Trump announces 8,000 more jobs for American workers

That's a pretty big question. Did I support AIG getting money, and subsequently handing out millions in bonuses? Absolutely not. Did I recognize that something was necessary? Yes I did. I wanted to see the money go directly to the people with the mortgages, as a rewrite of terms with better rates. Of course, that would be 'Socialism', and it could never happen.

But...Obama's extension of the bailout included serious mandates that the banks hated. As such, they rushed to pay back the loans with interest. The govt made money in the long run...AIG notwithstanding.

In other words you wanted the money to go to those that should have never been given a loan but were allowed to get them because the banks couldn't say no. Got it.

Why should someone that took out a loan they couldn't afford to pay get a better rate because they made a bad choice?
That's a pretty big question. Did I support AIG getting money, and subsequently handing out millions in bonuses? Absolutely not. Did I recognize that something was necessary? Yes I did. I wanted to see the money go directly to the people with the mortgages, as a rewrite of terms with better rates. Of course, that would be 'Socialism', and it could never happen.

But...Obama's extension of the bailout included serious mandates that the banks hated. As such, they rushed to pay back the loans with interest. The govt made money in the long run...AIG notwithstanding.

the gov't "made" money on paper but essentially just continued to pass on the moral hazard just as they as far back as the early '90's when Greenspan and Summers made the cover of Time for 'saving the world' when they bailed out the Mexican peso.
the gov't "made" money on paper but essentially just continued to pass on the moral hazard just as they as far back as the early '90's when Greenspan and Summers made the cover of Time for 'saving the world' when they bailed out the Mexican peso.
The moral hazard continued to exist to a point, due to the Republican blockade of Dodd/Frank.
No worries, that will be gone by Feb. 1.

But your question referred to my feelings about the bank bailout. In retrospect, it didn't cost the taxpayer. I'm not happy about AIG.
The moral hazard continued to exist to a point, due to the Republican blockade of Dodd/Frank.
No worries, that will be gone by Feb. 1.

But your question referred to my feelings about the bank bailout. In retrospect, it didn't cost the taxpayer. I'm not happy about AIG.

Da Fvck? So the Fed bailing out bankers isn't moral hazard but terrible legislation is?
The moral hazard continued to exist to a point, due to the Republican blockade of Dodd/Frank.
No worries, that will be gone by Feb. 1.

But your question referred to my feelings about the bank bailout. In retrospect, it didn't cost the taxpayer. I'm not happy about AIG.

And it does cost the taxpayers. Do you think the peso bailout cost nothing?
and not every job created during obama's term had anything to do with obama. Trump even participated in these more than a president normally does. Softbank had 100b in worldwide funds for new jobs. Trump secured 50b of it for america.

He did?
Prove it lying asshole. Not with your twisted circular reasoning either.
Provide actual proof. Do it bitch.
Trump tweeted a blatant bald-face lie that would be discovered 10 minutes after his tweet.

He doesn't have to be creative about his lies because his cult followers are complete morons .. as demonstrated in this thread.

I realize conservatardism is a less developed brain but in anatta's case it seems like a contagion
Trump's entire Presidency is going to rewrite the textbook on propaganda.

And his supporters are going to mindlessly buy every word of it. We've seen this show before.
Bush's bank bailout?

yeah.....Bush's bailout....
This morning, President-elect Obama asked President Bush to formally notify Congress, on his behalf, of his intent to exercise the authority under the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act to access the last tranche of $350 billion in funding for Treasury programs addressing the financial crisis,” Dana Perino, the White House press secretary, said in a statement. “President Bush agreed to the president-elect’s request.”
Mr. Bush’s request comes as Mr. Obama and his team are also moving aggressively to hash out the details of a nearly $800 billion economic recovery plan.
The first $350 billion in bailout money has been fully allocated and the Treasury says there is no urgent need for more

In fact, President Obama was so determined to differentiate himself from his predecessor that he decided the measly $17.4 billion President Bush gave to Detroit was wholly inadequate. President Obama upped the ante and committed a full-blown $85 billion to the “rescue” of the auto industry.
Da Fvck? So the Fed bailing out bankers isn't moral hazard but terrible legislation is?
I already told you my preferences...give the money to the homeowners and let them pay interest to the govt. Do you think Bushco would have agreed to that?

What don't you like about D/F?
I already told you my preferences...give the money to the homeowners and let them pay interest to the govt. Do you think Bushco would have agreed to that?

What don't you like about D/F?

Bro, the Fed bailing out bankers is more than just homeowners. The Mexican peso and LTCM were not about homeowners.

Dodd Frank crushes small banks with regulations and small banks are the main lenders to small businesses