Trump announces 8,000 more jobs for American workers

Consumer confidence isn't the most driver of the economy but it definitely plays a role. If consumers are confident and more willing to spend then businesses will increase production/inventory, developers will build, businesses will be more open to hiring etc.

It's why you hear economists often reference this number.
The economists are referencing the market, not the economy. Nothing drives the real economy but demand. Feeling good does not sell homes. No business hires anyone unless they have more demand. In fact, most corporations fire employees and drive share price up. Or they buy back shares, to artificially boost prices.

All this nonsense about feeling good/nervous has nothing to do with the real economy.

Market is up because oil is having an OPEC bump. Meanwhile, lower/middle class families are paying more for gas, and heating.

How do you think they feel about that?
I think that if YOU want to support anyone for any reason YOU should do it with YOUR money. Until YOU are willing to do on your own what YOU demand the rest of us be forced to do for anyone for any reason, YOU have no argument. You're the typical bleeding heart that thinks believing someone else should be forced to do it means that same as if you actually did it yourself.

In other words, if you feel that someone deserves something, give them yours. It's not your place to make the determination on whether or not I should help them.

We support OUR unemployed with OUR money, not being given to your insane spite-fuelled competition, and when sick or unemployed ourselves, our contributions go to support US. What nasty, sick, murderous buggers you scumbags are, aren't you? Thank God I don't live in your sick, racist shithole.
he is a sociopath

they cheated this country to win

soon being a sociopathic racist evil fucktard wont help them win elections anymre
The economists are referencing the market, not the economy. Nothing drives the real economy but demand. Feeling good does not sell homes. No business hires anyone unless they have more demand. In fact, most corporations fire employees and drive share price up. Or they buy back shares, to artificially boost prices.

All this nonsense about feeling good/nervous has nothing to do with the real economy.

Market is up because oil is having an OPEC bump. Meanwhile, lower/middle class families are paying more for gas, and heating.

How do you think they feel about that?

Nothing drives the real economy but demand

so... you understand this point. Yet you dont understand why consumer confidence is good because it generates demand. Are you sure you understand what your arguing?
he is a sociopath

they cheated this country to win

soon being a sociopathic racist evil fucktard wont help them win elections anymre

There are fewer democrats in office than anytime in the last couple of centuries. Pretty sure sociopathic racist evil fucktard is working :)
The economists are referencing the market, not the economy. Nothing drives the real economy but demand. Feeling good does not sell homes. No business hires anyone unless they have more demand. In fact, most corporations fire employees and drive share price up. Or they buy back shares, to artificially boost prices.

All this nonsense about feeling good/nervous has nothing to do with the real economy.

Market is up because oil is having an OPEC bump. Meanwhile, lower/middle class families are paying more for gas, and heating.

How do you think they feel about that?

No, they are referencing the economy. When consumers feel more confident in their jobs for instance they are more likely to purchase more. It almost becomes a self fulfilling type prophecy. It's why it's one of the most discussed economic, not market, indicators
No, they are referencing the economy. When consumers feel more confident in their jobs for instance they are more likely to purchase more. It almost becomes a self fulfilling type prophecy. It's why it's one of the most discussed economic, not market, indicators

this thread shows how little progressives understand the economy :(
consumers feeling hopeful is always good

your team doesn't support consumers

your republicans hate the consumer and fuck them to lick corporate ass