Trump announces 8,000 more jobs for American workers

So you think it wise to measure 'confidence' due to spending, during the only time of the year that people spend money that they don't have?

Here's some interesting data on 'confidence'. Gallup did this poll based on two questions. Check out the chart, and see the level of 'confidence' just before the market crashed in Aug. '15.

So much for confidence, and the economy.

You're trying to change the subject because you didn't understand the consumer confidence index has to do with the overall economy, not just the stock market.
I'm not in any corner because I'm speaking about what happened.

You thought low interest rates created consumer confidence? Do you have data showing that to be true?
That isn't my position. It's the standard nonsense that you and others are offering as fact.
We were talking about Keynesian economics. The stimulus cut payroll taxes. They cut taxes while increasing spending, something you just said Keynesians don't do.

And again, you clearly haven't been following Krugman et al.
Krugman was against the Stimulus?
You're trying to change the subject because you didn't understand the consumer confidence index has to do with the overall economy, not just the stock market.
I'm not changing the subject. I showed you a chart that illustrates the point you are trying to make. What happened to the economy in Aug '15? Confidence was pretty high.

And it is YOU who doesn't understand the difference between the market, and the real economy
Trump Seeks Credit for 5,000 Sprint Jobs SoftBank Touted Earlier

Trump’s public pronouncements sometimes exaggerate either the costs of projects he’s trying to influence or his own impact. For example, he said the new Air Force One would cost $4 billion, while the Air Force has budgeted $3.2 billion so far to research, develop and purchase two of the planes. He claimed he had convinced Carrier to keep more than 1,000 jobs in Indianapolis; the accurate number is about 800. In November, the president-elect claimed credit for convincing Ford to keep an auto plant in Kentucky rather than moving it to Mexico. Ford had planned to move production of a specific model to Mexico, but did not expect to close the Kentucky plant or reduce the number of jobs there.

This is what we can expect for the next four years...

We are now NKorea w/ our own little un running the show & wanting respect & admiration for what he does & what he takes cred for, even if he has absolutely nothing to do w/ it..:palm:

Lets all join our non firing hands together & give praise to trumpoff for the rains in their season, no bad earthquakes or floods in this country!!! He will make this stinking non-great country great!!!!
I'm not changing the subject. I showed you a chart that illustrates the point you are trying to make. What happened to the economy in Aug '15? Confidence was pretty high.

I'm not arguing any point. You didn't know what the consumer confidence index represented.
Please humor me and tell me where I have ever said that.
You aren't defending the level of confidence as some sort of measure of the economy? Do you even listen whenever the Fed is about to make an announcement about interest rates?
You aren't defending the level of confidence as some sort of measure of the economy? Do you even listen whenever the Fed is about to make an announcement about interest rates?

I said it is an indicator that economists use when measuring the economy.
Oh. So you're just confused? Because this economy is nothing like the one Obama inherited. So citing Krugman, and then comparing his recent opinions to the Stimulus that was necessary, makes absolutely no sense. If I were you, I'd just admit that you're drunk, instead of having to own your silly claims.
Oh. So you're just confused? Because this economy is nothing like the one Obama inherited. So citing Krugman, and then comparing his recent opinions to the Stimulus that was necessary, makes absolutely no sense. If I were you, I'd just admit that you're drunk, instead of having to own your silly claims.

If I were you I'd learn better reading comprehension and a little economics on the side. You said Keynesians don't like tax cuts and increased spending but that's exactly what the stimulus was.

I spoke about Krugman in context of infrastructure spending.
I didn't vote for Trump. I didn't support Trump. I'm not arguing about Trump here. Haven't really read any of the stories on this because I don't care but it does sound like he's trying to take credit for something he didn't do.

I know you didn't vote for Trump .. that's why I'm asking you for your opinion.
