Trump announces 8,000 more jobs for American workers

That doesn't even make sense. Trump hasn't taken office yet. And of course it's at its highest right now, if it has been steadily increasing under Obama.

It's the highest AFTER Trump was elected. What was that you were saying about confidence? That's right, now it doesn't matter because the results of Trump being elected produced a result that made your little black boy look less than what you think he is.
Trump isn't responsible for Sprint bringing 5,000 jobs to the US
The telco's announcement is the result of a pre-existing investment deal, not the president-elect.

"I just spoke with the head person," Trump told Bloomberg. "He said because of me they're doing 5,000 jobs in this country."

Here's the problem: Despite what Trump and the press release from Sprint said (and what its CEO recently tweeted), these jobs were part of a previous announcement from Softbank (Sprint's parent company) CEO Masayoshi Son -- not the direct result of working with Trump.

In mid-October, Softbank announced that the company was sinking $100 billion into a tech-investment fund.

When I reached out to a Sprint spokeswoman asking if the announcement was a direct result of working with Trump or part of a pre-existing deal, she copy and pasted the press release I'd sent along with my first email. I responded saying I already had the press release and asked again if this was a direct result of working with Trump or part of a pre-existing deal in place. I tagged Sprint in a tweet about the situation, and it wasn't until after that started getting retweeted that the spokesperson responded.

"This is part of the 50,000 jobs that Masa previously announced," she said. "This total will be a combination of newly created jobs and bringing some existing jobs back to the U.S."

This is where we are, folks: Our president-elect is tying his name to something he didn't have anything to do with, much like he did with "saving" 1,100 jobs at HVAC company Carrier, including 300 that weren't moving to Mexico in the first place. In November, Trump exaggerated that he stopped Ford from moving a Kentucky production plant to Mexico. In reality Ford announced it wouldn't move production of one model line to Mexico.

So the jobs were being brought back under Obama .. at a time when most of planet earth thought the election was going to be won by Hillary Clinton. :0)

Incredible .. but I'm sure his cult bobbleheads will lap this shit up like its tasty.

And the media....? Where will they be?


...Same place as usual when it comes to calling out the right's lies.
It's the highest AFTER Trump was elected. What was that you were saying about confidence? That's right, now it doesn't matter because the results of Trump being elected produced a result that made your little black boy look less than what you think he is.

Just more of your usual Cranial Fecal Matter.

Nothing drives the real economy but demand

so... you understand this point. Yet you dont understand why consumer confidence is good because it generates demand. Are you sure you understand what your arguing?
You've yet to explain how 'confidence' pays the electric bill.