Trump: Can end 'disastrous' Russian war in a day


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Sounds familiar, like that crap I alone can fix it?!!

STORY: Trump said, "Before I even arrive at the Oval Office, I will have the disastrous war between Russia and Ukraine settled. It will be settled quickly,” adding that he "got along very well" with Russian President Vladimir Putin, who would listen to him.

Serving as the closing speaker for the event on Saturday, Trump also took aim at the GOP before his presidency, saying, "We had a Republican Party that was ruled by freaks, neocons, globalists, open borders, zealots, and fools. But we are never going back to the party of Paul Ryan, Karl Rove and Jeb Bush."

The three-day conference in Washington illustrated the iron grip Trump holds over the right-wing, grassroots base of his party and how hard it could be for a challenger to deny Trump the Republican presidential nomination in 2024.


Mr Trump told the crowd: "We are going to finish what we started. We’re going to complete the mission. We’re going to see this battle through to ultimate victory.

"This [2024] is the final battle. I know it, you know it, they know it, everybody knows it. This is it. And if they win, we don't have a country."

He added: "In 2016, I declared 'I am your voice'. Today, I add: 'I am your warrior. I am your justice'. And, for those who have been wronged and betrayed, I am your retribution.

"I will totally obliterate the deep state. I will fire the unelected bureaucrats and shadow forces who have weaponised our justice system. And I will put the people back in charge of this country again."

Mr Trump said "top of my list" if elected would be "stopping the slide into costly and never-ending wars."

He can also replace Obamacare "quickly and easily" with something that covers all Americans, and have Mexico pay for the wall....
He'll threaten to cut of assistance to Ukraine, insult our NATO allies, and demand Zalensky surrender eastern Ukraine to Putin
He'll threaten to cut of assistance to Ukraine, insult our NATO allies, and demand Zalensky surrender eastern Ukraine to Putin

Not threaten, he'd just do it and then offer to supply Russia all the weapons they want.
Well, he couldn't do much worse than Joke's done. At least he wouldn't have a total retard for a VP trying to help... Not that any of that says much...
Well, he couldn't do much worse than Joke's done. At least he wouldn't have a total retard for a VP trying to help... Not that any of that says much...

Much worse? Biden has done an excellent job rallying the world community & providing aid to the Ukraine, without getting the U.S. into the conflict on a more formal basis.

If not for Biden, the Ukraine would no longer be an independent nation, and Russia would likely be turning its focus to the Baltics.
Much worse? Biden has done an excellent job rallying the world community & providing aid to the Ukraine, without getting the U.S. into the conflict on a more formal basis.

If not for Biden, the Ukraine would no longer be an independent nation, and Russia would likely be turning its focus to the Baltics.

Wrong. Biden and others have tossed huge piles of money into a bottomless pit. The Ukrainians aren't winning that war and the Russians aren't either. It's going to be an endless slugfest, something that at least the Russians have long been willing to engage in.
In under a year, Joke has tossed nearly half of what was spent in Afghanistan in over 20 years at Ukraine and it's done little other than stalemate a stalemate.

Personally, who gives a shit if one fucked up oligarchy gets swallowed by another fucked up oligarchy?
Wrong. Biden and others have tossed huge piles of money into a bottomless pit. The Ukrainians aren't winning that war and the Russians aren't either. It's going to be an endless slugfest, something that at least the Russians have long been willing to engage in.
In under a year, Joke has tossed nearly half of what was spent in Afghanistan in over 20 years at Ukraine and it's done little other than stalemate a stalemate.

Personally, who gives a shit if one fucked up oligarchy gets swallowed by another fucked up oligarchy?

Disagreed. You're akin to those who said the US should surrender after the Germans launched their Ardennes Offensive DEC44-JAN45, Terry.

"Oh, look! The Germans are too strong. We can never win!"

Fuck the Russians and their supporters.
Wrong. Biden and others have tossed huge piles of money into a bottomless pit. The Ukrainians aren't winning that war and the Russians aren't either. It's going to be an endless slugfest, something that at least the Russians have long been willing to engage in.
In under a year, Joke has tossed nearly half of what was spent in Afghanistan in over 20 years at Ukraine and it's done little other than stalemate a stalemate.

Personally, who gives a shit if one fucked up oligarchy gets swallowed by another fucked up oligarchy?

In other words you strongly support Putin.
Disagreed. You're akin to those who said the US should surrender after the Germans launched their Ardennes Offensive DEC44-JAN45, Terry.

"Oh, look! The Germans are too strong. We can never win!"

Fuck the Russians and their supporters.

The Germans were beaten before they launched that offensive, and it was obvious even at the time, it was going to fail. For example, it took an entire "Panzer Army" (the 5th) consisting of 7 divisions over three (3) days to breakthrough a single US infantry division spread out over a front more than four times larger than it could adequately defend.

Fuck both sides. We don't need to be involved at all. It isn't our fight.
In other words you strongly support Putin.

Putting words in my mouth is nothing but an irrelevant appeal to authority in the form of a red herring. In other words, you are full of shit. Fuck both sides. Let them fight it out, it isn't our business to be involved.

Oh, you might ask yourself who blew up the Nordstream pipeline. There are credible voices giving evidence it was the US by Biden's order. If that is true, and I'm not saying it is at this point, you might ask yourself why you are supporting us getting into a potential nuclear conflict with Russia.
Putting words in my mouth is nothing but an irrelevant appeal to authority in the form of a red herring. In other words, you are full of shit. Fuck both sides. Let them fight it out, it isn't our business to be involved.

Oh, you might ask yourself who blew up the Nordstream pipeline. There are credible voices giving evidence it was the US by Biden's order. If that is true, and I'm not saying it is at this point, you might ask yourself why you are supporting us getting into a potential nuclear conflict with Russia.

Ask yourself why Russia chose to invade this country, my dear. Had they minded their own business, there would not have been an invasion.
The Germans were beaten before they launched that offensive, and it was obvious even at the time, it was going to fail. For example, it took an entire "Panzer Army" (the 5th) consisting of 7 divisions over three (3) days to breakthrough a single US infantry division spread out over a front more than four times larger than it could adequately defend.

Fuck both sides. We don't need to be involved at all. It isn't our fight.
How about Tet? Did you side with Ho Chi Minh? "Oh, we can't beat the Chinese and Russian-supported commies. They're too strong! Let's surrender now!"

No need to resort to lying, Terry. We're not in the fight. We're just supplying the good guys with arms. You know, like we did in Britain with Lend Lease. Why do you want to hand Ukraine to Putin, Terry?

Why should I care? If I don't care who wins, and have no dog in that fight--so to speak--it doesn't matter to me.

You are very supportive of Putin and the Russian Federation as are all of you fringe wingers. Today its Ukraine, then who will Russia invade next in their quest to reestablish the Soviet Union?
At the least we have learned that the country and president you support so highly, is at best a 3rd world power with a military of equal.