Trump announces 8,000 more jobs for American workers

I wonder how much corporate welfare Trump promised to bribe them with.

What you call corporate welfare is producing jobs. When has handing some freeloading welfare leech something for nothing produced results? Your problem is you oppose doing things that produce result but think handing some leech something for doing nothing will cause them to get a job.

Probably the only reason economics is such an inexact science is because you can't subtract the human component from the equation. If people start believing the economy is going to improve there's an excellent chance it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Trump is strumming the right strings so far. If he's just moderately successful in decreasing some of the more onerous regulations the economy should take off.
de-regulation is like a stimulus in itself. So is tax reform. The DOW is almost 20k now- it's jumped up since Trump's election.
It's like the economy is ready to spring lose from it's 2% GDP doldrums..hopefully
You're kidding, right? It might drive investors to artificially inflate the market, only to take profits a month or two later. Can you explain how positive feelings will pay the electric bill?

sure. ill make an article in the next couple of days. the fed uses the same concept when they raise/lower interest rates to encourage consumer spending.

Probably the only reason economics is such an inexact science is because you can't subtract the human component from the equation. If people start believing the economy is going to improve there's an excellent chance it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Trump is strumming the right strings so far. If he's just moderately successful in decreasing some of the more onerous regulations the economy should take off.

yup. if they believe its going to improve they 1) spend more of their money which means that more goods needs to be produced/ people need to be hired. 2) potentially start a business leading to more people employed.

theres a reason why consumer outlook and spending are important things.
8,000! If every rich tax-dodger took on one more dish-washer you'd get hugely more than that!

What would happen if every freeloader demanding someone else pay MORE in taxes to support them because they won't actually did something with their lives.
sure. ill make an article in the next couple of days. the fed uses the same concept when they raise/lower interest rates to encourage consumer spending.
The Fed concerns itself with inflation, not the emotions of the few who have money to spend.

So how can someone who works two part time jobs, spend money that they don't have?
yup. if they believe its going to improve they 1) spend more of their money which means that more goods needs to be produced/ people need to be hired. 2) potentially start a business leading to more people employed.

theres a reason why consumer outlook and spending are important things.
You're describing why China's economy had its boom. If more goods are produced, how does that improve the jobs market in this country?
The Fed concerns itself with inflation, not the emotions of the few who have money to spend.

So how can someone who works two part time jobs, spend money that they don't have?

lol. Sure. lets say you have 2 part time jobs. If your more optimistic about the future then you save less or use less to pay debt but rather spend on new goods more. That then generates new jobs etc etc.

It really is quite simple and its actually the main keynsian argument to the economy. Im quite sad you dont understand it tbh.
You're describing why China's economy had its boom. If more goods are produced, how does that improve the jobs market in this country?

if more goods and services are required, more goods needs to be produced hopefully here hiring more people, more barbers, prostitutes and other service personell maybe required as well.

If in the off chance the goods are produced offshore but theres more of them then the demand for transportation from truckers etc goes higher. Demand for port warehouse space and other incidentalls like that as well creating more jobs there.
What would happen if every freeloader demanding someone else pay MORE in taxes to support them because they won't actually did something with their lives.

You think the unemployed and sick (what Nazis fall 'freeloaders') should politely starve to death? Who would the thieves threaten their workers with then, clown? Mexicans, obviously. Trump won't mind, will he!
You think the unemployed and sick (what Nazis fall 'freeloaders') should politely starve to death? Who would the thieves threaten their workers with then, clown? Mexicans, obviously. Trump won't mind, will he!

I think that if YOU want to support anyone for any reason YOU should do it with YOUR money. Until YOU are willing to do on your own what YOU demand the rest of us be forced to do for anyone for any reason, YOU have no argument. You're the typical bleeding heart that thinks believing someone else should be forced to do it means that same as if you actually did it yourself.

In other words, if you feel that someone deserves something, give them yours. It's not your place to make the determination on whether or not I should help them.
You're kidding, right? It might drive investors to artificially inflate the market, only to take profits a month or two later. Can you explain how positive feelings will pay the electric bill?

Consumer confidence isn't the most driver of the economy but it definitely plays a role. If consumers are confident and more willing to spend then businesses will increase production/inventory, developers will build, businesses will be more open to hiring etc.

It's why you hear economists often reference this number.
lol. Sure. lets say you have 2 part time jobs. If your more optimistic about the future then you save less or use less to pay debt but rather spend on new goods more. That then generates new jobs etc etc.

It really is quite simple and its actually the main keynsian argument to the economy. Im quite sad you dont understand it tbh.
Don't be sad. You're quoting ancient history. Can you name something that consumers will buy en masse, that would create jobs in this country?
Consumer confidence isn't the most driver of the economy but it definitely plays a role. If consumers are confident and more willing to spend then businesses will increase production/inventory, developers will build, businesses will be more open to hiring etc.

It's why you hear economists often reference this number.

i find it the most important because it is one of the very few you can impact psychologically which is why trump is so good at it.
if more goods and services are required, more goods needs to be produced hopefully here hiring more people, more barbers, prostitutes and other service personell maybe required as well.

If in the off chance the goods are produced offshore but theres more of them then the demand for transportation from truckers etc goes higher. Demand for port warehouse space and other incidentalls like that as well creating more jobs there.
You're citing niches that never hurt for work. Those jobs are already factored into our employment numbers.
Don't be sad. You're quoting ancient history. Can you name something that consumers will buy en masse, that would create jobs in this country?

i dunno sex? :D

bycicles, magic cards, blowjobs, haircuts, movie tickets, etc etc.