Trump announces 8,000 more jobs for American workers

I wonder how much corporate welfare Trump promised to bribe them with.

You mean how much of their own earned wealth they will not have stolen by Big Brother? FYI: Its not welfare when something is not taken. No tax break is considered welfare. If you want a true example of Corporate Welfare simply
look at the trillions spent on a so called stimulus to Wall Street and the Big Banks and other corporations considered to large to fail. :)

What Mr. Trump is accomplishing is having a great effect on local economies.....instead of sending tax money to Washington to spend on cell phones for the hood..etc., the corporations get to keep and manage their own money and put it to work creating more jobs for the good of the local society.
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No it doesn't. Because the highway system was good all the other federal gov't infrastructure boondoggles are ok? What kind of sense does that make...

Go ahead and list all the bad infrastructure the Feds have invested in.
I will start laughing while I wait.
But someone said creating minimum wage jobs was bad, just a few days ago.

And discounting the quality of jobs that Obama brought in. These are shit jobs, insignificant in numbers and unrelated to Trump. But, by golly, Orsngtweet is going to thump his chest on this one and his lemmings will buy it.
And discounting the quality of jobs that Obama brought in. These are shit jobs, insignificant in numbers and unrelated to Trump. But, by golly, Orsngtweet is going to thump his chest on this one and his lemmings will buy it.

Seriously. Non partisan here. What quality jobs did Obama bring in? Good paying, good benefit, jobs?
And discounting the quality of jobs that Obama brought in. These are shit jobs, insignificant in numbers and unrelated to Trump. But, by golly, Orsngtweet is going to thump his chest on this one and his lemmings will buy it.

Obama claimed unemployment went down while use of food stamps went up. Those things don't match. When you ask one of you Liberal idiots to explain it, you say the jobs don't pay well and people still need help. In other words, you're saying you're willing to give credit to Obama for creating jobs despite those jobs being useless.
Seriously. Non partisan here. What quality jobs did Obama bring in? Good paying, good benefit, jobs?

He didn't. He took credit for something being created while refusing to take blame for food stamp use going up over 70%. What that showed is he was willing to take credit for useless jobs to claim better unemployment numbers when the jobs he used to do that really didn't amount to anything.
"President Obama got the Nobel Peace prize also." S #188
for being not President Bush.

That's not why Krugman got it.
"If there's a soft-science it's economics." DO #189
Which makes rocket science look like child's play.
I agree.
Economics involves but is not limited to group / mass psychology.
It's quite a mess, and requires intelligent people (like Krugman) to master it.
President-elect Donald Trump announced Wednesday the addition of roughly 8,000 new jobs for Americans, including 5,000 that telecommunications giant Sprint will bring from “all around the world.”

“They’re coming back to the United States, which is a nice change,” he said.

Trump, who takes office January 20, said the other 3,000 jobs will be hires from a new company called One Web.

Trump was elected in part on the promise to return to the United States jobs that American companies had moved overseas, in search of cheaper labor costs.

Last month, he announced that Carrier would keep roughly 1,000 jobs in Indiana, after months of criticizing the air-conditioning corporation on the campaign trail for plans to move the jobs to Mexico.

Trump spoke Wednesday from his Mar a Largo estate in Palm Beach, Florida.


Sprint expanded 8000 jobs and Trump took credit for it without any cause. Of course you eat it up, useful idiot.

Sprint expanded 8000 jobs and Trump took credit for it without any cause. Of course you eat it up, useful idiot.

A 70% increase in food stamp users occurred under Obama and you ass lickers refused to place blame on him for any of it. Of course you lick his ass.
Seriously. Non partisan here. What quality jobs did Obama bring in? Good paying, good benefit, jobs?

You missed the point. The right, especially on this forum, was shitting all over Obama for lack of quality jobs. Now, here we have a pissant number of pissant jobs that Trump is trying to credit for, which is another lie. So, where is your bitch on this one? Nothing but silence.
A 70% increase in food stamp users occurred under Obama and you ass lickers refused to place blame on him for any of it. Of course you lick his ass.

The number of people receiving food stamps dropped again since our last report, by nearly 142,000. As of October, the most recent month on record, nearly 45.4 million Americans were still receiving the food aid, now known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. That’s 5.1 percent lower than the record level set in December 2012, but still nearly 42 percent higher than it was when Obama took office in 2009.

But as we noted when Republicans called Obama the “Food Stamp President,” 14.7 million people were added to the food-stamp rolls during George W. Bush’s time in office. By comparison, the net gain under Obama now stands at just under 13.4 million — and it’s slowly declining as the economy improves.