Trump: Can end 'disastrous' Russian war in a day

How about Tet? Did you side with Ho Chi Minh? "Oh, we can't beat the Chinese and Russian-supported commies. They're too strong! Let's surrender now!"

No need to resort to lying, Terry. We're not in the fight. We're just supplying the good guys with arms. You know, like we did in Britain with Lend Lease. Why do you want to hand Ukraine to Putin, Terry?


False analogy. We're not supplying "the good guys" with arms. We're supplying one side with arms. You do realize that Ukraine was part of Imperial Russia since before the US became a nation, don't you? This in an internal fight between Ukraine and Russia, we have nothing to do with it, and nothing to gain from it.

This is more like Russia and Ukraine fighting the Civil War over again. It isn't something between two long established nations.
You are very supportive of Putin and the Russian Federation as are all of you fringe wingers. Today its Ukraine, then who will Russia invade next in their quest to reestablish the Soviet Union?
At the least we have learned that the country and president you support so highly, is at best a 3rd world power with a military of equal.

No, I'm not, and you can stop trying to claim what my thoughts are when you are obviously so wrong.
False analogy. We're not supplying "the good guys" with arms. We're supplying one side with arms. You do realize that Ukraine was part of Imperial Russia since before the US became a nation, don't you? This in an internal fight between Ukraine and Russia, we have nothing to do with it, and nothing to gain from it.

This is more like Russia and Ukraine fighting the Civil War over again. It isn't something between two long established nations.
You're free to side with the fucking Russians and Putin just like Trump, but I choose to side with my country and NATO against the aggressors and war criminals who invaded Ukraine. YMMV

Time until Terry claims the Ukrainians are at fault for the war: 10..9...8....

Notice how Kiev is part of Russia in 1533... This is a CIVIL WAR between to portions of a long-standing nation made up of various regional factions. It is no different than the South trying to break away from the US as a whole. It isn't our fucking business to get involved.

If anything, it shows that the people running the US today are historical illiterates.
You're free to side with the fucking Russians and Putin just like Trump, but I choose to side with my country and NATO against the aggressors and war criminals who invaded Ukraine. YMMV

Time until Terry claims the Ukrainians are at fault for the war: 10..9...8....

I'm not siding with anyone here. I keep saying IT ISN'T ANY OF OUR FUCKING BUSINESS!, and you (and others) keep failing to listen to that.
I'm not siding with anyone here.

I keep saying IT ISN'T ANY OF OUR FUCKING BUSINESS!, and you (and others) keep failing to listen to that.
Sure, Terry. That's like pulling Lend Lease from the Brits in 1941 and claiming, "No, I'm not siding with the Nazis! It's not our fucking business!" LOL

South Korea in 1950? Not our business. Vietnam? As fucked up as LBJ handled it, not our business? Let the Chinese have it? Kuwait 1990? Let Iraq have it?

How many countries will the likes of you let rogue states have until you think it's our business, Terry? When they are in Miami and San Diego?
Sure, Terry. That's like pulling Lend Lease from the Brits in 1941 and claiming, "No, I'm not siding with the Nazis! It's not our fucking business!" LOL

False analogy. Britain was a separate nation. Aside from that, Lend Lease or not, the Germans weren't taking Britian so the aid really was irrelevant in the scheme of things. Later, when we entered the war ourselves, giving equipment to Britain and the Commonwealth made sense.

Think of the alternative. We don't supply Britain equipment they can't outright purchase--we still sell them what they can buy--and we instead use that material to reinforce say the Philippines, and sell it to say, the Dutch for use in the DEI, among other places. We might just have shortcut the whole Pacific War by defeating or stalemating Japan in 1941 rather than see them overrun most of Asia...

We're getting involved in what amounts to a civil war between factions of a nation following a political collapse. Like I pointed out--correctly--what is today Ukraine was part of Russia since before the US was a nation. Our historical illiteracy is getting us involved in something we have no stake in.

Ask yourself: What do we get out of seeing Ukraine win? What do we get if Russia wins?
Wrong. Biden and others have tossed huge piles of money into a bottomless pit. The Ukrainians aren't winning that war and the Russians aren't either. It's going to be an endless slugfest, something that at least the Russians have long been willing to engage in.
In under a year, Joke has tossed nearly half of what was spent in Afghanistan in over 20 years at Ukraine and it's done little other than stalemate a stalemate.

Personally, who gives a shit if one fucked up oligarchy gets swallowed by another fucked up oligarchy?

Well, there's the rub. It's not an isolated war.

Putin wants to get the band back together. If he succeeds in the Ukraine, it could easily open the floodgates.

Sorry that Biden is doing well w/ that, and w/ the economy. I get that it upsets the narrative.
Well, there's the rub. It's not an isolated war.

Putin wants to get the band back together. If he succeeds in the Ukraine, it could easily open the floodgates.

Sorry that Biden is doing well w/ that, and w/ the economy. I get that it upsets the narrative.

We don't know that. What is true, is that it is a CIVIL WAR. It's between factions of a nation that fell apart following a political collapse. Biden getting us involved beyond selling military equipment, is a mistake. But then, Biden's whole career in politics as seen him make one blunder after another in foreign policy. He has a near 100% track record of being wrong on foreign policy for the last 50 years. That should tell you something.
I know no such thing. Lend Lease in 1940 made no difference. That is an historical fact, like it or not.

Of course, it didn't since Lend-Lease didn't begin until 1941, Terry. Are you okay? You seem to be slipping into Trumpian dementia over the past several months.
Lend-Lease Act (1941)
Passed on March 11, 1941, this act set up a system that would allow the United States to lend or lease war supplies to any nation deemed "vital to the defense of the United States."
Sounds familiar, like that crap I alone can fix it?!!

[FONT=&]STORY: Trump said, "Before I even arrive at the Oval Office, I will have the disastrous war between Russia and Ukraine settled. It will be settled quickly,” adding that he "got along very well" with Russian President Vladimir Putin, who would listen to him.

[FONT=&]Serving as the closing speaker for the event on Saturday, Trump also took aim at the GOP before his presidency, saying, "We had a Republican Party that was ruled by freaks, neocons, globalists, open borders, zealots, and fools. But we are never going back to the party of Paul Ryan, Karl Rove and Jeb Bush."

[FONT=&]The three-day conference in Washington illustrated the iron grip Trump holds over the right-wing, grassroots base of his party and how hard it could be for a challenger to deny Trump the Republican presidential nomination in 2024.


[FONT=&]Mr Trump told the crowd: "We are going to finish what we started. We’re going to complete the mission. We’re going to see this battle through to ultimate victory.

[FONT=&]"This [2024] is the final battle. I know it, you know it, they know it, everybody knows it. This is it. And if they win, we don't have a country."

[FONT=&]He added: "In 2016, I declared 'I am your voice'. Today, I add: 'I am your warrior. I am your justice'. And, for those who have been wronged and betrayed, I am your retribution.[/FONT]

[FONT=&]"I will totally obliterate the deep state. I will fire the unelected bureaucrats and shadow forces who have weaponised our justice system. And I will put the people back in charge of this country again."

[FONT=&]Mr Trump said "top of my list" if elected would be "stopping the slide into costly and never-ending wars."[/FONT]


And he'll make Mexico pay for it.
Of course, it didn't since Lend-Lease didn't begin until 1941, Terry. Are you okay? You seem to be slipping into Trumpian dementia over the past several months.
Lend-Lease Act (1941)
Passed on March 11, 1941, this act set up a system that would allow the United States to lend or lease war supplies to any nation deemed "vital to the defense of the United States."

It was announced as policy in December 1940. Congress passed it in March 1941, but it started in December 1940.

Also, Germany was stalemated in their offensive against Britain by September 1940, November at the latest, so Lend-Lease had no effect on that. Nor would it have much impact, if any, on events with Britian v. Germany in 1941.
We don't know that. What is true, is that it is a CIVIL WAR. It's between factions of a nation that fell apart following a political collapse. Biden getting us involved beyond selling military equipment, is a mistake. But then, Biden's whole career in politics as seen him make one blunder after another in foreign policy. He has a near 100% track record of being wrong on foreign policy for the last 50 years. That should tell you something.

That's strictly a partisan take. He's doing a fantastic job w/ the Ukraine.

Look at what has happened to Putin over the past year. Had he succeeded in the Ukraine - which he would have within 2-3 months without our help - he would have been so emboldened. Now, he is a monumentally weakened tyrant, and his military has been exposed as being much less threatening than the world had assumed.

It takes a ton of spin to try to paint what Biden has done as any kind of failure. Supporting the Ukraine is something the vast majority of Americans support, and rightfully so.
That's strictly a partisan take. He's doing a fantastic job w/ the Ukraine.

Look at what has happened to Putin over the past year. Had he succeeded in the Ukraine - which he would have within 2-3 months without our help - he would have been so emboldened. Now, he is a monumentally weakened tyrant, and his military has been exposed as being much less threatening than the world had assumed.

It takes a ton of spin to try to paint what Biden has done as any kind of failure. Supporting the Ukraine is something the vast majority of Americans support, and rightfully so.

You're not paying attention.