Trump announces 8,000 more jobs for American workers

No, they are referencing the economy. When consumers feel more confident in their jobs for instance they are more likely to purchase more. It almost becomes a self fulfilling type prophecy. It's why it's one of the most discussed economic, not market, indicators
When talking heads reference 'the economy', they're talking about the market. Feeling more 'confident' in their job? What does that even mean? That because they won't be fired, they'll put another thousand dollars on a credit card?
Are you talking about the recovery from the last President you voted for, who left office w/ the economy losing millions of jobs?

The weakest recovery in how long? Overseen by the president I didn't vote for, twice.

Because unlike lots of people, I knew better.
this thread shows how little progressives understand the economy :(
Progressives understand that the market, and the economy exist in inverse proportion.

Market is up because of a bump in oil. Consumers pay more for gas and heating. Explain how confident that makes people.
Trump did not do jack-sh*t!

Maybe some of those out of work coal miners, can apply for those low paying call center jobs?!! Do need much education requirements?

jobs are jobs. it's good money for independent contractors,and OK money for employees -who also get benefits.

Don't sneeze at them . For people who are homebound virtual call centers is very good -or for physical call centers
it's better then working retail or McDonalds.

The Vietnamese are stealing the customer service jobs from India; India is stealing the tech support jobs from the US.
anything that reverses that is good news.
The weakest recovery in how long? Overseen by the president I didn't vote for, twice.

Because unlike lots of people, I knew better.

Shocking that there would be a weaker recovery than usual after a much bigger crash than usual.

And - as usual - you're missing the point. The guy you voted for was President when the economy crashed. The guy you didn't vote for was President when we recovered.

What are you missing in that equation?
That doesn't even make sense. Trump hasn't taken office yet. And of course it's at its highest right now, if it has been steadily increasing under Obama.
It's freekin Christmas. Half of the businesses in the country try to survive until this time of year.
Maybe Trump spoke with Santa?
When talking heads reference 'the economy', they're talking about the market. Feeling more 'confident' in their job? What does that even mean? That because they won't be fired, they'll put another thousand dollars on a credit card?

Dude, look up the definition of what it is. You clearly don't understand.
When talking heads reference 'the economy', they're talking about the market. Feeling more 'confident' in their job? What does that even mean? That because they won't be fired, they'll put another thousand dollars on a credit card?

You're trying to be scientific about the human aspect. Confidence in the economy is a real thing but it's difficult to quantify.
Shocking that there would be a weaker recovery than usual after a much bigger crash than usual.

And - as usual - you're missing the point. The guy you voted for was President when the economy crashed. The guy you didn't vote for was President when we recovered.

What are you missing in that equation?

Why would a bad crash portend a weak recovery? The larger the fall more room to go back up right?
jesus what are you all arguing about? Give Obama righteous credit for the recovery/stimulus.
Bash him for over-regulating / ( along with Congress for lack of tax reform) for hamstringing growth.

Pass it off to Trump for real GDP improvement thru both measures..everybody get rich and prosperous..
can we do that as a country? (no of course not)
Shocking that there would be a weaker recovery than usual after a much bigger crash than usual.

And - as usual - you're missing the point. The guy you voted for was President when the economy crashed. The guy you didn't vote for was President when we recovered.

What are you missing in that equation?

Bush played a role in the crash but if you think he was personally responsible for it, you need to lay off the partisan punch.
Dude, look up the definition of what it is. You clearly don't understand.
I understand just fine. Your talking points are great to stretch the thread, but you don't have numbers to back up your claims. Consumer confidence came about when the price of oil crashed. People knew they'd have several hundred dollars/month for purchasing goods/services.

Meanwhile, Wall St was talking about how horrible the economy was.
You're trying to be scientific about the human aspect. Confidence in the economy is a real thing but it's difficult to quantify.
Confidence in the economy increases investment. It doesn't increase purchasing.

The 'confidence' right now is in fossil fuels, and banking. Both are looking forward to unfettered rein under Trump.

Not good for the consumer.
Confidence in the economy increases investment. It doesn't increase purchasing.

The 'confidence' right now is in fossil fuels, and banking. Both are looking forward to unfettered rein under Trump.

Not good for the consumer.

I guess we'll see.
Why would a bad crash portend a weak recovery? The larger the fall more room to go back up right?
Not when 800,000 jobs/month were disappearing, and the housing market was flooded with empty homes. Fed had 3 QEs in an attempt to move homes.
Bush played a role in the crash but if you think he was personally responsible for it, you need to lay off the partisan punch.

Of course. His was the innocent bystander Presidency. 8 years & economic stewardship, and the crash was all Barney Frank. Oh, and the Dems voted for that war, too.

Gear up your blame for Obama now for everything Trump does.
Confidence in the economy increases investment. It doesn't increase purchasing.

The 'confidence' right now is in fossil fuels, and banking. Both are looking forward to unfettered rein under Trump.

Not good for the consumer.
sure it does..lack of consumer confidence causes people to hold onto their money.
Not to say the organics aren't the driving factor; money is money -debt is debt etc.
But with the economy being driven by what??? 60% consumer spending? it's silly to say confidence doesn't matter.