Trump: Can end 'disastrous' Russian war in a day

Sure. that's probably why Trump saluted the North Korean General. And sided with Putin over US intel. Trump liked working with EVERYONE. Everyone except Americans which he liked to screw.
Well to be fair the FBI spied on Trump so he did not trust them and they used a CIA asset to set a honey trap for a Trump campaign aide. So Trump didn't trust them. Trump was just doing what he always does. He tried to get along with Putin so he could get the best deal possible for the American people. Your guy was taking money from Communist China and is now compromised. So stop whining.
"Congress approved," so that means some repugs voted for it.
Yeah and I have never begrudged the money .I only asked we spend 10% of that amount to secure our own border. I think you will find I am advocating that we send F16 to Ukraine NOW. I would also send HIMAR ATACM missiles NOW.

Both would present Russia with problems that they can't answer.
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Well to be fair the FBI spied on Trump so he did not trust them and they used a CIA asset to set a honey trap for a Trump campaign aide. So Trump didn't trust them. Trump was just doing what he always does. He tried to get along with Putin so he could get the best deal possible for the American people. Your guy was taking money from Communist China and is now compromised. So stop whining.

^ That's your opinion. I think trump tried to get along with Putin so he could get the best deal possible to build the biggest trump tower in the world across from the Kremlin.
We're you against Bush jr invading Iraq in 2003 or did you say:

I thought of the Iraq invasion as more of a preventive measure than a direct necessity. Afghanistan was harboring Al Qaida. They did 9/11 and it was more than proper for us to take them out and crush Afghanistan in the process both to get at them and to show the world if you harbor terrorists, this is what you get.

Iraq on the other hand, was more problematic. Saddam was definitely harboring terrorists, training and supporting them too. You probably don't recall, if you ever even heard about it, but a couple of European Red Brigade terrorists from the late 70's early 80's who had bombed nightclubs, etc., in Europe--particularly Germany--and killed US servicemen in the process fled Bagdad in the days before the invasion turning themselves in to German authorities in Frankfurt rather than risk capture by US forces (the German penalties were far less severe).
Several terrorist training grounds were found including one designed to train aircraft hijackers. Notes of meetings between the Saddam government and Al Qaida were found too. It was well known that Saddam paid Palestinians, among others, for terrorist acts.

So, there was some justification to take Iraq out to prevent future possible terrorist acts. But that's on considerably less solid ground than crushing Al Quada and Afghanistan. One could argue it was our business.
Sadly, I think you should apply that term to yourself. Kiev was acquired by the Muscovite "empire" in 1667. Look it up.

Kiev was the religious and cultural capital of the East Slavs centuries before Moscow was ever heard of. You might as well suggest that Putin should hand his dominions over to Kiev.

My point exactly. Kiev was part of Russia for centuries. It's a civil war.
Sounds familiar, like that crap I alone can fix it?!!

[FONT=&]STORY: Trump said, "Before I even arrive at the Oval Office, I will have the disastrous war between Russia and Ukraine settled. It will be settled quickly,” adding that he "got along very well" with Russian President Vladimir Putin, who would listen to him.

[FONT=&]Serving as the closing speaker for the event on Saturday, Trump also took aim at the GOP before his presidency, saying, "We had a Republican Party that was ruled by freaks, neocons, globalists, open borders, zealots, and fools. But we are never going back to the party of Paul Ryan, Karl Rove and Jeb Bush."

[FONT=&]The three-day conference in Washington illustrated the iron grip Trump holds over the right-wing, grassroots base of his party and how hard it could be for a challenger to deny Trump the Republican presidential nomination in 2024.


[FONT=&]Mr Trump told the crowd: "We are going to finish what we started. We’re going to complete the mission. We’re going to see this battle through to ultimate victory.

[FONT=&]"This [2024] is the final battle. I know it, you know it, they know it, everybody knows it. This is it. And if they win, we don't have a country."

[FONT=&]He added: "In 2016, I declared 'I am your voice'. Today, I add: 'I am your warrior. I am your justice'. And, for those who have been wronged and betrayed, I am your retribution.[/FONT]

[FONT=&]"I will totally obliterate the deep state. I will fire the unelected bureaucrats and shadow forces who have weaponised our justice system. And I will put the people back in charge of this country again."

[FONT=&]Mr Trump said "top of my list" if elected would be "stopping the slide into costly and never-ending wars."[/FONT]


He probably can. He is the only candidate that has a chance at it.
^ That's your opinion. I think trump tried to get along with Putin so he could get the best deal possible to build the biggest trump tower in the world across from the Kremlin.

Cohen said they were negotiating Trump/Moscow when he was running for president. Jr said they got all the funding they needed from Russia. Trump would take the military from Ukraine and give it to Putin.