Trump announces 8,000 more jobs for American workers

In your opinion, did Trump lie about bringing back these jobs?

I didn't vote for Trump. I didn't support Trump. I'm not arguing about Trump here. Haven't really read any of the stories on this because I don't care but it does sound like he's trying to take credit for something he didn't do.
No, it's a horrible idea by Trump. And it's funny watch Krugman and other Keynesians come out against it.
Krugman is a hack. why worry about the debt now? Obama added $10 trillion ( it now exceeds more then a years GDP)
I would not be surprised to see the same Dems who wanted to spend on "shovel ready jobs" now say they don't want spending
on infrastructure.

and the Rpublicans will be screaming about debt. No body cares about debt anymore -it's so 1980ish
The gov't created the incentives for Wall St to do what it did and the Fed pour abundant amounts of fuel on fire by keeping rates too low for too long.
Did you just blame Bush for the bubble/bust?

I think you just danced yourself into a corner. I thought low interest rates created consumer confidence?
So the stimulus was not Keynesian spending then?

And clearly you haven't followed Krugman and other Keynesians calling for massive infrastructure investment over the past decade.
Stimulus created tax credits for working poor. It didn't employ supply side economics. And you are comparing an economy on the verge of a great depression, with a stable economy looking for a boost?
I didn't create the consumer index so if you disagree with what it tracks then your issue is not with me.
So you think it wise to measure 'confidence' due to spending, during the only time of the year that people spend money that they don't have?

Here's some interesting data on 'confidence'. Gallup did this poll based on two questions. Check out the chart, and see the level of 'confidence' just before the market crashed in Aug. '15.

So much for confidence, and the economy.
It wasn't the Fed that created the artificial supply/demand in the housing market.

Why do you ignore that this country only relies on boom/bust cycles? Investors are not patient anymore. They want/get instant returns.

It would have been impossible without Fanny and Freddy
Did you just blame Bush for the bubble/bust?

I think you just danced yourself into a corner. I thought low interest rates created consumer confidence?

I'm not in any corner because I'm speaking about what happened.

You thought low interest rates created consumer confidence? Do you have data showing that to be true?
Stimulus created tax credits for working poor. It didn't employ supply side economics. And you are comparing an economy on the verge of a great depression, with a stable economy looking for a boost?

We were talking about Keynesian economics. The stimulus cut payroll taxes. They cut taxes while increasing spending, something you just said Keynesians don't do.

And again, you clearly haven't been following Krugman et al.