Trump announces 8,000 more jobs for American workers

and not every job created during obama's term had anything to do with obama. Trump even participated in these more than a president normally does. Softbank had 100b in worldwide funds for new jobs. Trump secured 50b of it for america.

(laughing) Sure he did. Just like he brought in those 5000 call center jobs.
Let's keep the fact straight, again. Half this country doesn't pay a dime in income taxes, the ultimate cut. When those freeloaders start contributing to the cause instead of taking from the system, let me know. The only argument those that take out but don't put in have is for those putting in to be forced to put in more so they can continue to have something handed to them.

Then change the tax code, dumbfuck.
I have a solution to the it's going to happen either way bullshit. Stop mandating the funding of social programs and let those of you that think one person deserves another person's money get it from you.

In a civilized society, people do for themselves what they should be doing for themselves and if someone else wants to do for them, that one wanting to do it does it with their money not though a mandate forcing others to do it so they can take credit for it.

Which civilized society would that be?
Trump Just Showed Us We Should Always Assume He Is Lying... Again

Donald Trump is a prolific liar. That’s neither an opinion nor a criticism, but a statement of scientific fact. In the midst of the presidential campaign, Politico analyzed a few hours of Trump’s speeches and found he lied once every five minutes on average. PolitiFact gave Trump its Lie of the Year Award for 2015, and has since determined that only 15 percent of Trump’s words are true or even mostly true. Toronto Star journalist Daniel Dale, who fact-checked Trump for 33 days and found he told as many as 25 lies in a 24-hour period (excluding debates, when he crammed up to 34 lies into 90 minutes), wrote that Trump “lies strategically. He lies pointlessly. He lies about important things and meaningless things. Above all, he lies frequently.” Trump lies so effortlessly and consistently that the Washington Post created a plug-in that, lacking the human tendency to grow fatigued, fact-checks Trump’s lie-filled tweets in real time.

With that track record, every single statement released by Trump or one of his many spokespeople, all paid liars, should be presumed a lie in need of fact-checking. The media’s default position should be that everything expelled by the Trump machine, via the mouth of Trump, his Twitter feed or his flacks' talking heads, is an untruth that should be accompanied by a disclaimer.


As you should absolutely expect, Trump was lying. Seppala found that way back in October, Sprint’s parent company, SoftBank, announced that “the company was sinking $100 billion into a tech-investment fund.” Reports of the new hires were being touted as long ago as April 2015. In other words, Trump had no hand in generating the jobs at Sprint that he took credit for on Wednesday. The company had already publicly boasted about its creation months ago.

All this is troubling for a number of reasons. Even for a politician, Trump’s tendency toward easily refutable lies seems nearly unprecedented. This is the third time in recent memory that he has lied to make it seem like he’s delivering on campaign promises about jobs. Earlier this month, Trump attacked a union leader who called out his lies about saving jobs at air-conditioner manufacturer Carrier, and weeks before that Trump was caught lying about his role in keeping Ford jobs stateside. We should see those lies coming by now, or at least recognize them as lies, because lying is all Trump is capable of doing.


The people who voted for Trump don’t care if he’s telling the truth, but the rest of us should. Authoritarians are bad at the truth, and capitalize on complacency and confusion. The demagogue in our midst is counting on us growing so accustomed to the atmosphere of lies that we breathe them in like air without noting its choking toxicity. The best strategy for the media, and for all of us, is to regard every Trump statement as a lie waiting to be disproved.
Yep. So when you bitch about Obama's "low quality" jobs with the low unemployment number, perhaps it would behoove you to shut the fuck up instead.

actually my biggest problem with Obama is the fact he did nothing.......not that he created low quality jobs......
You missed the point. The right, especially on this forum, was shitting all over Obama for lack of quality jobs. Now, here we have a pissant number of pissant jobs that Trump is trying to credit for, which is another lie. So, where is your bitch on this one? Nothing but silence.

Bitching? I am just asking you politely to show what great jobs Obama brought in. By your own statement. Apparently you are falling flat on your face again. I mean really, either put up or shut up. Kind of simple.
I'll go over this again and try to type more slowly. These are shit jobs in insignificant number that Trump had NOTHING to do about bring in. (Still with me?)

Now, on another thread, you lemmings pissed and moaned about the low quality jobs created under Obama. So, where's your outrage now, douchenozzle? That's right. Nothing but silence when Orangetweet takes credit.

Fucking lemmings.
I'll go over this again and try to type more slowly. These are shit jobs in insignificant number that Trump had NOTHING to do about bring in. (Still with me?)

Now, on another thread, you lemmings pissed and moaned about the low quality jobs created under Obama. So, where's your outrage now, douchenozzle? That's right. Nothing but silence when Orangetweet takes credit.

Fucking lemmings.

Here, this is what you said "And discounting the quality of jobs that Obama brought in." So I will ask you again. What quality jobs with good pay, good benefits did Obama bring in? Why is this so difficult for you to answer? It appears the only slow, dimwitted person here is you. Taking you way to long to back up your statement. Can you or not?
Here, this is what you said "And discounting the quality of jobs that Obama brought in." So I will ask you again. What quality jobs with good pay, good benefits did Obama bring in? Why is this so difficult for you to answer? It appears the only slow, dimwitted person here is you. Taking you way to long to back up your statement. Can you or not?

You do your own homework. He saved a helluva a lot of jobs better than this pissant set in his stimulus package and the auto industry bailout.

Thanks for the attempt at diverting from the topic. A little too uncomfortable for you to admit that Orangetweet, your hero, is a self-aggrandizing, pathological liar and really had nothing to do with these jobs?

But, I'll ask again since you failed to answer. Where's your bitch about these shit jobs, bitch?