Trump: Can end 'disastrous' Russian war in a day

Trump is so deep into Putin that he could change the war. He could not end it in a day. That is Trumpian hyperbole. But Trump's efforts to destroy NATO and help Russia would continue. He would end military equipment going to Ukraine. That would help Russia take over Ukraine. Then Putin could rebuild before attacking another neighbor. But we would have Trump/Moscow in operation.
Trump is so deep into Putin that he could change the war. He could not end it in a day. That is Trumpian hyperbole. But Trump's efforts to destroy NATO and help Russia would continue. He would end military equipment going to Ukraine. That would help Russia take over Ukraine. Then Putin could rebuild before attacking another neighbor. But we would have Trump/Moscow in operation.

Trump would end it by stopping aid to Ukraine, betraying NATO and surrendering Europe to his business partner Putin.
Trump is so deep into Putin that he could change the war. He could not end it in a day. That is Trumpian hyperbole. But Trump's efforts to destroy NATO and help Russia would continue. He would end military equipment going to Ukraine. That would help Russia take over Ukraine. Then Putin could rebuild before attacking another neighbor. But we would have Trump/Moscow in operation.

Trump didn't try to destroy NATO.
Russia, Russia, Russia. You are clueless.
My guess on how Trump would end the war in one day, he would recommend giving Russia all of the Donbas and Crimea too and if Ukraine and NATO members did not except this, Trump would end aid to Ukraine and threaten to leave NATO too?!! If Trump is president again, the U.S. will give up it's leadership role in the world for good too?!! If I were Ukraine and NATO, I would tell Trump to go fuck yourself! Can you imagine the U.S. with no Allies in Europe and Asia too?!!
Biden is not President. He was never elected.

You sound like a drunk parrot!

My guess on how Trump would end the war in one day, he would recommend giving Russia all of the Donbas and Crimea too and if Ukraine and NATO members did not except this, Trump would end aid to Ukraine and threaten to leave NATO too?!! If Trump is president again, the U.S. will give up it's leadership role in the world for good too?!! If I were Ukraine and NATO, I would tell Trump to go fuck yourself! Can you imagine the U.S. with no Allies in Europe and Asia too?!!

Discard of history.
No doubt you'd be happy to have Soviet nukes in Cuba, Terry. :awesome:

Well, JFK started that shit by putting Thor and Jupiter IRBM's in Britain, Italy, and worst of all, Turkey to the tune of nearly 300 total all of which could hit the Soviet Union. Up until he did that, the Soviets didn't give a flying fuck about Castro or Cuba. They just returned the favor in the form of a similar threat. JFK's military advisors had cautioned that putting IRBM's in Europe would piss the Soviets off and wasn't worth doing because within a year they'd have ICBM's in service in large numbers making the shorter ranged missiles unnecessary.

Kennedy, instead, listened to his idiot political appointees like McNamara who didn't know his ass from his elbow.

Then, all-of-a-sudden, when the Soviets started giving some payback, Kennedy's people panicked and freaked out about the Soviets doing exactly the same shit they did to the Soviets. The result was the Cuban missile crisis. And, at several points, it came down to one person NOT pushing the button, so-to-speak, that kept everybody out of a nuclear war. That was really too close to it happening that we should ever let it happen again.
You and I both know the stupid shit falling out of the mouth of MTG. What are your favorite stupid things that AOC has said?

Here's a few:

Unemployment is low because everyone has two jobs

The upper-middle class doesn’t exist anymore.

People often say, how are you gonna pay for it? And I find the question so puzzling because, how do you pay for something that’s more affordable? How do you pay for cheaper rent? How do you pay for—you just pay for it.

Well, you know, in this political moment, it’s so unique and sometimes I feel like I have this job of being something of a social worker or even a therapist in my district because this period has been so re-traumatizing for so many folks and especially in a country where we do not have reliable access to health care, let alone affordable health care.
(talking about Medicare for all--aka Socialized, universal healthcare)

So we talk about existential threats, the last time we had a really major existential threat to this country was around World War II, and so we’ve been here before and we have a blueprint of doing this before.

People are going to die if we don’t start addressing climate change ASAP

(Talking about Gorebal Warming and having a decade or less before the world ends)

I have three months without a salary before I’m a member of Congress, so how do I get an apartment?

(As if her getting a $176,000-a-year salary as a House member won't cover the fucking rent...)

It's a different kind of crazy than MTG. AOC comes across as a clueless, air-headed, elitist, princess who thinks her shit don't stink and is going to go out of her way to make damn sure you know it. Think a really stupid version of The Devil Wears Parada.
Well, JFK started that shit by putting Thor and Jupiter IRBM's in Britain, Italy, and worst of all, Turkey to the tune of nearly 300 total all of which could hit the Soviet Union. Up until he did that, the Soviets didn't give a flying fuck about Castro or Cuba. They just returned the favor in the form of a similar threat. JFK's military advisors had cautioned that putting IRBM's in Europe would piss the Soviets off and wasn't worth doing because within a year they'd have ICBM's in service in large numbers making the shorter ranged missiles unnecessary.

Kennedy, instead, listened to his idiot political appointees like McNamara who didn't know his ass from his elbow.

Then, all-of-a-sudden, when the Soviets started giving some payback, Kennedy's people panicked and freaked out about the Soviets doing exactly the same shit they did to the Soviets. The result was the Cuban missile crisis. And, at several points, it came down to one person NOT pushing the button, so-to-speak, that kept everybody out of a nuclear war. That was really too close to it happening that we should ever let it happen again.
Sooooo you support Russia and hate the USA. I get it.

Where JFK fucked up was conceding the US wouldn't attack Cuba in exchanged for the Soviets pulling their missiles.
(Talking about Gorebal Warming and having a decade or less before the world ends)

(As if her getting a $176,000-a-year salary as a House member won't cover the fucking rent...).
All good reasons to not vote for her.

What is "gorebal warming"? Nice pay check. It makes me wonder why MTG was whining about low pay.
Georgia Republican Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene has been criticised after she complained about her Congressional salary of $174,000 and that the job makes her “miserable”.

“Becoming a member of Congress has made my life miserable. I made a lot more money before I got here. I’ve lost money since I’ve gotten here,” Ms Greene told journalist Glenn Greenwald on his podcast System Update.

“It’s not a life that I think is like something that I enjoy because I don’t enjoy it, but I’m committed to this job because I believe in it,” she added.
Sooooo you support Russia and hate the USA. I get it.

Where JFK fucked up was conceding the US wouldn't attack Cuba in exchanged for the Soviets pulling their missiles.

No, I am reciting historical fact. You are tossing political rhetoric and nonsense. Where JFK fucked up was putting IRBM's in Europe. Oh, those were removed as part of the deal too...

In reality, there was a quid pro quo for the Soviet retreat. In return for the Soviet withdrawal of nukes from Cuba, the Americans would remove their nukes from Turkey. The Cuban Missile Crisis’s resolution was, in fact, a triumph of compromise centered half a world away.

The Kennedy administration fucked up, then had to find a way out of the mess they created.