Trump announces 8,000 more jobs for American workers

You do your own homework. He saved a helluva a lot of jobs better than this pissant set in his stimulus package and the auto industry bailout.

Thanks for the attempt at diverting from the topic. A little too uncomfortable for you to admit that Orangetweet, your hero, is a self-aggrandizing, pathological liar and really had nothing to do with these jobs?

But, I'll ask again since you failed to answer. Where's your bitch about these shit jobs, bitch?

In other words you have absolutely nothing to support your bullshit. Took you long enough to admit it. Now, those "shit" jobs you are referring too? Most of them are union jobs. If you think union wages are shit jobs, no wonder you Democrats lost.
In other words you have absolutely nothing to support your bullshit. Took you long enough to admit it. Now, those "shit" jobs you are referring too? Most of them are union jobs. If you think union wages are shit jobs, no wonder you Democrats lost.

They are CALL CENTER jobs you fucking imbecile. A pissant 8,000 that Trump had nothing to do with bringing in. Pull your head out of your ass and grab a breath of fresh air.
They are CALL CENTER jobs you fucking imbecile. A pissant 8,000 that Trump had nothing to do with bringing in. Pull your head out of your ass and grab a breath of fresh air.

Still flailing around huh? And still not answering what high paying, good benefits jobs Obama brought in. How about you run along little man.
If you had some talent for sales -but didn't want the whole suit and tie car salesman - or maybe work retail hustling customers -
would you want a call center job?

Or say you wanted to do something other then just fast food-would you want to do call center customer service?
Or you could work order lines for Pizza Hut or any online service that takes food orders -which are growing

Or you could do booking for hotels or whatever..
These are decent jobs. Much better to keep them here then outsource them to hungry worldwide competition
but the company still has no control over what you do at home. If work at home people used the same version of the software as the office people did then you could copy down all the credit card numbers of the customers and socials and the company could do nothing about it as opposed to call center floors which are usually paperless.

You have no fucking clue what you're talking about. Walk back your statement about having experience with this.