Trump calls for readmitting Russia to G-7 four years after it was expelled

Does trump know why Russia was ejected? If so, does he know Putin has just expanded and dug in. Trump wants to reward Russia for the invasion.of Crimea. Trump is so far Russia that it will be G6 next year. How much pro Russia does trump have to be to turn off rightys. The Russians interfered in our election. Trump has done nothing to punish them or to prevent them from doing it again. What is he, a commie?

Strong sanctions and approving arms sales to Ukraine is far from nothing. Obviously, the passive rhetoric toward Putin is pretty weak on Trump's part.
Fuck Russia. These global summits should be for civilized countries only.

fuck McCain, Nuland and Obama for fomenting revolution in the Ukraine
we have blood on our hands because the protest got violent. we caused the revolution that threatened Sevastopol access as well
He ran kicking and screaming from those sanctions. He was forced by the Repub party to do something. He gave in reluctantly. Trump delayed any action as long as he could.
Those were on Russia for being in Sysria -since when do we sanction for being in a client state? we do it ourselves.

The other sanctions were all delivered ( the one's from Congress) once the targets could be found.

all of which just forces Putin to be closer to Xi -violating years of US policy to keep China and Russia separated
from military alliances. Thanks Russiaphobes!
fuck McCain, Nuland and Obama for fomenting revolution in the Ukraine
we you have blood on our your hands because the protest got violent. we You caused the revolution that threatened Sevastopol access as well

Fuck Russia for there being a need for revolution in the Ukraine in the first place. And for shooting down that airliner. And annexing stuff from Ukraine. Etc.
Fuck Russia for there being a need for revolution in the Ukraine in the first place. And for shooting down that airliner. And annexing stuff from Ukraine. Etc.
the Ukraine had an alliance to join the Eurasian Economic Union in return for Putin forgiving natural gas debts..
It was negotiated alredy to go. all done in the open.

We lost our minds that the Ukraine would turn away from future NATO expansions - why we meddled.
( besides the fact we were duplitious, and still viewed US/Russian relations as a zero sum game)
You are not entitled to your own facts.

Years later we still can't prove it wasn't Russian separatist (much more likely) the Malaysian airliner was shot down by separatist.

the Putin annexation was caused by threatened access to Sevastopol
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Trump refused to sign the G7 statement. Then he bitched at Tudeau again. Trump is is petty , small and immature.
Trudeau backstabbed him after he left. This isn't a game. it's hardball trade negotiations.
there are going to be bloody noses
the Ukraine had an alliance to join the Eurasian Economic Union in return for Putin forgiving natural gas debts..
It was negotiated alredy to go. all done in the open.

We lost our minds that the Ukraine would turn away from future NATO expansions - why we meddled.
( besides the fact we were duplitious, and still viewed US/Russian relations as a zero sum game)
You are not entitled to your own facts.

Years later we still can't prove it wasn't Russian separatist (much more likely) the Malaysian airliner was shot down by separatist.

the Putin annexation was caused by threatened access to Sevastopol

It's still a zero sum game.
Comprehension is nonexistet for you, illiterate fuck.

1) Still can't locate Hillary in the OP.
2) Can't locate a lie from me.
3) I never mentioned Russia.

Do you pretend to be this stupid? Please, say 'yes'. Nobody is truly as stupid as you portray.
Answer the question, pussy.

What's your problem with Russia?
See, dumass76 is yet another example of leftist bullshit.

EVERYONE knows that the stupid pervert believes the Russians stole the presidency from Fat Ass, but the lying piece of shit is trying to hide the fact that the real intent of the op stems from the anger about her loss in the last election. It's part of the ongoing hate spew aimed at Trump and Putin.

Don't worry, pussy. Your secret is safe with me, the rest of the board's Conservatives, and all of patriotic America. ;)
Trudeau backstabbed him after he left. This isn't a game. it's hardball trade negotiations.
there are going to be bloody noses

Trump already clashed with Trudeau BEFORE the summit..

Did you see the photos of Trump? He's a pariah.
Russian will not be invited back into the G7, unless they return and leave the Crimea and Ukraine territory! There nothing Trump can do about it either, except lip service!
I never made a claim about Russia, problem or not, illiterate bitch.

1) Still can't locate Hillary in the OP.
2) Can't locate a lie from me.
3) I never mentioned Russia.
Sorry, fuckface. You're on the Left. You believe Russia and Putin stole the election from Fat Ass whether you commented publicly or not. The op stems from this belief.

Why are you blocking, you piece of shit? Come clean for once in your misbegotten life. ;)
Trump already clashed with Trudeau BEFORE the summit..

Did you see the photos of Trump? He's a pariah.
there's gonna be more clashes. this isn't a lovefest like Obama's G8.
we elected Trump to disrupt the status quo which was not serving the American people.

If you notice he's once again embraced the security, but on economics the past agreements were not serving the US .
Fix it. or blow it up and fix it..enough of this drift to globalism