Trump caught stealing shit from White House during his eviction

Is he taking all the furniture like Hillary did?

And that didn't bother you so quit pretending that this does hypocrite.
Is he taking all the furniture like Hillary did?

And that didn't bother you so quit pretending that this does hypocrite.

Hello Reich-Bot Bob! Welcome! Feel free to post your lies, rants, crazy, conspiracy shit, and other fascinating-to-you cut-n-pastes you stole from elsewhere. You're among friends now. It's okay to be slow, it really is. XOXOX
Hello Reich-Bot Bob! Welcome! Feel free to post your lies, rants, crazy, conspiracy shit, and other fascinating-to-you cut-n-pastes you stole from elsewhere. You're among friends now. It's okay to be slow, it really is. XOXOX

The truth stings a bit doesn't it?
Man Seen Removing Bust of Lincoln Amid Trump's Move From White House Raises Suspicions

Debunked yesterday, Mcslobber.

"Trump aides have been caught removing items from The White House that don't belong to Trump or them."

You idiots don't read what your own sources say, do you?

Then the "source" turned out be Jim Acosta's "fears": "Jim Acosta fears Trump aides are looting the White House".

Moronic leftys. The bronze bust of Lincoln is being returned to a museum...right in front of a Marine holding the broad daylight. :palm:


Three staffers were seen on C-Span leaving the West Wing on Thursday afternoon, one of which was carrying a bust of Abraham Lincoln that was due to be returned to a museum.

isn't that the same bust being returned to the museum that we talked about earlier this week........I love it that demmycunts are stupid twice about the same fake news.......poor little Micfuckwad......
Thread title corrected for accuracy:

Mcslobber caught lying about Trump caught stealing shit from White House during his eviction

So “ a man was seen removing it “ NOT TRUMP “ !

What a douche bag !

trump lacks the health to pick up much of anything. he has to ask other people to do things like tie his shoes, tie his tie, and even change his adult diaper.

I suppose one day we will all be that old, but still it is sad to see. Some people it happens earlier, and others later. For instance, Biden is four years older, and has no trouble tying his own shoes, or tie. Biden has no need for adult diapers.
trump lacks the health to pick up much of anything. he has to ask other people to do things like tie his shoes, tie his tie, and even change his adult diaper.

I suppose one day we will all be that old, but still it is sad to see. Some people it happens earlier, and others later. For instance, Biden is four years older, and has no trouble tying his own shoes, or tie. Biden has no need for adult diapers.
How's he doing so far? I can't find a single thread here about how well things are coming together for the's not a good look for Joe so far....especially for the first hundred days... not too worried about who's tying his shoes, tie, or the diaper thing...I am concerned about who's running (or will be) "his show"'s not him, is it?