Trump caught stealing shit from White House during his eviction

How's he doing so far? I can't find a single thread here about how well things are coming together for the's not a good look for Joe so far....especially for the first hundred days... not too worried about who's tying his shoes, tie, or the diaper thing...I am concerned about who's running (or will be) "his show"'s not him, is it?

you are too stupid to question joe, okay? you are a trump stooge. go to your room.
you are too stupid to question joe, okay? you are a trump stooge. go to your room.
I wasn't talking to you, but I see you have no response to my questions. Have a wonderful day....
What are you doing for others this weekend? Life's most persistent and urgent question as we celebrate the legacy of Dr. King....
Boston removed Lincoln statue...wheres your outcry

god, you are a dumbass. the reason that statue was removed was because it depicted Lincoln standing like a God over a freed slave, groveling in thanks at Lincoln's feet, you fucking moron. it was offensive.

Statue in Boston of Abraham Lincoln with freed slave kneeling › news › us-news › statue-boston-a...
Dec 30, 2020 — A statue depicting a freed slave kneeling at the feet of President Abraham Lincoln was removed from its perch in Boston's Park Square this ..

How's he doing so far? I can't find a single thread here about how well things are coming together for the Democrats.

Really? The Democrats won the Senate, which barely seemed possible. They won both the runoffs in Georgia... GEORGIA!!! That was amazing.

And that was before the Republicans imploded. We now have Republicans agreeing that maybe trump should be impeached and convicted.

it's not a good look for Joe so far....especially for the first hundred days...

trump will almost certainly get a stimulus package in the first 100 days, and will be able to organize the vaccine roll out better in the first 100 days. Both will be remarkable.

The English strain of Covid-19 will begin hitting hard in the next 100 days, so that will be bad. A President that is a good leader in times of trouble is actually helped by times of trouble, so it might not be bad politically.
I wasn't talking to you, but I see you have no response to my questions. Have a wonderful day....
What are you doing for others this weekend? Life's most persistent and urgent question as we celebrate the legacy of Dr. King....

I am going around the internet, debunking all the lies and ignorant posts from trump voters. doing my best to make the world safe for democracy.
Really? The Democrats won the Senate, which barely seemed possible. They won both the runoffs in Georgia... GEORGIA!!! That was amazing.

And that was before the Republicans imploded. We now have Republicans agreeing that maybe trump should be impeached and convicted.

trump will almost certainly get a stimulus package in the first 100 days, and will be able to organize the vaccine roll out better in the first 100 days. Both will be remarkable.

The English strain of Covid-19 will begin hitting hard in the next 100 days, so that will be bad. A President that is a good leader in times of trouble is actually helped by times of trouble, so it might not be bad politically.

Really?;) Thanks....:laugh:
I am going around the internet, debunking all the lies and ignorant posts from trump voters. doing my best to make the world safe for democracy.
Good Luck...Keep us posted on how it's going.... PS: The more time you spend on the internet, the safer the real world;)
Ok, Hillary didn't get caught stealing lol.

no, she did not, stupid bitch. but you did get caught spewing a lie, shit for brains.

Was Hillary Clinton forced to return $20,000 worth of furniture and art after leaving White House?

There was a controversy almost immediately after President Clinton left office over household items and gifts that the first couple took with them from the White House.

Upon leaving office, Bill Clinton reported that he had retained $190,027 worth of gifts that he had received. The Washington Post reported this on Jan. 21, 2001 — a day after President George W. Bush gave his inaugural address.

On Feb. 5, 2001, the Post reported that some of those gifts — $28,000 worth — were intended for the White House, not for the Clintons personally, based on documents the newspaper reviewed and interviews it conducted with donors.

About a week later, the Washington Post reported that the Clintons returned the $28,000 worth of furnishings to the National Park Service. (The Post also reported that the Clintons days earlier had paid the government $86,000 for other items they received as gifts in his last year in office. We’ll get to that later.)

In general, presidents are “free to accept unsolicited personal gifts from the American public,” according to a 2012 report by the Congressional Research Service. Federal law requires that all gifts valued at more than $350 be disclosed in financial disclosure reports each year, but the president is free to keep them after moving out of the White House.

However, gifts from the public given directly to the White House are considered the property of the U.S. government and cannot be taken from the White House by the president or family members when the president leaves office.

As the CRS explained in its report:

CRS, Aug. 16, 2012: Since the President is not flatly prohibited from accepting gifts from the general public, such a gift made to the President personally, and accepted, may be retained by him when he leaves office. Gifts coming to the White House that are not intended for the President or First Lady personally, however, but rather are given with the intent to be made for the “White House,” or otherwise made to the government of the United States, and personal gifts not retained by the President or First Lady, are catalogued, distributed, or disposed of by the United States. “Furnishings,” for example, may be accepted by the National Park Service for use in the White House; “historic material” may be accepted by the Archivist for the Archives or Presidential Libraries; and other gifts for the United States, or ones not retained by the President, may be transferred to the General Services Administration for disposition, storage, or sale.

The Clinton White House furnishings in question, which were donated in 1993, included two sofas, an easy chair and an ottoman, worth $19,900, from Steve Mittman; a kitchen table and four chairs, valued at $3,650, from Lee Ficks; a $2,843 sofa from Brad Noe; $1,170 in lamps from Stuart Schiller; and a $1,000 needlepoint rug from David Martinous, according to the Post.

Mittman, Noe and Joy Ficks, the widow of Lee Ficks, told the Post that their donations were gifts to the White House, not the Clintons. The contributions were intended to complement a 1993 White House redecoration project.

That was apparently news to the Clintons and their transition team, which said that they were not aware that the gifts were not intended to go to them.

“All of these items were considered gifts to us,” Hillary Clinton said in 2001, according the Post. She added, “That’s what the permanent record of the White House showed. … But if there is a different intent, we will certainly honor the intention of the donor.”

Martinous told the Post that he wanted the Clintons to keep the rug he gave to the White House. Schiller couldn’t be reached for comment by the paper, but the lamps he gave were intended as gifts to the Clintons, according to a spokesman for Clinton’s transition team, who told the Post that’s what Schiller told the transition office.

In any case, the $28,000 worth of furniture the Clintons took with them upon leaving the White House was returned in February 2001, according to the National Park Service.

In a statement, the NPS, which oversees the White House as a national park, said: “As a result of questions about the status of certain property donated to the White House during the Clinton administration, the National Park Service will accept the return of the property in question and act as a custodian of such property.”

Prior to returning those gifts, the Clintons also agreed to pay for $86,000 worth of other items that they received in their last year in office.

As a result of the criticism, the Clintons decided on Feb. 2, 2001, to pay the government for $86,000 worth of items they received in 2000, as reported by the Washington Post.

At the time, former President Clinton said: “As have other presidents and their families before us, we received gifts over the course of our eight years in the White House and followed all of the gift rules. While we gave the vast majority of gifts to the National Archives, we reported those gifts that we were keeping. To eliminate even the slightest question, we are taking the step of paying for gifts given to us in 2000.”

In the end, the Clintons returned or paid for most the items that they took from the White House, although they were able to keep two items that they had returned.

In October 2002, the House Committee on Government Reform reported that a $1,725 easy chair and a $675 ottoman were returned to the Clintons “since neither had been officially accepted by NPS for the White House Residence.”
Thanks for verifying that they stole furniture.

Of course they are going to pretend they didn't know, that's what thieves do.
I wasn't talking to you, but I see you have no response to my questions. Have a wonderful day....
What are you doing for others this weekend? Life's most persistent and urgent question as we celebrate the legacy of Dr. King....

Are you going to celebrate again this year with watermelon, fried chicken, and golf, my pointy-hatted little racist? Or are you just going to flit around virtue-signaling in hopes that no one notices what a bigot you really are? :laugh:

Really? The Democrats won the Senate, which barely seemed possible. They won both the runoffs in Georgia... GEORGIA!!! That was amazing.

And that was before the Republicans imploded. We now have Republicans agreeing that maybe trump should be impeached and convicted.

he will almost certainly get a stimulus package in the first 100 days, and will be able to organize the vaccine roll out better in the first 100 days. Both will be remarkable.

The English strain of Covid-19 will begin hitting hard in the next 100 days, so that will be bad. A President that is a good leader in times of trouble is actually helped by times of trouble, so it might not be bad politically.

You're right. Biden will do just fine. He has assembled an excellent cabinet and staff, appointed actual scientists instead of loyalty-to-him lackies, and as we saw recently -- Trump borrowed Biden's plan and decided to change course and release all the vaccine at once rather than holding back second doses. The stimulus package that's already been presented to the public will go a long way to boost the economy. You would think that the cult, which has claimed that their support for #LOSER45 was based on the economy, would be pleased about this.

Toxic's problem, like all Reichtards, is that she only gets her "news" from OANN, Breitbart, Fox, and Newsmax. Of course they are not going to publish anything that makes Biden look competent.
god, you are a dumbass. the reason that statue was removed was because it depicted Lincoln standing like a God over a freed slave, groveling in thanks at Lincoln's feet, you fucking moron. it was offensive.

Statue in Boston of Abraham Lincoln with freed slave kneeling › news › us-news › statue-boston-a...
Dec 30, 2020 — A statue depicting a freed slave kneeling at the feet of President Abraham Lincoln was removed from its perch in Boston's Park Square this ..

damn right........who wants to be reminded that slavery ended and the slaves were freed......
In any case, the $28,000 worth of furniture the Clintons took with them upon leaving the White House was returned in February 2001, according to the National Park Service.

thanks for clearing up the fact that while she stole it, she did agree to return it when she got caught.....