Trump announces 8,000 more jobs for American workers

Please humor me and tell me where I have ever said that.
You attempt, to no avail, to explain how 'confidence' affects the economy here.

If you ever pay attention when the Fed is about to meet, the so called 'economists' all discuss the danger of raising interest rates because of what it will do the the confidence, and subsequently the market.

  1. Reduced confidence. Interest rates have an effect on consumer and business confidence. A rise in interest rates discourages investment; it makes firms and consumers less willing to take out risky investments and purchases.
Of course he did. And 8,000 call center jobs is insignificant. The economy gains and sheds tens of thousands of jobs every month. Maybe more.

I completely agree.

This is why the orange clown doesn't do press conferences. He doesn't want anyone intelligent asking him any questions that would only make a fool of him.
If I were you I'd learn better reading comprehension and a little economics on the side. You said Keynesians don't like tax cuts and increased spending but that's exactly what the stimulus was.

I spoke about Krugman in context of infrastructure spending.
Nope. Krugman believes in infrastructure spending, but you cited him in an attempt to prove that Trump's plan was a bad one. Trump will raise taxes on lower income people, and give massive tax cuts to billionaires.

Contrast that with the Stimulus, which put more money into the hands of the middle class, which always bolsters demand.
So no...citing Krugman re. two totally different economic situations is disingenuous, and fails to make your case.
No, it's a horrible idea by Trump. And it's funny watch Krugman and other Keynesians come out against it.
So you weren't actually citing Krugman....just speculating? That must be part of the confusion. You're assuming Krugman doesn't know the difference between the edge of depression, and a sluggish economy that continues to tick upward.
Don King? You're fucking kidding me!
Did you see that???!!!!! King looked stoned, and there was one point where King interrupted Trump during one of his attempts to dodge the question about Sprint. King just started yelling 'he shocked the world...he shocked the world!!!!'.

Trump looked like he wanted to slap the shit out of the idiot.
So you weren't actually citing Krugman....just speculating? That must be part of the confusion. You're assuming Krugman doesn't know the difference between the edge of depression, and a sluggish economy that continues to tick upward.

Clearly you don't read his columns. He has come out against it after promoting it all throughout Hillary's candidacy
Nope. Krugman believes in infrastructure spending, but you cited him in an attempt to prove that Trump's plan was a bad one. Trump will raise taxes on lower income people, and give massive tax cuts to billionaires.

Contrast that with the Stimulus, which put more money into the hands of the middle class, which always bolsters demand.
So no...citing Krugman re. two totally different economic situations is disingenuous, and fails to make your case.

Trump's infrastructure plan will raise taxes on lower income people and give massive tax cuts to billionaires? Where did you read that?

You clearly don't follow Krugman
Clearly you don't read his columns. He has come out against it after promoting it all throughout Hillary's candidacy
Once more, because you're drunk. Hillary wasn't going to couple the spending with massive tax cuts for the wealthy. Why can't you make that distinction....drunk or not?
Trump's infrastructure plan will raise taxes on lower income people and give massive tax cuts to billionaires? Where did you read that?

You clearly don't follow Krugman
Why do you believe infrastructure programs affect taxes?
Once more, because you're drunk. Hillary wasn't going to couple the spending with massive tax cuts for the wealthy. Why can't you make that distinction....drunk or not?

I have no idea why you are trying to pair the two together. You are adding tax issues. That has nothing to do with the infrastructure plan being discussed.
I have no idea why you are trying to pair the two together. You are adding tax issues. That has nothing to do with the infrastructure plan being discussed.
If you can't understand why an economist would not agree with revenue losses, coupled with higher spending, then you don't even belong in this thread. Each Democratic candidate had plans to fund the infrastructure spending. Trump doesn't. Unless of course, he plans to use the money he thinks he'll get from repatriated corp. taxes?

You have no idea what you are speaking about.
I'm not the one who claimed that an infrastructure bill affects taxes. You were. It certainly affects the debt, but I don't want to confuse you further.
If you can't understand why an economist would not agree with revenue losses, coupled with higher spending, then you don't even belong in this thread. Each Democratic candidate had plans to fund the infrastructure spending. Trump doesn't. Unless of course, he plans to use the money he thinks he'll get from repatriated corp. taxes?

I'm not the one who claimed that an infrastructure bill affects taxes. You were. It certainly affects the debt, but I don't want to confuse you further.

Once again, you don't read Krugman so you have no idea his positions which is why you are so confused here. You also have no idea what Keynesians support considering you said deficit spending is never good.
*meh* the world is doomed because of Trump..
it's absolutely silly to watch them twist and turn when all indications so far indicate GDP growth thru upticks.
Man. I hope I'm never so blindly partisan

Once again, you don't read Krugman so you have no idea his positions which is why you are so confused here. You also have no idea what Keynesians support considering you said deficit spending is never good.

Has Krugman ever been right about anything? Just one thing? Class? Class?????