Trump caught stealing shit from White House during his eviction

damn right........who wants to be reminded that slavery ended and the slaves were freed......

no, moron. who wants a statue that shows the almighty white man standing over the humble inferior black man groveling at his feet FOR CORRECTING A WRONG THAT NEVER SHOULD HAVE OCCURRED IN THE FIRST PLACE, YOU STUPID PIECE OF SHIT.
no, moron. who wants a statue that shows the almighty white man standing over the humble inferior black man groveling at his feet FOR CORRECTING A WRONG THAT NEVER SHOULD HAVE OCCURRED IN THE FIRST PLACE, YOU STUPID PIECE OF SHIT.

well why are you blaming's your party that guaranteed it occurred......we're the party who ended it.......just like you are the party of segregation and we are the party of the Civil Rights are the party of keeping blacks down and we are the party that created the lowest black unemployment numbers in recorded history........seems like we should be removing Demmycrats from office instead of statues of Lincoln.........
thanks for clearing up the fact that while she stole it, she did agree to return it when she got caught.....

learn to read, bitch. she was never charged with stealing it. they thought these gifts were GIVEN TO THEM...most of them decidedly were, when the DONORS made clear their intent for SOME of their gifts to be to the White House, THEY RETURNED fuss, no muss, just chickenshit assholes like you trying to make a big deal out of it cause you are such a senseless worthless toilet clog envious of your betters.
well why are you blaming's your party that guaranteed it occurred......we're the party who ended it.......just like you are the party of segregation and we are the party of the Civil Rights are the party of keeping blacks down and we are the party that created the lowest black unemployment numbers in recorded history........seems like we should be removing Demmycrats from office instead of statues of Lincoln.........

fuck you. you actually believe racist assholes like trump and his voters are the ones who fought for slavery, just because they call themselves repubs like lincoln did? lincoln would obviously be a democrat today, stupid fuck. what did dickheaded trump do to bring down unemployment rates for anybody, bitch? why do you believe such bullshit? a tax cut for the rich and big corporations made a difference? or was it just an improving economy that even trump could not fuck up completely, that he inherited?

here is how much black unemployment rates went down while obama was president compared to lying traitor trump, stupid shit-

He claims full credit for achieving the best economic figures for blacks across the board. That's not accurate. Black unemployment did reach a low last year, but much of the progress came during the Obama administration. Household median income also was higher for blacks prior to Trump taking office.

Trump also asserts that Friday's unemployment report was a triumph in “equality,” making it a “great day" for George Floyd, whose death has spurred protests against racial inequality. But black unemployment actually increased, while declining for whites.

TRUMP, on the economy before the pandemic: “We had the best numbers for African Americans on employment and unemployment in history ... best everything.” — Fox News interview Wednesday

THE FACTS: True on unemployment. Not true by a long shot on “everything” in the economy.

Black unemployment reached a record low during the Trump administration, 5.4% in August, as the longest economic expansion in history pressed ahead.

Most of the progress came when Barack Obama was president: Black unemployment dropped from a recession high of 16.8% in March 2010 to 7.8% in January 2017. Improvement continued under Trump until the pandemic. Black unemployment reached 16.8% in May, compared with 13.3% for the overall population.

(LET US RECAP, STOOGE- Under Obama, Black unemployment dropped from a high of 16.8% to 7.8% when Trump somehow won...since you can't do math, i will tell you that is a drop of 9%....Under racist pig traitor trump, black unemployment kept dropping to a low of 5.4%, before the trump caused pandemic economic disaster, a piddling drop of only 2.4%...asshole)

Not all economic measures improved for African Americans under Trump before the pandemic. A black household earned median income of $41,361 in 2018, the latest data available. That’s below a 2000 peak of $43,380, according to the Census Bureau.

More broadly, there were multiple signs before the pandemic that the racial wealth gap had been worsening.
Rich are doing OK poor doing poorly on all fronts during Trump, from low wage on down. I make a good living,
I can work anywhere I want, can afford to keep my kid with a home (laid off teacher) tutor so his eyes stay on the
zoom classes and he does his homework. Other than wearing a mask and fewer dinners out covid hasn't done much to affect me.
Not so a working mom who cleans hotel rooms or a waiter at a Marriott. I don't know wtf those people are doing for food, rent and medical.
Low wage people won't rebound until covid 19 numbers allow hospitality, hotels and restaurants to reopen.

Biden will fix this.
why do demmycunts lie about reality and even more telling, why are they stupid enough to think anyone is fooled.....

demmycunts? how old are you, drain clog? you are the senseless meatwad who supports trump, who believes there is windmill cancer, that maybe we could nuke a hurricane to keep it from florida and his stupid shit resort, who believes the colonists defeated the Brits by controlling the airports, manning the skies and ramming their ramparts!!! you are so fucked up!!

demmycunts? how old are you, drain clog? you are the senseless meatwad who supports trump, who believes there is windmill cancer, that maybe we could nuke a hurricane to keep it from florida and his stupid shit resort, who believes the colonists defeated the Brits by controlling the airports, manning the skies and ramming their ramparts!!! you are so fucked up!!

why does a demmycunt think that video is relevant.....
How is it possible for so many to hate a person more than they love their country?

what does hating trump have to do with our country, stupid fuck? watch your fucking mouth, asshole. you trump voters are the ones supporting sedition, you piece of shit.
what does hating trump have to do with our country, stupid fuck? watch your fucking mouth, asshole. you trump voters are the ones supporting sedition, you piece of shit.
So the question was...How is it possible?....not is it possible?....
if you do not hate trump, and all he has done, and what he stands for, then you must hate this country. what part of that do you not understand?
i don't hate anyone...why do you? I Certainly don't hate anyone more than I love this country...why do you? And so any others?