Trump calls for readmitting Russia to G-7 four years after it was expelled


In Yo Face!
President Trump said Russia should be readmitted to the Group of Seven leading economies, breaking with other world leaders who have insisted Moscow remain ostracized following its involvement in the 2014 Crimean crisis.

Trump’s comments, made as he was departing to Canada for the annual G-7 summit, have the potential to further upend talks with other world leaders. U.S. officials believe Russia interfered in the 2016 election, and part of this year’s G-7 summit was supposed to focus on protecting democracies from foreign meddling.

Trump has sought to improve relations between the United States and Russia since taking office. The U.S. government and other nations have imposed strict sanctions on Russia related to its involvement in Crimea, and those penalties remain in effect.
This is a developing story. It will be updated.

Read more:

Just what does Putin have on Trump or his family?

Trump has no idea why Russia is not at the G7. Our ignorant, lying 'president' knows nothing.

‘Why are we having a meeting without Russia being in the meeting?’ US president wonders.

President Donald Trump on Friday called for Russia to be reinstated into the group of the world’s largest economies, from which it was removed in 2014 after its forced annexation of Crimea away from Ukraine.

“Now, I love our country. I have been Russia’s worst nightmare,” Trump said. “But with that being said, Russia should be in this meeting. Why are we having a meeting without Russia being in the meeting?”

Trump made the remarks on the White House’s south lawn as he departed for this weekend’s G-7 summit in Quebec, which he will depart early from in order to travel to Singapore, where he is scheduled to meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

Hillary lost nut-bag, you need to move on, research shows that being triggered is not only bad for your health, but totally up to you
Hillary lost nut-bag, you need to move on, research shows that being triggered is not only bad for your health, but totally up to you

Odd, I don't see Hillary mentioned once in the OP. Speaking of health, your kind of obsession can't be good for you. The rest of us find humor in your singled-minded fixation.
whatever you say dumber, you and your nut-bag friends being triggered day after day after day is only highlighted by your constant barrage of some of the stupidest threads to ever grace these halls.

like I said, Hillary lost, which is what this obsession of yours is all about,
why don't you focus on moving the needle, you know instead of all of this fake negativity, say something positive, like an idea or two you may have to move this country forward.

TRUMP IS BAD is not going to work, why do you think it will? really?
Hillary lost nut-bag, you need to move on, research shows that being triggered is not only bad for your health, but totally up to you

Looks to me like you're the one with the broken record ... :laugh:

Isn't odd that the only people who even bring up Hillary are people like you.

Oops ...
I'm a broken record when you obsess with Trump negativity 24/7, every single day all you do is post stupid threads trying to spread negativity.

and why, because yes, Hillary lost and you still 2 years later can not swallow it. And you're such a good swallower I hear.
Just mind boggling that you are that triggered, it's unhealthy.

Russia should be in the mix when speaking on world economics, why shouldn't they be.
Because they "annexed" Crimea? like you give a shit about Crimea.
for God sakes man actually care about something real, for once in your life
“Now, I love our country. I have been Russia’s worst nightmare,” Trump said. “But with that being said, Russia should be in this meeting. Why are we having a meeting without Russia being in the meeting?”
Outstanding. 4 years of suspension for Crimea is enough.
If it wasn't for this BOGUS INVESTIGATION Putin and Trump would have worked out a deal long ago
President Trump said Russia should be readmitted to the Group of Seven leading economies, breaking with other world leaders who have insisted Moscow remain ostracized following its involvement in the 2014 Crimean crisis.

Trump’s comments, made as he was departing to Canada for the annual G-7 summit, have the potential to further upend talks with other world leaders. U.S. officials believe Russia interfered in the 2016 election, and part of this year’s G-7 summit was supposed to focus on protecting democracies from foreign meddling.

Trump has sought to improve relations between the United States and Russia since taking office. The U.S. government and other nations have imposed strict sanctions on Russia related to its involvement in Crimea, and those penalties remain in effect.
This is a developing story. It will be updated.

Read more:

Just what does Putin have on Trump or his family?

Trump has no idea why Russia is not at the G7. Our ignorant, lying 'president' knows nothing.

‘Why are we having a meeting without Russia being in the meeting?’ US president wonders.

President Donald Trump on Friday called for Russia to be reinstated into the group of the world’s largest economies, from which it was removed in 2014 after its forced annexation of Crimea away from Ukraine.

“Now, I love our country. I have been Russia’s worst nightmare,” Trump said. “But with that being said, Russia should be in this meeting. Why are we having a meeting without Russia being in the meeting?”

Trump made the remarks on the White House’s south lawn as he departed for this weekend’s G-7 summit in Quebec, which he will depart early from in order to travel to Singapore, where he is scheduled to meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

Trump is getting worse.............
What did Mr Trump say about Russia?

Mr Trump said he regretted the meeting had shrunk in size, putting him at odds with most other G7 members on yet another issue.

"You know, whether you like it or - and it may not be politically correct - but we have a world to run and in the G7, which used to be the G8, they threw Russia out. They should let Russia come back in," he said.

He found support in the shape of the newly installed Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, who tweeted that it was "in the interests of everyone" for Russia to be readmitted. But Canada, France and the UK immediately signalled they remain opposed.

Fellow members of what was then the G8 suspended Russia after it took control of Crimea, saying it would remain until Russia "changes course".

Russian President Vladimir Putin is currently in Beijing, where he was presented with a friendship medal by Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping.

fucking idiots
What did Mr Trump say about Russia?

Mr Trump said he regretted the meeting had shrunk in size, putting him at odds with most other G7 members on yet another issue.

"You know, whether you like it or - and it may not be politically correct - but we have a world to run and in the G7, which used to be the G8, they threw Russia out. They should let Russia come back in," he said.

He found support in the shape of the newly installed Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, who tweeted that it was "in the interests of everyone" for Russia to be readmitted. But Canada, France and the UK immediately signalled they remain opposed.

Fellow members of what was then the G8 suspended Russia after it took control of Crimea, saying it would remain until Russia "changes course".

Russian President Vladimir Putin is currently in Beijing, where he was presented with a friendship medal by Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping.

fucking idiots

Time for you to be honest Trump is bought
Russia doesn't even have an economy in the top 10. Brazil and India have larger economies than Russia.

The G-7 is not for them until they make their economy bigger.
What? Trump isn't smart.. He just grandstands.........
oh bullshit.
He wanted to improve Russian relations when he was campaigning.
Improved relations means prying Putin away from Xi's grasp,as well as reducing Cold War 2.0
He wanted to improve Russian relations when he was campaigning.

Why? Because Russia is where he gets his money. So it's all about his self-interest, not the interests of the nation. Why would he want to improve relations with a country that is illegally occupying one of it's neighbors?

Improved relations means prying Putin away from Xi's grasp,as well as reducing Cold War 2.0

You're kidding yourself if you think Putin is in China's grasp. Putin isn't owned by anyone. In fact, he might be the wealthiest man in the world.
Why? Because Russia is where he gets his money. So it's all about his self-interest, not the interests of the nation. Why would he want to improve relations with a country that is illegally occupying one of it's neighbors?
you obviously have NO CLUE about the threats to not lease Sevastopol to Russia.
Yanukovych's predecessor, Viktor Yushchenko, had vowed to eject Russia's Black Sea fleet from the port of Sevastopol,
nor US meddling in the Ukrainian maidan (Independence Square), the main square of Kiev.

You're kidding yourself if you think Putin is in China's grasp. Putin isn't owned by anyone. In fact, he might be the wealthiest man in the world.
"Putin is in China's grasp" in terms of economic and military partnerships.sanctions drive him there
[h=1]Over the years, we have had presidents who took pride in the legacy of the United States and their efforts to move our country forward!

Trump is tearing down our pride and using the office of this White House to isolate the U.S. from the world!


His petty games will destroy everything that previous presidents worked so hard to achieve. This country desperately needs a hero to rescue America from Russia.

Let's hope this Hero strikes soon.[/h]
I'm a broken record when you obsess with Trump negativity 24/7, every single day all you do is post stupid threads trying to spread negativity.

and why, because yes, Hillary lost and you still 2 years later can not swallow it. And you're such a good swallower I hear.
Just mind boggling that you are that triggered, it's unhealthy.

Russia should be in the mix when speaking on world economics, why shouldn't they be.
Because they "annexed" Crimea? like you give a shit about Crimea.
for God sakes man actually care about something real, for once in your life

This thread is about Trump wanting Russia back in the G7. Russia was booted out because they took over Crimea. You respond with Hillary lost. Can you not understand English? Logic is tough for you?

Russia's economy is smaller that Italy's. There is no reason to cater to them. Why Trump keeps pushing Russia makes you wonder. What is his connection? It is strong, that is plain. I suppose Mueller will discover it all. Then you can spend time thinking about it, and respond that Hillary lost.