Trump announces 8,000 more jobs for American workers


I know how severely loathed it is when such matters are addressed objectively. Obama bashers dismiss such scientific fidelity as "liberal" (a convenient, mindless, and substantially groundless accusation).

But are we to believe the population is not increasing?
There may be more "on food stamps" which by the way I thought was a State administered program. Obama isn't governor of a State. He's president of the 50 States.

So please inform us; how do the current presidential administration's compare to the PER CAPITA stats of other recent U.S. presidents?
Yet a record number of people were on food stamps under Obama. You can make excuses but you'll be just like every other N.L. that supports him. We knew that anyway.

Is 700,000 a number with too many zeros for you to comprehend? Wait. I'll answer that for you. Yes it is.

I gather it's a bell curve, which peaked around the end of the Bush administration.

Obama rescuing GM seemed like a risky gamble to me. I had serious doubts about whether people would want to buy / drive Chevy's anymore.

And yet 8 years later, GM seems to be thriving.

Can't say the same about Solindra.
Perhaps they are call center jobs like the ones Trump is deceivingly beating his chest about. They hit their height in 2013 and have been declining ever since.

call centers are booming in the philippines, india, and other countries. It may just be the #1 industry in the phil.
President-elect Donald Trump announced Wednesday the addition of roughly 8,000 new jobs for Americans, including 5,000 that telecommunications giant Sprint will bring from “all around the world.”

“They’re coming back to the United States, which is a nice change,” he said.

Trump, who takes office January 20, said the other 3,000 jobs will be hires from a new company called One Web.

Trump was elected in part on the promise to return to the United States jobs that American companies had moved overseas, in search of cheaper labor costs.

Last month, he announced that Carrier would keep roughly 1,000 jobs in Indiana, after months of criticizing the air-conditioning corporation on the campaign trail for plans to move the jobs to Mexico.

Trump spoke Wednesday from his Mar a Largo estate in Palm Beach, Florida.

of the 1000 which turned out to be only 700 and those turned out to be paid for by the citizens of indiana in the form of tax breaks
call centers are booming in the philippines, india, and other countries. It may just be the #1 industry in the phil.

Yeah, real quality jobs. Maybe Trump could make it a full time job to bring in a few thousand a month. Look at the bright side. If that occupied his time, it would minimize the damage he could do elsewhere.
Yeah, real quality jobs. Maybe Trump could make it a full time job to bring in a few thousand a month. Look at the bright side. If that occupied his time, it would minimize the damage he could do elsewhere.

He will continue to do these things as president. I will also wager that a lot of these jobs will be placed in strategical battleground states for 2018. Good luck in the midterms.
He will continue to do these things as president. I will also wager that a lot of these jobs will be placed in strategical battleground states for 2018. Good luck in the midterms.

He didn't do shit on this one. But he'll take the credit and a willfully ignorant person like yourself will believe it.
Just my lying horseshit from Trump.

"Yes, Trump is still talking about the same SoftBank fund that has nothing to do with him.

In a convoluted turn of self promotion, the President-elect just revisited his not-so-humblebrag from earlier this month, falsely taking credit for SoftBank’s Vision Fund, a joint $100 billion plan between SoftBank and Saudi Arabia to invest in emerging technologies. As announced in October, the fund’s creators plan to seed it with $25 billion and $45 billion respectively over the next five years.

Given that Silicon Valley is world capital of tech innovation, a lot of that money was bound to land stateside regardless of Trump’s claims to take credit after the fact. Nonetheless, Trump continues to tout his election win for SoftBank’s pre-existing plan to create 50,000 U.S. jobs through its investments in Sprint, OneWeb and the Vision Fund."

Yep...."...was bound to"? That's some reporting.....filled with facts. LMAO More BS propaganda from a left leaning hack calling herself a reporter.....Taylor Hatmaker, from Portland? I wonder who she supported in the landslide conservative victory Nov. 8th? :)

and of course Mr. Trump never had a follow up meeting with the CEOs of Silicon Valley.....prompting them to lobby Softbank for the funds that he knew was available to invest....nope never happened...its all just Quniky Dink. :good4u: That's what Trump does...he makes deals happen...he has just successfully brought an investor and product management together. And the voice from the left keeps pucking up Soar Grapes. Priceless.

Enlighten us.....what has the community organizer, Barry, brokered besides the 10 trillion dollars wasted from the US Treasury in sitting the middle east on fire, while making the US a welfare state?
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You missed the point. The right, especially on this forum, was shitting all over Obama for lack of quality jobs. Now, here we have a pissant number of pissant jobs that Trump is trying to credit for, which is another lie. So, where is your bitch on this one? Nothing but silence.

Oh, the left on this forum was shitting all over Bush when unemployment was under 5% for the jobs not being good. So what say you homeboy?
"when Obama ran for re-election in 2012 he promised he was still trying to solve unemployment......" #217

So Pm #217, has Obama not cut unemployment roughly in half; by the standard used to gauge such performance?

Lets see....I know it was less than eight when he started because he promised the stimulus would keep it under one point he had it around 14, so I guess when he got it back to seven that was about half.....that was what, his sixth year. ...he got it down to what it was when he took office in his seventh year and to what it was when he was elected in his eighth year......he's still short of bush' average though.....and none of that even tries to account for people who have given no.....I would have to say he has NOT cut unemployment in half....
There may be more "on food stamps" which by the way I thought was a State administered program. Obama isn't governor of a State. He's president of the 50 States.

Good lord that has to be the most shallow atempt of liberal deception I have ever the federal government has nothing to do with food stamps now?
He didn't do shit on this one. But he'll take the credit and a willfully ignorant person like yourself will believe it.

and not every job created during obama's term had anything to do with obama. Trump even participated in these more than a president normally does. Softbank had 100b in worldwide funds for new jobs. Trump secured 50b of it for america.
Once again, you don't read Krugman so you have no idea his positions which is why you are so confused here. You also have no idea what Keynesians support considering you said deficit spending is never good.
Krugman's positions are easily obtainable online. He came out against the Stimulus being too small. You claim he supported Hillary's infrastructure plan, while denouncing Trump's. So you have to ask yourself...what's the glaring difference between the two?
Just my lying horseshit from Trump.

"Yes, Trump is still talking about the same SoftBank fund that has nothing to do with him.

In a convoluted turn of self promotion, the President-elect just revisited his not-so-humblebrag from earlier this month, falsely taking credit for SoftBank’s Vision Fund, a joint $100 billion plan between SoftBank and Saudi Arabia to invest in emerging technologies. As announced in October, the fund’s creators plan to seed it with $25 billion and $45 billion respectively over the next five years.

Given that Silicon Valley is world capital of tech innovation, a lot of that money was bound to land stateside regardless of Trump’s claims to take credit after the fact. Nonetheless, Trump continues to tout his election win for SoftBank’s pre-existing plan to create 50,000 U.S. jobs through its investments in Sprint, OneWeb and the Vision Fund."
When you scratch below the surface, you find that Sun bank tried to acquire T Mobile, but met with U.S regulatory issues.

What do you suppose the meeting with Trump was about?