Trump announces 8,000 more jobs for American workers

You missed the point. The right, especially on this forum, was shitting all over Obama for lack of quality jobs. Now, here we have a pissant number of pissant jobs that Trump is trying to credit for, which is another lie. So, where is your bitch on this one? Nothing but silence.

The lefties on this forum were willing to give Obama credit for what they said were shitty jobs. What's funny is they used them to give him credit for something they said was done with jobs that amounted to nothing.
The number of people receiving food stamps dropped again since our last report, by nearly 142,000. As of October, the most recent month on record, nearly 45.4 million Americans were still receiving the food aid, now known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. That’s 5.1 percent lower than the record level set in December 2012, but still nearly 42 percent higher than it was when Obama took office in 2009.

But as we noted when Republicans called Obama the “Food Stamp President,” 14.7 million people were added to the food-stamp rolls during George W. Bush’s time in office. By comparison, the net gain under Obama now stands at just under 13.4 million — and it’s slowly declining as the economy improves.

The difference is that you Obama lickers continued to say the economy was improving while food stamp use went up.

The number using food stamps is still a record high under the Obama administration and it belongs to him.
The lefties on this forum were willing to give Obama credit for what they said were shitty jobs. What's funny is they used them to give him credit for something they said was done with jobs that amounted to nothing.

The economy was shedding 700,000 jobs a month when he stepped in. Bitch and point fingers all you want, but that's a big fucking hole to dig out of.

But, keeping with the topic, your fuck is trying to take credit for these, which is a lie in itself. And they are pissant jobs and pissant in numbers. Is that what Orangetweet is going to be concerned with? Thumping his chest on shit like this while skipping the daily intelligence briefings?
The difference is that you Obama lickers continued to say the economy was improving while food stamp use went up.

The number using food stamps is still a record high under the Obama administration and it belongs to him.

Did you miss the part about 700,000 jobs a month being lost? Did you miss the part about Bush adding 1.3 million MORE to the rolls?

Sprint expanded 8000 jobs and Trump took credit for it without any cause. Of course you eat it up, useful idiot.

Of course the December 6th meeting that Mr. Trump had with Soft Bank founder and CEO Masayoshi Son....who announced that his firms would be investing 50 billion dollars in the USA and create over 50,000 jobs had no input connection whatsoever. FYI: Soft Bank holds a majority stake in SPRINT. :)
The economy was shedding 700,000 jobs a month when he stepped in. Bitch and point fingers all you want, but that's a big fucking hole to dig out of.

But, keeping with the topic, your fuck is trying to take credit for these, which is a lie in itself. And they are pissant jobs and pissant in numbers. Is that what Orangetweet is going to be concerned with? Thumping his chest on shit like this while skipping the daily intelligence briefings?

Bush wasn't President when record numbers on food stamps occurred. Obama was. They belong to him. Sad part is he was claiming the economy was improving while those record numbers happened. The two don't go together.

Obama took credit for piss ant jobs he said he created. The only reason he took credit was to claim something that, in reality, was nothing when the jobs were shitty under him.

Obama thumped his chest and you obliged him by kissing his black ass.
Bush wasn't President when record numbers on food stamps occurred. Obama was. They belong to him. Sad part is he was claiming the economy was improving while those record numbers happened. The two don't go together.

Obama took credit for piss ant jobs he said he created. The only reason he took credit was to claim something that, in reality, was nothing when the jobs were shitty under him.

Obama thumped his chest and you obliged him by kissing his black ass.

Stupid fuck. When 700,000 people lose their jobs in a month, what the fuck do you think is going to happen?
Did you miss the part about 700,000 jobs a month being lost? Did you miss the part about Bush adding 1.3 million MORE to the rolls?

Seems you missed the part that the number on food stamps 8 years after Bush left is still millions and millions higher than it ever was under him. All the while, Obama keeps telling us that things are better.
Stupid fuck. When 700,000 people lose their jobs in a month, what the fuck do you think is going to happen?

8 years later, the number on the dole is still 15 - 16 million higher than what it ever was under Bush. Apparently, Obama did nothing to help the situation.
Of course the December 6th meeting that Mr. Trump had with Soft Bank founder and CEO Masayoshi Son....who announced that his firms would be investing 50 billion dollars in the USA and create over 50,000 jobs had no input connection whatsoever. FYI: Soft Bank holds a majority stake in SPRINT. :)

Just my lying horseshit from Trump.

"Yes, Trump is still talking about the same SoftBank fund that has nothing to do with him.

In a convoluted turn of self promotion, the President-elect just revisited his not-so-humblebrag from earlier this month, falsely taking credit for SoftBank’s Vision Fund, a joint $100 billion plan between SoftBank and Saudi Arabia to invest in emerging technologies. As announced in October, the fund’s creators plan to seed it with $25 billion and $45 billion respectively over the next five years.

Given that Silicon Valley is world capital of tech innovation, a lot of that money was bound to land stateside regardless of Trump’s claims to take credit after the fact. Nonetheless, Trump continues to tout his election win for SoftBank’s pre-existing plan to create 50,000 U.S. jobs through its investments in Sprint, OneWeb and the Vision Fund."
Seems you missed the part that the number on food stamps 8 years after Bush left is still millions and millions higher than it ever was under him. All the while, Obama keeps telling us that things are better.

They aren't? Are we shedding 700,000 jobs a month that Bush left us?
They aren't? Are we shedding 700,000 jobs a month that Bush left us?

Supposedly, according to Obama, jobs are being produced. However, there are still millions and millions more on food stamps than when you says jobs were being lost. You have yet to explain how a situation were so many jobs are supposedly being created produces the result of more people getting a handout due to losing jobs.

If Obama produced so many jobs, why aren't the numbers on food stamps so much lower than when Bush was President?
Supposedly, according to Obama, jobs are being produced. However, there are still millions and millions more on food stamps than when you says jobs were being lost. You have yet to explain how a situation were so many jobs are supposedly being created produces the result of more people getting a handout due to losing jobs.

If Obama produced so many jobs, why aren't the numbers on food stamps so much lower than when Bush was President?

Perhaps they are call center jobs like the ones Trump is deceivingly beating his chest about.

Well, I'll be

"Fewer and fewer Americans are on food stamps, and the decline is only getting faster."
Supposedly, according to Obama, jobs are being produced. However, there are still millions and millions more on food stamps than when you says jobs were being lost. You have yet to explain how a situation were so many jobs are supposedly being created produces the result of more people getting a handout due to losing jobs.

If Obama produced so many jobs, why aren't the numbers on food stamps so much lower than when Bush was President?

Perhaps they are call center jobs like the ones Trump is deceivingly beating his chest about. They hit their height in 2013 and have been declining ever since.
Perhaps you're just nothing more than the typical Obama N.L.

Wrong, dogshit bagger. I merely recognize reality. Your party handed Obama a near, full scale depression. His stimulus package was a success, albeit a bandaid. But it stopped the bleeding before we bled to death.

Despite every attempt by the Republicans to fuck things up, the economy is much better and unemployment is way down. You can deny that truth all you want, but that merely means you are willlfully ignorant. We knew that anyway.
"when Obama ran for re-election in 2012 he promised he was still trying to solve unemployment......" #217
“... Reince Priebus, the Republican National Chairman today said that 300K jobs ... aught to be expected every month ... and just a historical perspective:
- during the 8 years of President Bush (younger) there were 2.1 million net jobs created in the United States. Of the 2.1 million, 1.8 million of them were in the public sector ... that means there were 300,000 jobs in the private sector in 8 months, in 8 years rather, net ...
more jobs have been created in the United States in the last 4 years than in Europe, Japan, all the industrialized modern world combined. ...
70 years since WWII. 36 years of Republican presidents, 34 years of Democratic presidents. In those 70 years, there were 36.7 million jobs created under Republican presidents ... a little over half the time. In 34 years there were 63.7 million created by Democrats. That's 29 million more. You know, perhaps it's an accident once, or twice or what. But I mean at some point the Democrats ought to be comfort in the fact that they have been better the economy and job creation than have been the opposition.
It's 15 years since we've had 10 consecutive months of over 200,000 [job growth]. Just 15 years ago there was a fella from Arkansas ... there were more jobs created in Bill Clinton's 8 years than there were in Ronald Reagan's 8 years, and the 12 years of both Bush's combined. I mean 6 million more jobs created in those 8 years, ... policy does kick in, & is reflected in the results.” Mark Shields
So Pm #217, has Obama not cut unemployment roughly in half; by the standard used to gauge such performance?
Wrong, dogshit bagger. I merely recognize reality. Your party handed Obama a near, full scale depression. His stimulus package was a success, albeit a bandaid. But it stopped the bleeding before we bled to death.

Despite every attempt by the Republicans to fuck things up, the economy is much better and unemployment is way down. You can deny that truth all you want, but that merely means you are willlfully ignorant. We knew that anyway.

Yet a record number of people were on food stamps under Obama. You can make excuses but you'll be just like every other N.L. that supports him. We knew that anyway.