT.
They certainly did in Ohio last year, and in Kansas in 2022. pEarl is so very, very afraid that his party's anti-woman agenda is not going to be the law of the land.

This will frost the forced-birthers' cupcakes. From Axios:


Looks like Nebraska must now be in play, using TOP's logic.
I've been Around long enough to know i've never seen America as divided as it is today... I do agree.Social media is a huge Part of the problem... But the last 3 and a 1/2 years have everything to do with Joe.. I can't begin to think about what four more would do... America would just stop trying completely...

I think that I stopped trying sometime around 1958.
Everybody found me trying anyway, unfortunately.
Things don't always go as planned.
All Joe's got left to campaign on is weed anytime and $35 insulin and inhalers...uh, oh...
... and record jobs numbers. And record stock markets. And record Savings and home equity values.
And huge investments in Infrastructure. And a host more Big Pharma wins. Uh oh.
I've been Around long enough to know i've never seen America as divided as it is today... I do agree.Social media is a huge Part of the problem... But the last 3 and a 1/2 years have everything to do with Joe.. I can't begin to think about what four more would do... America would just stop trying completely...

That's the lead talking.

America is united, you just don't like what that they're united against the failings of the past.
... and record jobs numbers. And record stock markets. And record Savings and home equity values.
And huge investments in Infrastructure. And a host more Big Pharma wins. Uh oh.
Ok... Be sure you "remind" Everyone going to the polls in the fall...good luck...;)
The legislators of each state are elected by the people.

What is more democratic than allowing the people of each state to elect those who support or not support their position on abortion?

I'm ok with that, as long as the Magats do not try to block women going out of State from getting abortion care or contraceptives or access to fertility treatments.

But Magats never stop at saying 'we will not allow it in our State' and instantly turn to 'how do we stop you accessing it anywhere else'. And that is because Magats are extremists, more like the Taliban than a democracy.
Free heroin for elementary school students wouldn't be the best idea... Just Is my humble opinion as an educator and a mom... I know that you don't like Trump ...similarly I don't like Biden... It will take decades for this country to recover... The last three and a half years have been a personal offense to all Americans and our families... I agree..

You'd be all for it if Trump proposed it.
I think that I stopped trying sometime around 1958.
Everybody found me trying anyway, unfortunately.
Things don't always go as planned.
Hmmm... I was four...;) We do have that in common.We've never stopped trying and I imagine that we never will... As i've said before , it's a good thing the country Has both of us... We roll with the punches...
When the Evangelicals and other extremists who make up his base rebel against this position he will go back to what he was saying yesterday, pushing for some form of National ban.

He is really trapped on this issue as his deplorable now realize they are losing State by State on this issue whenever people can force a vote and choice. So they now want a top down Federal ban that can allow them to ignore any popular vote, and just impose it nation wide.

I think Trump will be forced to switch back to talking about national bans, but he will try to play the game of saying 16 weeks, which the deplorables will not accept but he will try (and fail) to message them that while he is saying '16 weeks' to win the election, once the law is in place they can change it downward. But the deplorables are so hard core i do not think they would accept even that. They want a ban and they want it pushed in the fce of everyone else, and not down on the QT.

Good analysis, agreed. He can try to woo them with $60 Bibles, but in they won't be happy with less than a total ban at the federal level. The Supreme Court may very well play a major role in this election too, with their anticipated abortion pill decision. If they agree to ban it, that will drive voter turn out for the (D)s. If they agree to let the FDA approval stand (which is what I think they will do), it might lessen (D) voter turnout compared to the opposite decision. Either way, abortion rights are going to figure large in this election. How do you think they'll rule?
Hmmm... I was four...;) We do have that in common.We've never stopped trying and I imagine that we never will... As i've said before , it's a good thing the country Has both of us... We roll with the punches...

I've done that literally.
We roll with the punches that we see at the last split second.
The ones that we don't see ring our bell really, really loud.:laugh:
Looks like Nebraska must now be in play, using TOP's logic.

Toxic and logic don't go together in the same sentence. lol I still keep in touch with my activist friends in Missouri. They are close to having enough signatures to put abortion (which is totally banned there now) on the ballot this November.
... and record jobs numbers. And record stock markets. And record Savings and home equity values.
And huge investments in Infrastructure. And a host more Big Pharma wins. Uh oh.

There's something wrong with someone who's against people having affordable required life-saving medications, don't you think?
In a recent video, Donald Trump articulated his stance on abortion, emphasizing that the matter should be decided by individual states rather than at the federal level. This announcement, shared on his Truth Social platform, ended months of speculation regarding his position. Trump conveyed that the decision on abortion rights should rest with state legislatures or through direct voter input, asserting that their resolutions should stand as the prevailing laws within each state.

Without specifying a timeframe, Trump outlined his perspective against the backdrop of varied state regulations following the Supreme Court's overturning of Roe v. Wade. He acknowledged that states might adopt different restrictions based on the collective will of their citizens.

Amidst the ongoing debate on abortion rights, Trump's comments come as both political parties eye the 2024 presidential election, with abortion access remaining a pivotal issue. President Joe Biden has been vocal about the impact of the Supreme Court's decision on women's health, supporting individuals like Amanda Zurawski of Texas and Kaitlyn Joshua of Louisiana. These women, facing dire medical situations under restrictive abortion laws, have decided to campaign for Biden, highlighting the personal stakes involved.

Furthermore, as misinformation campaigns targeting Latino voters ramp up, efforts like those by La Campesina, a Spanish-language radio network, aim to provide accurate information on voting and election processes. This outreach underscores the importance of informed voting on critical issues, including abortion rights.

Trump, while positioning himself as a pro-life advocate, has critiqued his party's rigid stance on abortion, suggesting that inflexibility on exceptions for rape, incest, and maternal health has cost Republicans elections. His recent remarks reflect an attempt to navigate the deeply polarized opinions on abortion, proposing a consensus around a potential 15-week national ban, a position that aligns with some segments within the pro-life movement.

As the political landscape evolves, the issue of abortion rights continues to stir significant debate, with the Supreme Court's decision reshaping the battleground. This ongoing discourse highlights the complex interplay between personal beliefs, political strategy, and the legal framework governing abortion in the United States.

Contributions to this report were made by Michelle L. Price of The Associated Press.

What a novel idea. Let the people decide on what they want to do. :thinking:
I've not forgotten either of those trying times...

Really? So when's the last time you saw students being shot on their college campus -- by the National Guard, not by one of your gun-humping friends? When's the last time you saw students protest a war by burning a campus building? When's the last time you saw race riots in Watts or elsewhere? When's the last time you saw police sic dogs on and shoot civil rights marchers? When's the last time you saw lynchings? When's the last time you saw a "America -- Love it or Leave It" bumper sticker? When's the last time you saw gas at an inflation-adjusted cost of $8/gallon? When's the last time you had to wait in line at a gas station to fill up? When's the last time the gas stations ran out of gas?

Debbie Downer, you probably should stop wallowing in the gloom and despair fed to you by your unhinged media and step into the real world. There's room even for you.