Trump calls for readmitting Russia to G-7 four years after it was expelled

"Trump calls for readmitting Russia"............
............ keep your friends close and your enemies closer. :cool:
Trump is the adult in DC.
Russiaphobia runs wild - Canada is just as bad. Putin makes more alliances with Xi..
Trump is the adult in DC.
Russiaphobia runs wild - Canada is just as bad. Putin makes more alliances with Xi..

Canada is now as bad as Russia?

Putin making increased contact with China is all made possible by the US pulling out of the Far East, China was given a open field to monopolize the region, who else would Russia going to deal with?

The Administrarion is in over their head when it comes to foreign affairs
Canada is now as bad as Russia?

Putin making increased contact with China is all made possible by the US pulling out of the Far East, China was given a open field to monopolize the region, who else would Russia going to deal with?

The Administrarion is in over their head when it comes to foreign affairs
The US is NOT pulling out of east Asia -not militarily or in trade. we simply are not in the TPP.
Your facts are wrong, and your post illogical.

If you had said our sanctions make it all but impossible for Putin to have dealings with the west -
you would be correct
The English language is difficult for you, isn't it, halfwit?

Homeschooled, right?

Here, I'll help you. You hate Russia because you think they fucked with the election and that cost fat ass the presidency.

You see, dumbfuck, you perverts have nothing on Trump, nor do you have anything on Putin. Yet you dumbasses still can't let go. You're chasing ghosts. lol

what else would you like to know about you? ;)

Here, I'll help you. You hate Russia because you think they fucked with the election and that cost fat ass the presidency.

You see, dumbfuck, you perverts have nothing on Trump, nor do you have anything on Putin. Yet you dumbasses still can't let go. You're chasing ghosts. lol

what else would you like to know about you? ;)


Illiterate shitweasel, why don't you review this thread and find where I mentioned ANYTHING about Russia. Or Trump. Or Putin.

Stupid fucking asswipe.
We all know that Russia interfered in our election. What has Trump done to prevent that? A real president would have opened a huge investigation and took measures to prevent it from happening again. What did Trump do? He denied it happened and even blamed the Dems. Nunes and other Repubs kept the doors open so they get more help in the mid terms. It is called winning.....well really cheating. But there is so much left to steal.

All's fair in love, war, and politics.
Liars were meant to wait, dumass76. It's why you perverts never shut the fuck up. ;)

Find a lie, cuntwhistle, or shut the fuck up.

In the meantime, I do accept your concession on your inability to cite Hillary in the OP.

Suggestion - Reading 101 for you, tardboy.
Does trump know why Russia was ejected? If so, does he know Putin has just expanded and dug in. Trump wants to reward Russia for the invasion.of Crimea. Trump is so far Russia that it will be G6 next year. How much pro Russia does trump have to be to turn off rightys. The Russians interfered in our election. Trump has done nothing to punish them or to prevent them from doing it again. What is he, a commie?
Find a lie, cuntwhistle, or shut the fuck up.

In the meantime, I do accept your concession on your inability to cite Hillary in the OP.

Suggestion - Reading 101 for you, tardboy.
Your entire life is a lie. lol

What's your problem with Russia?
^Russiaphobia @ work.

why should Putin cooperate with the west? They sanction, and meddle, and encroach even in the Ukraine.

Hopefully Putin and Trump can get a meeting and get realations back on course with a statement of intent

Because the West is the best. Putin should feel honored every time a Western leader or diplomat picks up the phone.
Your entire life is a lie. lol

What's your problem with Russia?

Comprehension is nonexistet for you, illiterate fuck.

1) Still can't locate Hillary in the OP.
2) Can't locate a lie from me.
3) I never mentioned Russia.

Do you pretend to be this stupid? Please, say 'yes'. Nobody is truly as stupid as you portray.