Trump calls for readmitting Russia to G-7 four years after it was expelled

Former prime minister Stephen Harper said Russia should never be allowed back in the G7 as long as Vladimir Putin is in power.

"Canada would very, very strongly oppose Putin ever sitting around that table again. It would require consensus to bring Russia back and that consensus will just not happen," he said in 2015.
^Russiaphobia @ work.

why should Putin cooperate with the west? They sanction, and meddle, and encroach even in the Ukraine.

Hopefully Putin and Trump can get a meeting and get realations back on course with a statement of intent
[h=1]McCain statement on Trump calling for Russia to be readmitted to G7[/h]Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) blasted President Donald Trump for wishing Russia was readmitted to the Group of Seven (G-7) nations.

Vladimir Putin chose to make Russia unworthy of membership in the G-8 by invading Ukraine and annexing Crimea. Nothing he has done since then has changed that most obvious fact,” McCain said in a statement. “Every day, Russian-led separatist forces are killing Ukrainians in the Donbass. Every day, Putin’s forces are helping the Assad regime slaughter the Syrian people. And every day, through assassinations, cyber-attacks, and malign influence, Russia is assaulting democratic institutions all over the world.”

The President has inexplicably shown our adversaries the deference and esteem that should be reserved for our closest allies,” he continued. “Those nations that share our values and have sacrificed alongside us for decades are being treated with contempt.”

This is the antithesis of so-called ‘principled realism’ and a sure path to diminishing America’s leadership in the world,” McCain predicted.
[h=1]McCain statement on Trump calling for Russia to be readmitted to G7[/h]Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) blasted President Donald Trump for wishing Russia was readmitted to the Group of Seven (G-7) nations.

Vladimir Putin chose to make Russia unworthy of membership in the G-8 by invading Ukraine and annexing Crimea. Nothing he has done since then has changed that most obvious fact,” McCain said in a statement. “Every day, Russian-led separatist forces are killing Ukrainians in the Donbass. Every day, Putin’s forces are helping the Assad regime slaughter the Syrian people. And every day, through assassinations, cyber-attacks, and malign influence, Russia is assaulting democratic institutions all over the world.”

The President has inexplicably shown our adversaries the deference and esteem that should be reserved for our closest allies,” he continued. “Those nations that share our values and have sacrificed alongside us for decades are being treated with contempt.”

This is the antithesis of so-called ‘principled realism’ and a sure path to diminishing America’s leadership in the world,” McCain predicted.

Hopefully one of our intel agencies step up and do the right thing
Now we are beginning to see the proof of why Putin wanted Trump in the WH so badly and why he put so much effort into rigging our election to install him there.

Putin is beginning to get the return on his investment that he was looking for.

All with the full and zealous support from the fucking commie far right.
[h=1]Former FOX News Military Analyst is "Convinced Vladimir Putin Has a Grip on Donald Trump" - And More[/h]

"I am convinced that Vladimir Putin has a grip on President Trump. And, Anderson, when I first learned
of the Steele dossier, it just rang true to me because that's how the Russians do things. And before he
became a candidate for president, Donald Trump was the perfect target for Russian intelligence. Here's
someone who has no self-control, a sense of sexual entitlement and intermittent financial crises. I mean
that's made to order for seduction by Russian intelligence

"I think [Fox News is] doing a great deal of damage still. We won't know how bad for years to come
when we see the ultimate results."

"With the rise of Donald Trump, Fox did become a destructive propaganda machine, and I don't do
propaganda for anyone."

"I suspect Sean Hannity really believes it. The others are smarter. They know what they're doing.
It's -- it's bewildering to me. I mean I want to just cry out and say, how can you do this? How can
you lie to our country?"
Trump is getting worse.............

Trump's puppets are getting worse.

Poor bastards. They have to defend him for stuff they would have gone ape-shit over if it had been done by Barack Obama.

It must be torturous for them...because there is no way they cannot see their incredible hypocrisy.
Now we are beginning to see the proof of why Putin wanted Trump in the WH so badly and why he put so much effort into rigging our election to install him there.

Putin is beginning to get the return on his investment that he was looking for.

All with the full and zealous support from the fucking commie far right.

The Commie right lol. What planet am I on?

Putin was pissed at Trump for nixing the Iran deal. Why didn’t he release the Piss Tapes then?
[h=1]Over the years, we have had presidents who took pride in the legacy of the United States and their efforts to move our country forward!

Trump is tearing down our pride and using the office of this White House to isolate the U.S. from the world!


His petty games will destroy everything that previous presidents worked so hard to achieve. This country desperately needs a hero to rescue America from Russia.

Let's hope this Hero strikes soon.[/h]

you have got to be the dumbest, most triggered poster on here, you actually took the title from Evince, and I did not think it was possible that THAT nit-wit had an equal never mind someone that would one up her
Odd, I don't see Hillary mentioned once in the OP. Speaking of health, your kind of obsession can't be good for you. The rest of us find humor in your singled-minded fixation.

Like a fixation that requires "defending" something that was "never mentioned"? :good4u:
We all know that Russia interfered in our election. What has Trump done to prevent that? A real president would have opened a huge investigation and took measures to prevent it from happening again. What did Trump do? He denied it happened and even blamed the Dems. Nunes and other Repubs kept the doors open so they get more help in the mid terms. It is called winning.....well really cheating. But there is so much left to steal.